Life of a Gal

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Thursday, February 23, 2006


Hello again...Well...Sorry I did not post anything yesterday what with SJAB and all..Niwae,I will talk more about yesterday than about today...Why?'Cause yesterday was damn fun man!

Let's cut the chase will we?It was during recess if I am not wrong..Went to the toilet with Wani and Zahirah when I saw Jannah with Aqmal outside the classroom...Dude am I confused when I saw her threatening him...Adding with the fact that Aqmal shouted for me to help him..I was clueless..Hahaha...Turned out that the Malay boys locked him out and left him with a deranged gal...

Then when I came in,the boys was like saying "Big boss come!!Reinforcements!!"Or whatever shit...I just ignored them and asked the other what the heck just happened..My Gawd!When Fauzan and the rest said someting about Jannah watching porno I burst outloud!It was soooo funny...Though I know it was not true I could not help myself...Some friend huh?Hhaha...

Then the boys was like "I will support you" and laughed along..It was hilarious dude!Jannah was screaming in frustration...Then I remembered something...Back at the toilet,Wani told me that one of the boys hid my bag inside the closet and she took it back for me...I went up to the boys and said.

"Tadi ade satu burung bilang aku..Sape taruk beg aku dalam closet??!"
(Just now,there's one bird that told me...Who placed my bag in the closet??!)

All the boys pointed at Fauzan who tried his uhh best to point at the others but well I knew...I even asked Madi 'cause he was the only guy who was in class with Fauzan..And he took his english worksheet and shoved it into my face saying that he was doing his homework...Semangat...Panik nampak bang?Nyahahah...

I beat Fauzan and left 'em...For the whole day,Jannah was teased by them...Poor gal...Hhahaah...Not to mention today..There was rows of chair that someone kinda took and placed in behind our class...Some boys including Madi and Aqmal went to sit there...From my point of view,it looked like they were
waiting for something...Like in the polyclinic or something...

Then I think Nasri said that they are waiting for Jannah...I do not even want to finish that sentence...Man..Nasri was crude..Jannah chased him around the class shouting that she will kill him..Madi even took something and make it as though he was whipping something...Kinky fella...Ceh...

Overall it was damn funny when they started teasing Jannah though sometimes it was pretty annoying...Especially to Jannah...Nyahahah...Oh!!I also teased her with Aqmal..Why?'Cause I had nothing better to do..It was about the Hari Raya piccy where we were all sitting on the floor but only him and her was sitting behind...When I said this during Maths lesson,Aqmal who was sitting beside Madi behind me,shot back indignantly that there was no place else to sit..Man..Thay guy was funny when he did that expression...Desperation..

They made a good couple if you asked me..Nyahaha!!!Fine..fine...Before they kill me I'd better stop sprouting rubbish..Well..Guess that's all then...It's been quite a fun roller-coaster ride this past two day!

See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!

PS:'M definetely going for the band and choir performance on 22 March!!Wheee~!