Life of a Gal

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Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Oh My My BlooDy ShiT!!!I could not believe that I nailed it!!!Hahah...'M soo bloody happy man!!Hmmm...You guys must be wondering why I'm so happy..Well...Remember when I said that my results will be out yersteday??Here is my unbelievable story...

That day I was sooo nervous...But come on!!You can't show the people that you are a wreak so I put on the cool-it-man-it's-nothing-to-me attitude....Then I went to meet my friends,Aini and Zahira at the void deck behind the school...There,we sat and talked for quite some time...I was like wringing my hands on the sling of my bag while trying to lessen the tension by being cheerful and all that shit....

Finally Zahira and I decided to drag Aini into the school...Not literally...She was so nervous,you could feel the ground shake under her trembling feet...Well,we went in straight to the toilet...There we met Jannah,who decided to show herself by screaming outloud 'cause she thought we were ghosts!!!Ehh babab!!Ever see ghosts as shitty scared as us???!!!

After all that we went out to meet her mother...It's quite funny actually...Ever heard about a mother who can't stop going to the toilet 'cause her CALM daughter is going to get her results that will determine whether she is to be kill or kiss???Phew...Long sentences...Better not do that in the essay or my marks will be deducted...

Niwae,that was the time Mr Tang decided to announced his all-and-mighty presence by saying that all 4Ns & 4Ts were to proceed to the Hall...I swear my heart was pumping soo hard I could just suffer a heart attack right there...I mean I had been having this dream that I failed the goddamn exam!!Shit u!!!

Before we step into the hall,Jannah and I thought it will bring us good luck if we step into the hall with our right leg first so we did...Literally...Hahaha...And NEITHER of us wanted to sit in front...Even the so-called 'brave' malay boys...Finally Mrs Ng said that we were to sit according to our index no.

Man...Mr Chia took a long time to announce the release...There we were nearly having a heart attack but he was still taking his own stride....Ceh...Nasri was nearly shitting himself in his pants...Quite funny...All of us malays was so scared...Then came the stiff moment...Anouncing the top students...

I was like ' No way my face will appear..' and I continue browsing through the ITE booklet looking at the courses I would like to take...Then the malay boys scared the hell outta me by shouting that my face was on the screen!!!If the situation was a tad different,I would have laugh my ass out at their OBVIOUS bewildered expressions..My GAWD!!Their eyes were like bulging out!Especially Nasri who even said that my face cannot fit the screen...Niwae,I was like muttering curses while I was walking towards the stage...It was scary man!!!

I was so nervous I could not smile when they wanted to take our picture...Hell..Neither of us were...That was until Mr Chia said that we should be smiling 'cause we were the top students and not be soo stiff...Hahah...We looked as if we were sentenced to a death penalty and was facing a firing squad..I decided to giv just a grin...

Well...After I got my results,I called my mom and guessed what??I cried!!!Hahaha...Too happy man!!!It's also because I know that all the malay boys passed...It was really a memorable moment for me...Should'a brought a camera!!

Overall I had the fun of my life...After that I went out with my friends from primary school...'M soo glad I could atleast make them proud..I mean they are WAY cleverer than me...I always feel kinda stupid..Hahah...BUT!!Atleast they are happy for mee!!

Hmmm...Guess that's all...Still could not believed that me,Nurulhuda_aka_kude_aka_S & L is one of the TOP students!!!I'm soo grateful for those who really believed that I can excelled...Hope I make u all proud of me even after knowing that I am pretty slow in my subjects...Hahah...THANKX!!!! ^^

Well,that goes to show that I am not as stupid as I look...Which I'm not...I mean in my studies yeah maybe but in life,I pretended to be more ignorant than you guys think..In other words,I may know more than what you assumed...Hahaha...Not that I want to brag or what but just saying what I think about myself... Gaargghh!!!Gotta cry again..Jeeaz...'M soo sentimental nowadays...Okay then...Gotta Go!!!

See Ya Slackerz and Loserz!!!

PS:Can finally show SOMEONE that she can take the stick and shove it up her ass 'cause she find it's understandable for her to pity me 'cause I always acted clever and is a retainee!!!HAH!!!