Downloaded all SUJU 2nd Album..Not feeling guilty 'cause I've already ordered the album..XD Loves 'Don't Don',Song for You and 'Disco Drive'!!
Currently addicted to TVXQ 'Shine'..Will post the song up once Im satisfied listening to 'Don't Don'...

OH!!!Jae Joong and Yunho too did take pictures together..I think its about fashion?Hahhaa...So long I since I've seen them together..JAEHONESS!!! XD

Lastly,pictures and biographies of our 13 members from SUJU! XD

OK!Done!!So tiring... XD
And to finish off,SUJU new MV 'Don't Don'!!Finally!! XD
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:These pictures are not taken from me of course..Credits to whoever post it up in forums~