ANYWAY,nearly reaching my target...2 more kg to go.. ^__^
Ummm...Don have much to say 'cause everyday lives seems the same to me..Wake up at 5 am,go back to sleep then wake up and play com till 7 before I went to break my fast..Then went exercising ( I wouldn't call it jogging though... ) and went home...Then the cycle repeats.. -.-
Oh yeah...Ordered my contact lens on Tuesday so I will be taking it tomorrow...My mama being xtra generous that day and still can ask me whether I want to buy the colourless ones too... XD
Hahhaah..It will be super weird for one color though...Bought two colours,Hippie Chestnut and Groovy Green..Hope it own be that noticeable 'cause there are two types of green...But the other one was more lighter than what I've chosen....
Hmmm...Most likely I'm cutting and re-dyeing my hair by this week if not next week...Wanna try the new brand,Garnier aince it became Halal...Can't wait to cut my hair... -.- Though I won't be cutting it short..It won't even make much different I think...
BTW,speaking of hair..Although I am digging their new hairstyles,I totally wished KangIn would grow his hair back quick... >__<>__<
1 more week!!!! XD XD
I am so totally falling on love with 'Don't Don' right now...If obly I know the steps to the dance..Aside from the pelvic thrusts that is...Kinda HARD to miss that...Hahahha...
*Issit so weird to be crazy over or like guys who are not the in same religion?* -.-