Saw Kang In,Shiwon,Heechul and Hankyung new hairstyle..Super COOL!!!Especially Hankung's!!!I thought I would hate their new concept but hell!I'm beginning to love it!!!!Their teasing picture just killed me.. >__<
Oh!And I take back my words about Kang In's hair...After seeing this trailer,damn is he cool in those hair..Now I knoe why they cut it that way!! ^__^ Oh!BTW,Shindong also seemed to cut his hair like Kang In's...Hahhaa...
I am so gonna be broke this month..With TVXQ 2nd Japan Concert DVD:Five in the Black and SUJU 2nd Album releasing this month...Aaarghh!!Which one should I buy first??!!Its a good thing Hari Raya is approaching..Now I am looking forward to Hari Raya..Hahhaa..I think you know why.. ^__^
Niwae,my results are coming out next wednesday..Kinda freaking me out after hearing all my other friends' results...Yet I can't wait to know mine..Hahha...OMG..Hope I do well in my first semester...Huda Hwaiting!!!!
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!