CHERYL ah!!!They looked HOT!!!Loving their new concept..Though I do missed their cute looks..BUT manly look too suits them! XD
Heard two of their songs,Don't Don ( which you're listening now ) and Sapphire Blue...Damn nice...Waiting impatientlu for the rest of the songs!!! >__<
And I've make a mistake..The one in the ponytail was not Sungmin but Heechul..Hahhaha...But I thought his hair was already short?Wig maybe?Hahhaha...And I'm ordering All About TVXQ 2 next month..The cost is 90 bucks... O.o
All my Hari Raya money is already disappearing before I even touch it... -.-
I nearly cancel my fasting when I saw Shiwon's abs...OMG..He HAVE been working out... O.o You can see here! *But I wonder who's that guy holding the violin...I hope not a new member.. >__< **
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!