Leeteuk's hair!!Teukie Teukie's hair!!HOTTTTTT!!!But another shocking revelation that nearly killed me is Sungmin's HAIR!!!!NOOO!!!OMG!!! >__<

Heard news that the pictures of the members new image was leaked..Heechul was pissed as he wrote in his Iple or issit Cyworld?Can't remember...Luckily I was quite late ( as usual ) when I went browsing the forum if not I will be spoiled!!
Although the suspense is killing me,I must respect the members who have put in so much efforts to conceal their new images..Respect is the main point then comes the craziness of a fan! XDXD Just 2 more days to wait..Be patient Huda!
For those who are still spreading the pictures around please stop it... >.>
You might think i'm crazy for being overly excited about these things but hell who cares?I'm bored so just leave me alone so I can entertain myself! XDXD
And I'm paying the SUJU preorder items this thursday!! ^__^ Yep!I'm full of happiness this month!!
On a duller note,my result is coming out tomorrow at 6 am!!!! >__<>
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!