For those who are wondering what the hell they're were singing...Forgot to put in up last time..Mianhe..
Don’t Don (Don’t Money/Insane)
If this is the end
If there’re no chances
It’s been said that everyone is wrong
In this world
World like a farce
The people who can’t laugh are so sick of it
Don’t Don!The world where everything is money/insane
You locked up in a circle
What is your mind?
(You outta control what is your mind?)
Please look around you
You can see the eyes of despair
(Stop banging my head My eyes gone red)
Getting further away
The world that’s enough as it is
The world that’s happy with what it already has
Although the dreamers
Leave one by one
It doesn’t change
The world is mine
I’m the law of this world
While I waited solely for their happiness
It’s just that I grabbed the chance before anyone
I don’t hane the consideration for the weak
Even if I burn up all my flames I can’t give up
Not for theirs
But for our children’s world
But don’t blame me too much
It wasn’t me!The world made you that way
Everything that I had wanted I take it all
Even if the world turns its back on me
I close my eyes and cover my ears
To create the chaos
Only some brains and a bit of money is needed
Even if I burn up all my flames I want to protect
For my child who will have to live
The end of the world of money/insane
Don’t Don!The world where everything is money/insane
You locked up in a circle
What is your mind?
(You outta control what is your mind?)
Please look around you
You can see the eyes of despair
(Stop banging my head My eyes gone red)
Don’t money/insane!Stop it now take off
Your hypocritical mask
(That it off!That hypocritical mask)
Everyone is waiting!Don’t forget the last wish
(That it off!That hypocritical mask)
Life of a Gal
Please do NOT Take anything from this site and use for your own purposes
Friday, September 28, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Rambling of a Hyped Girl

ANYWAY,nearly reaching my target...2 more kg to go.. ^__^
Ummm...Don have much to say 'cause everyday lives seems the same to me..Wake up at 5 am,go back to sleep then wake up and play com till 7 before I went to break my fast..Then went exercising ( I wouldn't call it jogging though... ) and went home...Then the cycle repeats.. -.-
Oh yeah...Ordered my contact lens on Tuesday so I will be taking it tomorrow...My mama being xtra generous that day and still can ask me whether I want to buy the colourless ones too... XD
Hahhaah..It will be super weird for one color though...Bought two colours,Hippie Chestnut and Groovy Green..Hope it own be that noticeable 'cause there are two types of green...But the other one was more lighter than what I've chosen....
Hmmm...Most likely I'm cutting and re-dyeing my hair by this week if not next week...Wanna try the new brand,Garnier aince it became Halal...Can't wait to cut my hair... -.- Though I won't be cutting it short..It won't even make much different I think...
BTW,speaking of hair..Although I am digging their new hairstyles,I totally wished KangIn would grow his hair back quick... >__<>__<
1 more week!!!! XD XD
I am so totally falling on love with 'Don't Don' right now...If obly I know the steps to the dance..Aside from the pelvic thrusts that is...Kinda HARD to miss that...Hahahha...
*Issit so weird to be crazy over or like guys who are not the in same religion?* -.-
Monday, September 24, 2007
Stoopid people with stupid brain and about myself
-.- Need I say more that I'm pissed?
I wanna rant 'cause its my blog and like some dumbass said,I have the freedom of speech..Yeah right...If you don like me bitching,don bother reading..If you have questions on my way of ranting,u can tag me on the board but please don bullshit around like saying 'you sux' etc..Unless you write your damn name so I know who was kind enough to leave a complimen for me...
True in your own blog,its your own rules your own freewill of what to say but I think that's all bullshit...Blog are meant to write about your life or your feelings about certain things...But it doesn't give you the right to bash others...
Yeah..I know I've made a mistake last time..I agree it was idiotic of me to do that..Really when I think back now,I don't know why the hell was I that freaking stupid to be swayed by some unreasonable and childish comments...
You might be wondering why I am suddenly talking about this..It's because of this website-->
This person ( sorry for using this word but I can't find other word to describe 'it' ) bitch/bastard was bashing the artists damn hard..I know I know...Kinda stupid 'cause the artists or her/him don even know me and have nothing to do with me but hell..I was pissed with the way they were bashed..I mean she/he was bashing all the artists like they kicked her/him in the butt or something!
Even those who were not doing anything wrong was bashed..I don't mind if it were just criticising them but there is a limit to where the critics go...If this person can't find any faults with an artists,he/she will just bash on their appearance or wateva that catches their attention..What kind of logic is that?
It's not that because she bashed TVXQ and SUJU ( especially SUJU ) 'cause I know most of you would think 'Ceh..She was just pissed 'cause someone bashed her favourite boybands' but please..Be mature okay?I'm not just talking about my beloved boys but also all the artists in her/his blog...
Really now if you read this person blog,all her comments about the artist was plain trash..Some trash talk from some person who don't even have a life..And she said her blog is a place to find the latest news but to me its a place where I just want to find that person and give her a punch in the face for giving my hopes up and wasting my time...
Furthermore,this person talked about how people are bullied through netizens but he/she herself/himself are doing the exact same thing..Never have I met such a hypocrite person in my life..Scratch that..I meant the most hypocritical person is that idiot there since all people in this world are hypocrites...
OK...Better stopped talking about that person..The point of my rants is that you do have a freedom of speech but just remember that blogs are made public and not just for you and your friends own view..
Comments you made may results in others' downfall especially those who are already driven to depression...I've learnt my lesson and I grew from it..Things like these are just plain disrespectful and childish,immature etc..Doesn't show how good you are..
It just shows your UPBRINGING and your STUPIDITY... If I knew this person,you can be assured I won't even spare her a glance..You never know what she/he may be talking about in her stupid blog which I called rubbish dump...
You may be wondering why am I saying this but hey,she/he did mention that we have freedom of speech so why would I show any respect to someone who don't even respect others?Atleast the artists are making a decent living legally...
I know all of you would think I am being crazy and unreasonable for being angry over things like these but if you know me well enough,you would know I don't like unjustice or people making unlogical comments over any things...
But I learnt that its their life so they can do whatever they want..The objective of this entry is not about the person ( even though I dissed her ) but to make it a point that unless you have constructive criticisms,don't even open your mouth at all..
If you think they are awful or stupid or watever,don't just say 'You're fugly' or 'You're stupid' but instead try and help them to improve..Like they said easier said then done...
Forgive me if I'm trying to be too goody-goody here but life is short so just make the best of it..I'm not good nor innocent but I do try not be evil..Not all will like you but they are entitled to their own opinions ( as much as we hate it ) so we just have to ignore them..
While I'm at it I might as well say what I hate the most:
I hate those people who like to comment on whatever things you do..Like if I like this person,they would say 'Eeew..He's not even good-looking'
or 'He's fat!!!'
One thing I will just say is that it's my business who I like or don't like so who are you to insult another person who's not even at fault..It pissed me not 'cause they said that to me but 'cause they are insulting others who are not even involved..
Second thing is if you want advice I will try and give it to you..But bear in mind that my advice won't always be right so take your own initiative to ask others for advices..Compile all of them and that's when you make your own choices..It's you who lead your own life and not others..People around you are just there to help you along the way but we won't be here forever..But whatever it is,
Think positively even in dire situations.. It can help you from falling into stress or depression..I know 'cause I've been through those before...
If you are not listening to my advice,I meant in a way that you asked for advice but doesn't like it when I tell you what I think,don't even bother asking me for one..'Cause life is not just one way for you..There are many paths for you and many choices to make..That is why you must ask for everyone's advices and not just stick to one...
Last thing for sure,I would advise to all to stay the hell away from my business..I don't like being forced to do something especially if my feelings are insincere...Most of you know what I'm talking about so please..I don't appreciate it when you guys butt into my life when you don't even know how it felt..Unless you are in my shoes,don't even bother trying to understand...
I'm sorry if I sounded damn harsh in this but this is the only way I could prove to you I am not that laidback till you can do whatever you want and I am serious or some of you might call it sensitive,in these things...You can joke with me but there is a limit on how u far u go..Everyone has their limits and you will just have to learn to accept that..
Things you've said to someone may be taken as a joke to you but not to others..Especially if it lies between insulting and joking...Usually,these comes from experiences and the way you think about situations so I won't blame you if you said the wrong things to me..Just make sure you don't repeat them...
I know most of the time I am damn sarcastic so if I hit a nerve do tell me and don't keep it in yourself..So I will know my limits on when to open my mouth and when to zip it.. XD
Ever since knowing Korean's culture and boy was that different from the American's one,I realised the importance of being the older one in the group...We who are older even by a year must look out for the younger ones..Not literally pampered them but look out for their well-being..Although I'm far from being a good 'noona'( for younger men to call older woman ) or 'unni' ( younger weoman to call older ones ) but I'll try to be a good noona or unni to my hoobaes.. ^_^
Different groups of friends I will act differently..If I'm hanging out with you guys from Secondary schools,my attitudes will be more serious and not just randomly be crazy...If you guys think I am just lying,you should watch me with my NYP friends...
Sad to say,I am the oldest in the group of my group..By two years?So I have to act like a child..Hhhahaha...Maybe too much ah Cheryl?But like what I've said to Merissa,I don't want to act like a big sister ( only sometimes ) as the age gap would put some strain in our friendship so that's why I tried to act like the crazy and loudmouth brat in the group...DORKY my fav word!XD
Now it seems like you guys are more older than me.... -.-
Actually in fact,I don't even know what is my personality anymore..I'm just being me...At times when I'm outside with no friends around people would say I am stuck-up and fierce 'cause I won't even smile..Especially to someone who I don't even know...
But I just want to assure you that I do not try to be loudmouth or serious etc..It's just my moodswings which I'm sure those who knew me longer knows very well..
That is why I'm trying to be more relax and not straight away jumping to conclusions...It's harder for me maybe 'cause I don't have a little brother/sister so I never knew what way I am supposed to act but I'll just follow my instincts...You may find me bothersome or troublesome when I do that but that's the way I am so try to understand me...
One thing for sure and I'm sure most of you will agree...I am egoistic..But not to the point I don't listen to others ( reasonable ones that is )..I do listen but I myself have my opinions on things and I stand by it..I don't like being indecisive..
I'm just like my mother who would be angry at someone but don't have the heart to lash out and also like my aunt who if hates that person,will take a damn long time to forgive them...I admit I am all talk but without actions kinda person...I may don't like you but I won't confront you about it 'cause I think it would just lead to more conflicts...I would just try to accept who you are 'cause that's what makes you special and why I've chosen you as my friend... ^__^
Alright..Done ranting for atleast a month or two...Been awhile since I did so..Hahaha..But you do have to excuse me for I have been cooping it in my mind for a long time now...Just noticed that in the first half I was in a bashing mood then it changed to self-angst and happy???How the hell does THAT happened? O.o Like I said mood swings... XD XD
OK..Now I'm done with releasing my anger so let's watch SUJU Don't Don!! <33
I wanna rant 'cause its my blog and like some dumbass said,I have the freedom of speech..Yeah right...If you don like me bitching,don bother reading..If you have questions on my way of ranting,u can tag me on the board but please don bullshit around like saying 'you sux' etc..Unless you write your damn name so I know who was kind enough to leave a complimen for me...
True in your own blog,its your own rules your own freewill of what to say but I think that's all bullshit...Blog are meant to write about your life or your feelings about certain things...But it doesn't give you the right to bash others...
Yeah..I know I've made a mistake last time..I agree it was idiotic of me to do that..Really when I think back now,I don't know why the hell was I that freaking stupid to be swayed by some unreasonable and childish comments...
You might be wondering why I am suddenly talking about this..It's because of this website-->
This person ( sorry for using this word but I can't find other word to describe 'it' ) bitch/bastard was bashing the artists damn hard..I know I know...Kinda stupid 'cause the artists or her/him don even know me and have nothing to do with me but hell..I was pissed with the way they were bashed..I mean she/he was bashing all the artists like they kicked her/him in the butt or something!
Even those who were not doing anything wrong was bashed..I don't mind if it were just criticising them but there is a limit to where the critics go...If this person can't find any faults with an artists,he/she will just bash on their appearance or wateva that catches their attention..What kind of logic is that?
It's not that because she bashed TVXQ and SUJU ( especially SUJU ) 'cause I know most of you would think 'Ceh..She was just pissed 'cause someone bashed her favourite boybands' but please..Be mature okay?I'm not just talking about my beloved boys but also all the artists in her/his blog...
Really now if you read this person blog,all her comments about the artist was plain trash..Some trash talk from some person who don't even have a life..And she said her blog is a place to find the latest news but to me its a place where I just want to find that person and give her a punch in the face for giving my hopes up and wasting my time...
Furthermore,this person talked about how people are bullied through netizens but he/she herself/himself are doing the exact same thing..Never have I met such a hypocrite person in my life..Scratch that..I meant the most hypocritical person is that idiot there since all people in this world are hypocrites...
OK...Better stopped talking about that person..The point of my rants is that you do have a freedom of speech but just remember that blogs are made public and not just for you and your friends own view..
Comments you made may results in others' downfall especially those who are already driven to depression...I've learnt my lesson and I grew from it..Things like these are just plain disrespectful and childish,immature etc..Doesn't show how good you are..
It just shows your UPBRINGING and your STUPIDITY... If I knew this person,you can be assured I won't even spare her a glance..You never know what she/he may be talking about in her stupid blog which I called rubbish dump...
You may be wondering why am I saying this but hey,she/he did mention that we have freedom of speech so why would I show any respect to someone who don't even respect others?Atleast the artists are making a decent living legally...
I know all of you would think I am being crazy and unreasonable for being angry over things like these but if you know me well enough,you would know I don't like unjustice or people making unlogical comments over any things...
But I learnt that its their life so they can do whatever they want..The objective of this entry is not about the person ( even though I dissed her ) but to make it a point that unless you have constructive criticisms,don't even open your mouth at all..
If you think they are awful or stupid or watever,don't just say 'You're fugly' or 'You're stupid' but instead try and help them to improve..Like they said easier said then done...
Forgive me if I'm trying to be too goody-goody here but life is short so just make the best of it..I'm not good nor innocent but I do try not be evil..Not all will like you but they are entitled to their own opinions ( as much as we hate it ) so we just have to ignore them..
While I'm at it I might as well say what I hate the most:
I hate those people who like to comment on whatever things you do..Like if I like this person,they would say 'Eeew..He's not even good-looking'
or 'He's fat!!!'
One thing I will just say is that it's my business who I like or don't like so who are you to insult another person who's not even at fault..It pissed me not 'cause they said that to me but 'cause they are insulting others who are not even involved..
Second thing is if you want advice I will try and give it to you..But bear in mind that my advice won't always be right so take your own initiative to ask others for advices..Compile all of them and that's when you make your own choices..It's you who lead your own life and not others..People around you are just there to help you along the way but we won't be here forever..But whatever it is,
Think positively even in dire situations.. It can help you from falling into stress or depression..I know 'cause I've been through those before...
If you are not listening to my advice,I meant in a way that you asked for advice but doesn't like it when I tell you what I think,don't even bother asking me for one..'Cause life is not just one way for you..There are many paths for you and many choices to make..That is why you must ask for everyone's advices and not just stick to one...
Last thing for sure,I would advise to all to stay the hell away from my business..I don't like being forced to do something especially if my feelings are insincere...Most of you know what I'm talking about so please..I don't appreciate it when you guys butt into my life when you don't even know how it felt..Unless you are in my shoes,don't even bother trying to understand...
I'm sorry if I sounded damn harsh in this but this is the only way I could prove to you I am not that laidback till you can do whatever you want and I am serious or some of you might call it sensitive,in these things...You can joke with me but there is a limit on how u far u go..Everyone has their limits and you will just have to learn to accept that..
Things you've said to someone may be taken as a joke to you but not to others..Especially if it lies between insulting and joking...Usually,these comes from experiences and the way you think about situations so I won't blame you if you said the wrong things to me..Just make sure you don't repeat them...
I know most of the time I am damn sarcastic so if I hit a nerve do tell me and don't keep it in yourself..So I will know my limits on when to open my mouth and when to zip it.. XD
Ever since knowing Korean's culture and boy was that different from the American's one,I realised the importance of being the older one in the group...We who are older even by a year must look out for the younger ones..Not literally pampered them but look out for their well-being..Although I'm far from being a good 'noona'( for younger men to call older woman ) or 'unni' ( younger weoman to call older ones ) but I'll try to be a good noona or unni to my hoobaes.. ^_^
Different groups of friends I will act differently..If I'm hanging out with you guys from Secondary schools,my attitudes will be more serious and not just randomly be crazy...If you guys think I am just lying,you should watch me with my NYP friends...
Sad to say,I am the oldest in the group of my group..By two years?So I have to act like a child..Hhhahaha...Maybe too much ah Cheryl?But like what I've said to Merissa,I don't want to act like a big sister ( only sometimes ) as the age gap would put some strain in our friendship so that's why I tried to act like the crazy and loudmouth brat in the group...DORKY my fav word!XD
Now it seems like you guys are more older than me.... -.-
Actually in fact,I don't even know what is my personality anymore..I'm just being me...At times when I'm outside with no friends around people would say I am stuck-up and fierce 'cause I won't even smile..Especially to someone who I don't even know...
But I just want to assure you that I do not try to be loudmouth or serious etc..It's just my moodswings which I'm sure those who knew me longer knows very well..
That is why I'm trying to be more relax and not straight away jumping to conclusions...It's harder for me maybe 'cause I don't have a little brother/sister so I never knew what way I am supposed to act but I'll just follow my instincts...You may find me bothersome or troublesome when I do that but that's the way I am so try to understand me...
One thing for sure and I'm sure most of you will agree...I am egoistic..But not to the point I don't listen to others ( reasonable ones that is )..I do listen but I myself have my opinions on things and I stand by it..I don't like being indecisive..
I'm just like my mother who would be angry at someone but don't have the heart to lash out and also like my aunt who if hates that person,will take a damn long time to forgive them...I admit I am all talk but without actions kinda person...I may don't like you but I won't confront you about it 'cause I think it would just lead to more conflicts...I would just try to accept who you are 'cause that's what makes you special and why I've chosen you as my friend... ^__^
Alright..Done ranting for atleast a month or two...Been awhile since I did so..Hahaha..But you do have to excuse me for I have been cooping it in my mind for a long time now...Just noticed that in the first half I was in a bashing mood then it changed to self-angst and happy???How the hell does THAT happened? O.o Like I said mood swings... XD XD
OK..Now I'm done with releasing my anger so let's watch SUJU Don't Don!! <33
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Just watched their comeback performance on KBS World just now.. XD XD My mom was like shaking her head when she saw me squealing..Hahahaha..
One thing for sure,I'm damn proud of them 'cause they were singing LIVE for their first song from the second album!!!!Usually they would lipsynch but this time they sang it and they were great! ^__^
KangIn,Heechul,Leeteuk and Shindong also appeared near the end singing Trot songs and the rest of the members too went on stage when the show ends...The funniest part was when Leeteuk was dancing in front of the camera but the actual spotlight should be on the guy who won..
OMG...Super hilarious when KangIn had to call him to the side..*coughKANGTEUKcough*You should see how he bend his body forward to show he was sorry..CUTEZ!!!The leader as usual still doesn't act like one...Hahahha..
Now I am assured that even though their image changed to that of a mature men,they are still dorky and cute as ever.. XDXD They are still my beloved 13 men.. <3
Just watched their comeback performance on KBS World just now.. XD XD My mom was like shaking her head when she saw me squealing..Hahahaha..
One thing for sure,I'm damn proud of them 'cause they were singing LIVE for their first song from the second album!!!!Usually they would lipsynch but this time they sang it and they were great! ^__^
KangIn,Heechul,Leeteuk and Shindong also appeared near the end singing Trot songs and the rest of the members too went on stage when the show ends...The funniest part was when Leeteuk was dancing in front of the camera but the actual spotlight should be on the guy who won..
OMG...Super hilarious when KangIn had to call him to the side..*coughKANGTEUKcough*You should see how he bend his body forward to show he was sorry..CUTEZ!!!The leader as usual still doesn't act like one...Hahahha..
Now I am assured that even though their image changed to that of a mature men,they are still dorky and cute as ever.. XDXD They are still my beloved 13 men.. <3
If only my other 5 beloved men aka TVXQ was active in Korea,they could appear on stage together with SUJU.. >__<
Now,next up on my list is All About DBSK Season 2!!! XD XD XD
Won be talking much 'cos of the MAJOR picspam yesterday.. XD
Finally Super Junior Comeback at Music Bank yesterday with their song 'Don't Don'..Only two word...PELVIC THRUSTS!!OMG OMG OMG!!! *Fangirl Cries*
That's why I'm updating at night..Too dangerous for me to update in the daytime..My fasting month is at risk... -.-
I think Singapore KBS World will be showing this today..Atleast I hope so... >__< HuDaLuVs18Men
Finally Super Junior Comeback at Music Bank yesterday with their song 'Don't Don'..Only two word...PELVIC THRUSTS!!OMG OMG OMG!!! *Fangirl Cries*
That's why I'm updating at night..Too dangerous for me to update in the daytime..My fasting month is at risk... -.-
I think Singapore KBS World will be showing this today..Atleast I hope so... >__< HuDaLuVs18Men
Friday, September 21, 2007
I'm bored so wanna do a pic spam..I missed TVXQ and SUJU being together so wanna put up pictures of them..Though most of it are take before their debut..Envied their unbreakable friendship... >__< There's so many pictures of Yunho with SUJU member...Now I know why he was the closest to them..Hahhaha...
Downloaded all SUJU 2nd Album..Not feeling guilty 'cause I've already ordered the album..XD Loves 'Don't Don',Song for You and 'Disco Drive'!!
Currently addicted to TVXQ 'Shine'..Will post the song up once Im satisfied listening to 'Don't Don'...
Eunhyuk & Junsu
Yunho & Eunhyuk
Junsu & KangIn
Yunho,Jaejoong & Donghae
Yunho & Donghae
Yunho & Donghae
Yehsung,Jaejoong & Yunho
Yehsung & Jaejoong
Yehsung & Yunho
Yehsung & Yunho
Jaejoong,Yunho,KangIn & Heechul
Heechul & Yunho
Jaejoong,Xmas & J(TRAX)Donghae & Yoochun
Yunho & Heechul
Yunho & Donghae
Heechul,Yunho,Donghae,Yehsung & Leeteuk.. ( Not sure about the other two )
Junsu & Eunhyuk
Heechul,Donghae,Yunho & Kibum
Eunhyuk,Junsu,Changmin,Yoochun,Jaejoong & Leeteuk
Yunho & Heechul
Jaejoong & Shiwon
Yunho & KangIn ( My most FAV boys !!!XD )
Yehsung,Yunho & Heechul
Junsu,Sungmin & Eynhyuk ( Sungmin looked HOT )
TVXQSUJU Family <3
OH!!!Jae Joong and Yunho too did take pictures together..I think its about fashion?Hahhaa...So long I since I've seen them together..JAEHONESS!!! XD

Jaejoong expression is priceless!Hahhaha

At SM manager's wedding...

Downloaded all SUJU 2nd Album..Not feeling guilty 'cause I've already ordered the album..XD Loves 'Don't Don',Song for You and 'Disco Drive'!!
Currently addicted to TVXQ 'Shine'..Will post the song up once Im satisfied listening to 'Don't Don'...

OH!!!Jae Joong and Yunho too did take pictures together..I think its about fashion?Hahhaa...So long I since I've seen them together..JAEHONESS!!! XD

Lastly,pictures and biographies of our 13 members from SUJU! XD

OK!Done!!So tiring... XD
And to finish off,SUJU new MV 'Don't Don'!!Finally!! XD
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:These pictures are not taken from me of course..Credits to whoever post it up in forums~
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