Life of a Gal
Friday, December 29, 2006
Well..Today,everything went well...That was until the table's leg in my living room broke..I know you might think what's the big deal..Well..The prob lies with my parents...I think the it happened 'cause my mom put her leg on the table...One thing leads to another and my mother sorta screamed at my father...
I think my father was hurt at his feet when the table fell so he kinda takes his frustration out on my mom...Then my mother went screaming that my father was blaming everything on her..I don know what but I think what really happened was indeed her fault though I dare not say outloud..My mom is kinda sensitive about these things...If I said that,she might scream at me saying that I am always siding my dad and well,I will scream back at her..I told you,my family is very short-tempered...
Niwae,my mom cleaned up the mess,more like banging everything around before going to her bedroom...Frankly speaking,I am kinda disappointed in her..Well,needless to say,I am angry with her..I mean the table's leg broke and she went to her room..My father was the one who had to mend it..I know she don knoe about fixing things but hell,can't she even help out?I really pity my dad who just got back from work...
I think it was fortunate that my bro was already asleep...I think if he was here with me watching our parents,I think he will dislike my mom...I just has a feeling that he don't really like mom very much judging from his actions..Beats me..I told you I don really favour butting into other people's personal business...Oh well..I'm sure everything will turn out find tomorrow...Let them settle their own probs...If it involve me then I will step in..I know I may sound cruel but it's better this way..At least,none of them will accuse me of siding with the other party...
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Selamat Hari Raya Haji guys!!!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Short and sweet
Niwae,we went to Plaza Singapura to watch a movie but it was damn packed so we went to a mall behind PS to try our luck..Too bad our luck ran out so we watch another movie instead...Frankly speaking,I preferred reading Charlotte's web book than watching the movie..
After that we went to the airport to meet with Hafiz...We went back and me and Hafiz walked home from Hougang mall...Stayed at the void deck to talk about life etc...Finally had to go home 'cause my mom who was pissed had been calling atleast 3 times...Well..I'd be pissed too if my daughter still have not reached home even when it's 1 am...Hahha...Got home,ate ( Yeah I know it's at night but I had not ate since morning!! ) and here I am typing away..Hahaha..That's all I guess..
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:LSSHH members please make yourself free on 1st Jan 2007...
Friday, December 22, 2006
Niwae,nothing much happened...Nasri came over my home around 3+ pm 'cause I helped him burn MU game on a cd and he also wanted to reclaim his beloved hat..I think his hat had dust all over..Hmmm...He stayed for awhile and we chat about lotsa things..He was quite funny when he tried to explained his family tree..God...Was I confused...He wasn't less worse off than me..
After that he went home about 5 pm...Then I played the computer till now...Hafiz did ask me if I wanna go watch a movie with him and his other friends...Now,knowing me,you would say I jumped at the offer but well,I don really know his friends very well..Okay..I never met them before so it kinda felt like uncomfortable..Alright!It was damn unnerving for me okay...To go out with others whom I don know...
Freaks the hell outta me I tell you..Unless of course if others I know join in..But Nasri is broke and my other friends I seriously don know where they are..Hmmm...SO...You know my decision..Hahaa...I guess that's all my ramblings for today eh...
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Happy advanced Christmas guys!!! ^__^
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
First thing I did was to install msn again..First person to chat with me was the ever cool Lihin..Never stand to be second eh?Next up was Maya...Guess I might as well spent the night chatting...Hahaha..
Niwae,after my O's,my life sorta drifted passed...Friends also seemed to drift away..I mean I am seeing lesser of them as days passed by...Wonder if we still will keep contact with each other as we grew old?
Staying at home had got me thinking...I realised that life is no longer black and white for me...It's pretty true what they had said...As we grow old,our perspective changes and we will see everything in a new light...I realised I am no longer cheerful as before..
I guess I may joke and act real childish sometimes but I feel like there is an aura of gloomyness( Is that even a word? ) around me..Not sure why but everywhere I will go,my mind keep thinking about stuffs..Even when 'M actually having fun,my mind will squeezed in a bit of seriousness in me..Is that part of growing up??
Another thing is sometimes I can't stand unreasonable actions..Not sure what the heck am I talking about but I think I am referring to my beliefs in justice or respect..Like I downright loathe those guys who thinks it's damn cool to slap their gal..I mean come on!!Guys are supposed to protect the galz right?
Last thing,I think to some I may be getting a little egoistic...I begged to differ..I am not getting a little egoistic,I am turning it up tp the notch man!I realised that I can't always be friendly and go in everyone's strides...There are times when I myself needs to speak up regardless of what they will think of me later...Who cares about their opinions anyway?It's not their lifes they're leading but mine alone...Anyway,it's better to let out than keep it insides eh?Much healthier...
Wow..I am getting pretty angst eh?Hahaha..That's what I thought so far about life and my changing personalities..Frankly speaking,I kinda like my new self now though it may be like asking someone to give me a punch in the face but hey,what floats your boat doesn't mean will float in mine right?
Like I've said before,every single one of us is hypocrite and a backstabber...That is what I am trying to avoid by saying what I meant and feel but not trying to be hurtful..Am I getting it right?Well..I still got a lot to learn and observe so I may be rocky now...Let's see what is in store for me in the coming years eh guys?
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:BTW,still waiting for my own Mr Loveless... ^__^
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
On Hiatus
Anyway,the reason I am writing this entry is because some people have been bugging me about it..Hahaha..Another reason is that for the first time in my freaking years in Xinmin, I finally passed my Maths Mock Examination!!Not just any miserable pass mind you...I jumped from F9 to A2!!How cool is that?Yeah yeah I know that O'Level standards are much more harder but dude,I freaking passed!! ^__^
Let's just hope that I will continue to do well and not get brain freeze during the actual thing...So far,I've secured my maths,eng and humanities..Just left with POA and science,which I don know how the hell am I gonna pass...I just can't seem to understand chemistry..Aaarghhh!!
It has been a busy week for me..I have to collect money for the prom night and lecture thingy...I also had to write an article for the Graduation book which had been delayed till that day...Furthermore,there are mock exams..Stress is piling up though I still maintain my 'cool' and happy attitude..Nyahahaha...
Well,I guess that's gotta be all...This will be my last entry until the end of my O's...
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Wish me luck for my practical next Thursday guys!!I promise that as soon as I finish my exams,we will spent more time together!!
PS2:BTw,I not stupid is damn good man!!Joshua and Shawn so handsome.. >__<
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Never understood how she could,
Mean so little to so many
Why does she mean everything to me?
Is it worth the pain, with no one to blame?
For all of my insecurities
How did I ever let you go?
Questioning her good intention
Jealousy's a bad invention
When you push on glass, it's bound to break
Even when she was defensive,
It just gave me more incentive
The more you squeeze,
the more it slips away
I never walked so far on a lonely street
With no-one there for me
Is it worth the pain,
with no one to blame?
For all of my insecurities
How did I ever let you go?
Accept this confession! …I'm walking on pins and needles
You're not my possession! …I'm walking on pins and needles
My conscience is vicious! …I'm walking on pins and needles
And I'm begging forgiveness! …I'm walking on pins and needles
I never walked so far on a lonely street,
With no one there for me
It took too long to see her in misery
And now it's clear to me
That it's worth the pain,
always take the blame
For all your own insecurities
How did I ever let you go?
Though not the song I upload on my blog,I LOVE this song..Hahah..I'll upload this as soon as I get my hands on this mp3 or maybe I just buy the damn CD... ^__^
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:You can hear this osng @ Though not exactly the MV...
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
W-inDs.!!!!!!! <3
Might be wondering what the hell I wanna buy right?Haha...Seems like alot..There's a pretty silver bracelet at Kovan,a pouch and a sling bag at Compass Point,a pair of earrings and shoes at Bras Brasah..But most of all,I wanna buy the freaking book on W-inds.!!! >__<
Yesterday and today,gone out with Yani...I wasted $9 on Neoprints..Why??Because of my stupid mistakes...Well..That thing was written in Japanese so even though I am a Jap freak,I don understand what the hell the machine was talking about..So I pressed the wrong button and wala!The screen went to the next page without giving us a chance to edit it.. Yani was like 'EH'?? and I was like 'What the??!!'What to do...What's done is done...
Then today met one gal in the bus that gave us the look only minah can achieve..I don know what the hell we did to make her stare at us so...What else can I do but to stare back.. Hahaha...Yani was like asking me to shut up when I said 'Muke macam nak kene sepak seh..'
Guess I am in the violent mood..Well..After watched her walked away..All I can say is EWWW...Amirah is soo MUCH PRETTIER than her..Hmmm...Guess that's all..Wanna watch Cinta Q..So.. ^__^
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:I wanna buy W-inds.!!!!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Waiting..Still waiting....
Today,woke up at 5.35 to bathe 'cause wanna see Mira off from the Changi airport...God..So sleep..I only slept like for 2+ hours only..Yani so 'gian',she woke up at 3!!!Gaagh..Then rushed to the airport and say bye-bye to Mira..Gonna miss her but still can chat at MSN right?By the way,my mistake..She was not going there 'cause of attachment but she was going there for holiday!!The jealousy is eating me alive...Nyahahaha...
Then after that,walked with Yani to her school like a zombie..Hahaha..And here I am..Sitting here and writing this crappy entry...Soo boring...What to do..Life is like that..After that,going to Comapss Point to see the Singapore Idols..I wanna see whether Hady is really handsome close-up or issit just the make-up..Hahaha..Make-up can do wonders what...In the meantime,I can spend my time thinking about what I am really doing right now..
I mean,O Level is like in 2 months' time and I am still dwindling away..There are alot that I don't know and that really scares me..I plan to fcus more on my science and maths from now on..As well as POA..I gotta catch up with the rest of my classmates man and get out of that school!!!Well..Guess that's all..
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Hey guys,make sure you're free during this one week..Gonna steal you all for one day,either for a picnic by the beach or go watch a movie..Last chance for enjoyment before the freaking exams.. >__
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Niwae,was supposed to go to my primary school back but I was feeling kinda lazy..Further more,Amirah too was feeling the same way..So in the end I have to tell poor Yani that we cancelled our plan..Sorry YANI!!!
After that,was kinda bored so decided to chat with Hafiz,Shalihin and Liyana..'Lepak' under my block for about 2 hours before going to see Liyana's boyboy...Haha..Then me,Hafiz and Shalihin saw Safie and Syafiq manaf at Banquet @ Compass Point after that..FuYyoooO...Aiwen,Vivian and the rest are also there..Whatta day..
Then we go to Ang Mo Kio to watch Monster House..It was an okay story but Yana,I think I still prefer 'Finding Nemo'...Hehehe...It was damn cold in the cinema so Apiz was kind to lent me his shirt..He WAS wearing another shirt under there by the way!
After that,we go home and here I am...Typing this entry while watching Singapore Idol..Hope Hady is not voted out...Guess that's all..
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:It was fun guys...Missed ya alotz! ^__^
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Jap GUYS!!
Ooo!!On monday I just saw some of them and I was like oHhh!!I love their school uniforms!!Reminds me about anime!Duh...Hahaha..Some of them are HOT!!You know me..I have a fetish for Jap guys dude..Hahah..My eyes were like scanning the place for them the whole day...
Just now I walked past some Jap boys and I heard them speaking in japanese..Garghhh!!My heart melts and I am thrown in the world of Naruto..I simply *LOVE* their accent.. ^__^
Well,let's stop talking about them eh?Just had my O'Level Examinations today..Quite well done I would say..For conversation and picture discussion anyway..I think I screwed up woth my reading passage but well,overall I guess I had done okay...I mean there was no prompts for picture and conversations!How cool was that?I was like shooting all the way..
Though I think I heard the last question wrongly but even if I did,the examiner should guide me to the right track right?However she did not so I think I did sort of answer the question indirectly...I was so excited that I finished my Oral that I left my IC on the examiners' desk!!It's a good thing the invilator remember me and looked for me..He was like...
"Where is your IC?"
I heard wrongly and I thought that he asked for my IC number so I replied..Then he was like "EH?" and repeated the question again...I was confused but I freaked 0ut when I can't find my IC..I shouted where is my IC and do the hands thing you know I always do when I am excited or nervous..Hahah..Silly me..
The teacher gave me a 'Ish Ish' look and hand over the IC..Woow!Scared the hell outta me man..Just imagine the look on my mother's face when I said that I lost my IC..I think she would personally send me to God herself man...Literally...>__<
Anyway,I guess I am sad that my reading suckx but what the hell..No use crying over spilt milk so I will 'cheong' for my paper one and two man!!GANBATTE!!! ^o^
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Miss Dada but he will be back on Saturday afternoon!!!Can't wait!Yeah!!!
Sunday, August 20, 2006
I CANNOT believe that Mathilda was out!!She was the one of the best singers there!!What the freaking hell were Singaporeans thinking??Can't they listen to the idols' voices or are their blind love has deafen them??!!My god..If this continues on,Singapore Idol is gonna be a joke...
Mathilda was good man..I love her aggressive voice..Furthermore,she was the bottom 3 with Hady and Jonathan!!I would understand if she have litte supporters but Hady and Jonathan??Come on man!!These people are the best out of all of them...Hady was good and I think he surpasses Bon Jovi' voice with that song!I am terribly ashamed of Singapore's way of thinking that looks matters the most...
If Joa Kim is still in the competition and if I were the judges,I will take drastic measure man...Not that I have something against him or anything but let's face it,there is nothing unique about his voice and he hasn't been improving like the rest of them...I was shocked when Gurmit said that some people critisized Ken,saying that he should just accept what people can offers and not to ask for more from them..If some truly thinks that way,I think there's no use for Singapore Idol eh?That way, everyone can become a singer...
I think Singapore Idol is really about people improving and becoming better than they already are..It is about outshining others in the music industry..If we just stay the way we are,how are we gonna compete with the rest of the world out there who are way much better that us?Though I am not that devoted fan of Singapore Idol,this really pissed me off and I am terribly fretting about Singapore's music industry in the future...At least we have Taufik batisah to be proud of...
Well..I guess that's all for my rant today...Let's just watch next week and see if Singapore really knows how to listen?Got only one message to those fans out there..Take my advice and go dig your ears..Literally...I am saying this with a caring manner you can see on my face! ^__^
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:BTW,wish me luck for my O'Level Oral on Tuesday and my Prelims on Thursday.. >__<
Monday, August 14, 2006
Lance's GAY??

Just read some magazine my friend bought and I found out that Lance has come out of the closet!!My one of the old favourite member from N'Snyc is GAY!!
Gaargghh!!The shock..Though it was not really shocking news to me..I had always suspected it..I mean he always look kinda femine and he never really have a girlfriend at that time saying that he was busy with work and all that but hello,what about the other members?Especially that Justin Timberlake...
Well,I was not really pissed off..Hell,it is his life and I got nothing to say..What I was really surprised was he is datind Reichen Lehmkuhl!!You know,the guy from Amazing Race 4??This means that he and Chip has separated..What a drag...
Anyway,even if Lance is gay,I will still love him..Hahah..I mean he was the first celebrity I like..Well,I guess that;s all I havta say..
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Btw,how's the new layout??Pretty cool huh?? ^__^
Friday, August 11, 2006
blah blah
Went out with Wani at the last minute today..I kinda forced her to accompany me to Hereen..Wanna buy the Tackey & Tsubasa cd!!!BUT HMV sux!!!One thing there was none and the other was even there was one,I could not afford it cause it was $70+!!Wat the HECK?!!I know it was imported but still...
I think Singapore needs to think about the price of the CDs...I think Singaporeans have not enough exposure to other musics besides of course the english ones..I think that was overexposed..Anyway,Singapore should atleast try to make it cheaper man...
Let's stop talking about that shall we?Today got our Mother Tongue results and I think you know the answer to that eh?I have the potential of getting B3s all over my faces..Hahah..Wasn't really disappointed 'cause I kinda expected it but I was shocked that Nasri and Wani got B3..I mean of all the students there,they were the ones I expected to get A1...Never mind that..Do your best for the end of year guys!!Ganbatte!! ^__^
OH!!And I am especially proud of Marzuki..He got an A1!!Woow!!I think he has the chances of becoming a top student...Speaking of me,I decided not to retake again..I mean hey I have taken for like three times and the result was still the same..So,I decided to stop wasting my time and concentrates on other subjects..
Another issue is,Rahimah was outz!!!What ta hell??I know that I'm not really the die-hard fan off SG Idol but I still like some of the contestants there...To me,Hady,Mathilda and Rahimah have potentials of becoming a singer...Haiz...But Singapore voted right so what can I say?But if I were them,Joa Kim would be out...
Last thing is Mrs Irene Tan is BACK!!!OMG!!!I finally see a hope shining...I have a hope to pass my POA!!!GOD!!Can't believe this but I missed her...Hahaha...I think lots of students will agree with me...They were like asking so many questions...Now if I could just get Mrs Annie Ng,then everything will be purrrfect... =' '=
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:If you hate someone,would you still talk to them as though you are best friends?I can't fathom how someone can be such a jerk to do so..
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Maybe the reason was that I did not read the question properly..I mean the qns asked for negatives impacts but I,being a 'koo-koo',gave the positive impacts instead..How 'cool' was that?
Niway,let's face the facts...Maybe I am making excuses here..So what?Fail means fail right?Well,I'm glad that I failed this test badly mind you...From this,my lesson is learnt..Never EVER start a question without understanding it first...Hahaah...
Today,I stayed back with the rest for a Talk by three writers ..Two from the Strait Times who wrote a book titled 'Strike by Lightning' and the other a poem titled 'Lalang,Durians and Mawn' or something like that...Hmm..Decided to order the poem book..Seems really nice...
Well...Guess that's all for today...Must get some rest for the road-run tomorrow..Hahaha...
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
'Cause Captain Jack aka Johnny Depp,was damn hilarious!!!I simply love the way he walk..So 'kedi'..Hahah..Damn cutez!!But I'm still not happy with the way the movie ends..So full of suspense..Can't wait for the third movie...
I also bought Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Volume 14 yesterday..I was actually reluctant to buy it 'cause I thought the story was getting pretty boring BUT!!!The story started to get more interesting now!!Can't wait for volume 15 and 16 to come out..Whee~!!
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Masih tk puas ati dok!!!Nyahahahah....
Friday, July 21, 2006
Prelims is just around the corner and without realising it,I'm beginning to buck up...I'm starting to pay more attention in class and though it was slow,I'm beginning to improve my maths..Finally!!The onky thing I'm worried about are POA and Chemistry...For some reason I can't understand...
Well...Today was Racial Harmony Day and we all wore our traditional clothes..The Malays brought their clothes for the Chinese and we all took piccies!!!Ms Kuck and Mrs Doreen Ng were so pretty man..Haha...The we had our lessons and all that..You know the drills...Met Liyana when I was going back...Hmm..Missed her man..
Now here I am...Later 'M going out with my family to celebrate my father's belated birthday...Next month is my mother's and the next is my brother's...Mine's is flung in January...Haiz...Tomorrow also going out with my mother...
There are alot of things going on next week...We have the writer of short stories coming,who is also Mr Joseph Lim's sister...Cool huh?Then we Language Fest and finally Road Run..Somehow,I'm really excited about these events...Next up after all that is the drama held @ Kallang Theatre...Can't wait!!!
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Next month is our Prelims and O' Level Oral!!The horror!! 0__o
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Suey dary
After that,went out with Zahirah..Hoping to watch 'The King and the Clown' but dammit!!The show was no longer showing at the cinemas!!In the end,we just deciced to watch 'Re-cycle'...Though it was a pretty okay show,the story was too slow..No climax nor suspense..Nada...
The fun part was when we were about to head home..I nearly threw away my IC!!I was freaking lucky I remembered it man...It was damn embarrassing..Just imagine..Seeing a gal in her school uniform digging in the dustbin for her IC..Zahirah was laughing her ass off...
Haha...Next it was her turn to be embarrassed..Seeing that I got no change to top-up my Ez-link card at the machine,Zahirah decided to go to the counter by herself to help me..She was so nervous till she won't let go of the money..Man..The person was like 'You can let go now..'
Time to go home and Zahirah nearly pissed in her pants or in this case,her skirt...She was so scared that her mother will kill her for coming home late..Haiz...Life can be so difficult sometimes..Though the show was below my expectations (I mean,I WANT to see THAT movie man!!!),it was quite an interesting day for me...
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Next,outing with Kari & Ayam...
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Bulan Bahasa
Ya...Telah aku sampaikan lagu ini untuk menyambutkan Bulan Bahasa Tahun 2006...Pembukaan ini telah diadakan di Tampiness JC pada hari ini....Lagu ini boleh didapati di
Aku tahu pada zaman sekarang memang tidak ramai remaja yang memupuk sikap bertutur dalam bahasa melayu termasuk aku..Namun begitu,kita jangan lupa akan asal usul bahasa kita.. ^__^
Mari kita menyambut hari ini bersama dan doakan agar kawanmu ini mendapat markah yang cemerlang untuk ujian lisannya yang akan diambil pada haribulan 06 Jul ini...Sekian...
Dinamiknya Bahasaku
Mari bangsaku mari saudara
Kita gunakan bahasa bonda
Sebagai lidah penggugah rasa
Cinta bahasa cinta budaya
Demi cinta kepada budaya
Kita penatar bahasa bonda
Bahasa maju budaya jaya
Maruah bangsa terpelihara
Cintailah bahasa ibunda
Cintailah budaya pusaka
Bahasa yang menjunjung budaya
Budaya nilai maruah bangsa
(Ulangi korus sekali lagi)
Lagu: Abdollah Lamat
Seni kata: Muhammad Ariff Ahmad
Selamat berjumpa lagi...Slackerz & Loserz...
PS:Jangan kalian semua terkejut akan perubahan cara menulis ini...Terutama sekali sik Nuryani Bte Yahya...Mesti ada yang dia ingin komen terhadap saya...Haha...Aku akan kembali lagi seperti dahulu..Heheh...
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Slacking Much?
I knew the first two weeks I had to go to supplementary class...The third week,I had to come for Physics,Maths and SJAB camp which was quite fun....Then now...I guess all I do is to wake up,play computer then PS2 then sleep...Of course in between there's eating and shitting but you catch my drift...
I haven done my tons and tons of homework nor study...I even declined my friends' offer of going out with them just to finish these freaking papers...Well..It is my fault anyway..So sorry KariAyam... >__<
Great just great..Now I am still in front of my computer typing this!!!I got some serious issue here...Well..I think that's about all niwae...
See Ya Slacker & Loserz!!!
PS:'M going to M'sia this saturday to accompany my momma...Haiz...Though that's not confirm yet with the rate I am finishing my homework..
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Tired dokkk

Woow!!I mean woww!Today we went to Tree-Top Excursion and boy was that an eventful moment...So eventful that I think I'm gonna be feeling the aches on my body for a month!!!
We went for the more than 10 km walk @ 2....Walk up the hill,down the slope,up the stairs and across the hanging bridge...That part was funny...Farhan kept talking non-stop of how scared he was of height...Hahah..Jannah on the other hand,kept quiet 'cause she was too scared to even speak!
I was damn tired man...Phew...Ismadi became my human walking stick..I held onto him as we walk the pretty damn long distance...There was one episode I will never forget...At that time,I was with Madi,Jannah,Nasri,Hafiz and Farhan...A good thing the rest was either far ahead or took another route...If not I will be the laughing stock of the class that day...
The ground was slippery and my shoes that was slippery too was not helping..I slipped and fell right into a murky puddle..Woow!So refreshing..Ceh...The first thing I did when I stood up was:
"Jannah!!Mp3 aku!!Selamatkan Mp3 aku!!" (Jannah!!My Mp3!!Save my Mp3!!)
Hahaha...The rest was like sweatdropping..I mean,here was Jannah asking whether I was alright and I was bitching about my Mp3...Luckily I only landed on my left side and not both..God..If that was to happen,I have to save not only my Mp3 but my handphone too!!The horror!! O__o
Finally we reached our destination..I was suffering dude..So tired but I guess it was worth it..Been a long time since I exercise anyway...Hahaha...Well,one thing I found out about myself was that I am becoming more like a arrogant person..I mean I no longer can stand most of the jokes the Malay boys threw at me...
Well,I can't help it if they now hate my guts...'Cause I am just showing them how I feel honestly...I am not gonna be accused of backstabbing people if I am acting nice in front of them..It's better to show than to hide eh?Niwae,I am not gonna see them anymore after my life in Xinmin is over and boy I can't wait for it to be over..
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:There's a limit to where I can hold my patient and man,the border have already been crossed so far ahead...
Friday, June 02, 2006

Hahaha...Today as usual..Went to school..But the fun started after school...
Me,Wani,Jannah,Aini and Zahira went to Compass Point right after school...Finally a complete group!!!Usually whenever we went out,we will be short of one member but today,everyone came!!SooOo happy!! ^__^
We went out 'cause Jannah wanted to buy a birthday present for her brother and she wanted me and Wani to accompany her..Being a good friend,I decided to ask Aini and Zahira along...Like they said,the more the merrier!!
We went to eat at the banquet..There was one accident that left me very pissed off but I am too lazy to write it down..Just leave a comment..Minah Shotgun...
Anyway,Jannah bought a dogtag for her bro..Kinda nice...Then we went to Kovan to take newprints...
Too bad Wani couldn't take the piccies with us 'cause she had to go home early...But I guess it was a good thing 'cause there wasn't enough space for the four of us..OMG...Although it was fun..Hahahah...
Though we kinda wasted our money,I guess it was worth it 'cause it for the first time in like many years,we went out together...Hahaha...I thought of asking them to watch a movie on this Tuesday..The Omen..Hope at least some of them can make it...Well...Gues that's all...
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:This new song is played because I wanna try to forget about somebody..I just think that he is just not right for me so I will try my hardest to forget him...Haiz...
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
chicken rice
Well,after school today,went out with Zahira,Wani and Jannah to eat CHICKEN RICE!!Too bad Aini did not follow us..It was okay..We eat then talk...Zahira was kinda quiet...Not sure why but I'm not gonna press it...She'll tell me on her own accord...
Hmm..Right now,I'm trying something...Not gonna tell u what it is till I am really sure it is gonna work out...Till then please hold your horses...Btw,found out something today and I'm kinda sad but not upset...Don know if the news was real or not but well,I pretty hope it was not...
Don know what the hell I'm talking about eh?Hahaha...S'Okay..Not gonna say anything in case someone I don wanna tell at all know something about it..Well,that's all the riddles for today...
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Really tired of school man....
Monday, May 22, 2006
So...I was top in 5N level with another gal in 501..Both of us received the same score of 72/100...Quite okay I think..But still haven meet my target of getting A1 for English...Haiz...Another thing is,which I am bloody pissed off, was the Chemistry banding!!I was in Mrs Raj's class with HER!!Euuww...Double euwww...Luckily I still have 2 of my friends who was in the same banding...Lucky me...I want Ms Annie Ng!!!
Guess that's all I havta say...Till my next entry!!
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:I don get why of all people,she just had to be the one in the same class with me...Uuurgghhh...
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Guess my assumptions was wrong...At first it didn't hurt but when I reached home,I cannot even stand up!!It hurt so much!!!I was like suffering man...Could not even sleep properly 'cause of the freaking pain..Felt like crying...Owww....Today,wasn't any better...Still cannot walk..Haiz...My life sux...
Well,enough of that...I CAN'T wait for school to be over..I noticed that recently,I dreaded going to school...Don know why..Maybe 'cause of some of my classmates...Really annoy the hell outta me...
BTW,this year's MID Year is the worst MID Year I ever seen...Out of all 44 only 1 or 2 passed their combined science..The rest either got E8 or F9...FuYOoo!!But I am proud of my Social Studies..Why?'Cause I got the highest though I didn't study that much...Hahaha..31/50...Only my geograhy kinda pulled down the marks...23/50...
Principle of Accounts was the worst..OMG...Can you imagine from A1,I got F9 for that subject?!!!Woow!!!I really am slacking in my studies man!That realy woke me up..
Another thing I am proud of,is my Maths...I got 22/80 in paper 1 and 21/100 for paper 2...Yeah yeah..I know it sux like hell but atleast I failed with pride...I mean,I was kinda expecting to get a single digit for the two papers..Dude,I did not even study for that subject!!Anyway,Ms Kuck mentioned that in our class,only two people passed Maths and that was because it was a damn difficult paper..Well..Guess I gotta buck-up then..
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Can't wait for my English results..Let's see how I fare in the O'Level standard eh... >__<
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
sprained ankle
How I got it you ask me??Well,yesterday we were playing Floorball during PE..It was going well for 10 minutes but for no reason,I felt my knee gave a tinge of pain..I was like shit...I thought my old injury was acting up again but no..It just had to be my freaking feet...Aaaargghh!!!
After I sprained my ankle,I did not stop playing..Hahaha...Stubborn eh??'Cause at that time it didn't hurt that badly...But during recess,it really started showing me hell dude..Went to Sickbay to put on some Pain-relief cream which was of no use..Ceh...I was like holding on to Zahira 'cause I really cannot walk properly..Hurts like hell...
Finally decided to call my mother to take me to the doctor...Hmmm..We had our Mother Tongue Intensive @ 2pm till 4pm...I attended it for an hour or atleast 45 minutes 'cause the Malay boys were late...Then off I go to the doctor...What usually took me only 5 minutes to walk actually took me about 15 minutes that day!!Doc said that I need rest blah blah blah...You know the usual...She asked me to exercise more..I was like 'Dude I WAS exercising till I became like this.'
OH!!I forgot to mentioned that before I went to the Doc,my feet was abused..LITERALLY!!!First,that ever crazy Fauzan kicked me just for fun..Really..That guy gonna get it from me one day...Next Jannah then Wani..Wani alot of times...But I guess I forgive them 'cause it was not done purposely....Haiz...What a drag..Got myself a day off from school...Whee...Well..Done my rambling for today guys...
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Remind me that whenever I have my PE lessons,warn me not to be too 'gian' about it 'K?
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Happy Birthday
Nuryani Bte Yahya
I know that we are now getting further apart from each other but I want you to know that you will always be my best friend...So I wish you have cherishable moments in the future....
Love,Huda.... ^__^
Went out with Zahira today...Wani can't make though..Well..S'okay 'cause we had fun just the two of us...Went to Hereen(Finally get the spelling right),bought the W-inds. DVD and went shopping...Hahaha..Nothing much can be said about today...
After going to Orchard,went to Compass Point to get my reserved gift for my mama...Hope she like it man...The lady wrapping my gift doesn't remember me I think..Then followed Zahira to Popular and Watson then went home...Watched W-inds DVD..Keita sOoo CUTEZ!!!Hehehe...Guess that's all...Wanna do my homework at night...Haiz...
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Tomolo my mama and dada coming home!!Yeah!! ~^o^~
Friday, May 12, 2006
Airmata Ibu
Apakah sebenarnya
Terbuku dikalbumu
Apakah erti linang airmata di pipimu
Ucapkanlah padaku
Tak bisa kurungkannya
Rahsia yang kau pendam itu
( korus )
Aku hanya menduga
Tidak mampu merasa
Sebenar-benar perasaanmu
Pengorbanan yang kau lakukan
Untuk dewasakan ku
Pengorbanan yang kau lakukan
Untuk dewasakanku
Hanya bisa ditanggung oleh hati ibu
( bridge )
Namun kupercaya
Takkan terlerai kasih
Ikatan ini takkan putus
( korus ) 2x
Telah kau telan lara
Dan terima segala
Dugaan dan badai yang melanda...
Duhai ibu
Happy Mother's Day !!! ^__^ The song 'Night Flight~Yakan Hikou~ will be upload again after this special event...Hahaha....Sad man...My parents going to Tanjong Penang today!!!Well...Gonna miss them but!!My mama gonna get a surprise gift on Sunday!!Hope she like it!!
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Hmmm...Got some of my results today...Well..So far,I failed all...Great...Hahaha..S'Okay I think...Mean I won be bucking up till my Prelims so....Niwae,went to Poly today..Attend a talk about Entrepeneuer or somethin like that at Nanyang Poly...Hahaa...Not really interested in business..
I mean can you imagine someone like me who is a slacker and a layback working as a serious businesswoman?Woah...Sorry babe...Got ta wrong person..I'm not like those who wanna go to the top to show off..Hey..You can show your talents at the bottom too eh?Like my ever favourite motto,'Who cares?'
Niwae,I was like asleep during his lecture so can't really remember wat the heck he was talking about...Maybe that's why I got some problems during brainstormin with my group...Hahah..Hell..That was funny!!Nasri was dead refused to present but hey,too bad 'cause he contributed so little so...I kinda forced him to go..Not only me man...Jannah,Wani and Hafiz too!
After that,I waited with Jannah and Wani for Mira to finished her class...To claimed back my beloved VCD...It's been so freaking long dude!!Hahaha...Met with Liyana too!!Saw so many of my Primary School buddies there...The horror!! O__o After that went home and life went on as usual...Hmmm...Gotta start revising soon..Found many things that I am seriously lacking...Aaargghh!!!
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Going to Herren on Saturday to buy my beloved W-INDS.!!!!Then go Compass Point to buy my Mother's Day present...What present you ask?A handbag!!!Hahaha...That too I got some help from Jannah...Well..Gonna go out with Wani and Zahirah!!!Tata!!!
Saturday, May 06, 2006
tired dokk!!
The show that was superbly recommended by our own dearest friend,Sumaiyah,was slow plus boring...I nearly fell asleep man...Haiz...But it was kinda an okay show too 'cause it show how the Palestins has no other choice except for suicide bombing...Kinda sad only the ending SUX!!!I was like ga-ga when the screen just went white and the names scrolled down..The whole cinema was silence..Guess they are too shocked to handle their disappointment...
I mean what's the deal about the movie being rated M18??!!Doesn't even have violence in it...Haiz...Guess I learned my lesson...Not to watch anything recommended by Maya till I really sure about the movie...Hahaha...But one thing for sure,we are gonna watch the movie 'Doomed' or something like that...o6o6o6..Number of the Devil...WhoOop!!!
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Better make yourselves free on that day guys!!That movie is gonna be a second chance for us to be satisfied!!Hahah...
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Well...If u wanna know,the guys starting from the left are Keita Tachibana,Ryuichi Ogata and Ryohei Chiba...I think from what you see in my webby,you can tell who I LOVE the most!!YAH~!!KEITA & RYUICHI!!They are SoOo cute!!!Ryohei is cute too but he did not capture my heart.. ^__^; If u wanna know which one is which,Keita is most at the centre and Ryuichi at the right..You can easily spot him..He's the most prettiest of the lot...Hahax...
Their songs are so GOOD!For your info,the song that is playing now is called 'Kireida'...Their video clips are nice!OK OK...Enough of my undying adoration for them...Well...It seems that this will be the last entry for now till I finish my stupid MID-Year Exam...Gotta concentrate man..Hahah...
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Do drop by and leave your thoughts about my new layout!!Flames are not welcome though... ^__^
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Buck up gal
Tidak kau tau
Ku masih menyayangi
Leka lena terdengar suaramu
Tidak ku lupa bila bersama mu
Tapi kini terlupa jua
Pedihnya hatiku mendengar kisahmu
Pabila perbualan orang
Kau ditunangkan dengan jejaka lain
Selain ku
Bila ku merenung
Wajahmu yang ayu
Teringat sejarah kita berdua
Takkn ku lupa peristiwa bersama
Tapi kini kau jauh meninggal aku
Tak pernah aku termimpi
Akan terjadi begini
Apa lagi berpisah dengan mu
Aduhai kekasihku
Oh Nadya aku cinta pada mu
Oh Nadya engkaulah kekasihku
Oh Nadya kembablilah sayangku
Seperti waktu dahulu
Short and sweet just the way I like it...I noticed something about me during these past few days...I am EASILY and I mean easily irritated...Just a few jokes and I flare up...Hmmm....I won't call them jokes though..More like insults..Maybe I'm tired of giving the boys face?I mean there is a limit to my patience and man they are nearly crossing the border dude...Can't wait to end my years in Xinmin..6 more months....
Another thing is,I found it much harder to go with the flow...Yeah..I may laugh and crack jokes and all that shit but really...All of them are forced..Though there are some times I did laugh...Hmmm..Think I'm getting stress about the freaking Mid-Year Examinations which I haven even starts to revise yet...My life is turning to disaster...Added to the fact I still abhor that gal...
Well...One thing for sure..This whole week,'M starting to REALLY pay attention in class and try to catch what I missed...Atleast I will understand what the hell I am revising for later...Hahaha...Btw,English Oral Examinations for Prelims went splendidly..Really enjoyed yapping through the conversation...It's my Malay results I'm worried about....Was told that none got a distinction for our Oral...Sux...
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Finally completed Suikoden V...Can finally rest in peace...Hahaha....Countdown MID-YEAR-->8 more days....
Saturday, April 15, 2006
I think about how time has come and gone with the wind
Just waiting for the time we'll be together
So many times I've wanted so to call out your name
I hear your voice makes me want to run to you
The years has passed but really nothing much here has changed
I know that's what you'll say when we meet up again
And I will laugh just take a second look at me now
My looks have changed and I have learned so much
In that mystery of time when no one noticed
When we lost the eyes of youth and no one told us
The future comes at such a speed uncertain of the risk
I know now who we are and what is real
We can't forget those gifts that we shared
We hold them close and dear to our hearts
Like a dream we had dream together
Ready to come true
The things that will in time come alive
That is why I continue to grow
Even more to me I continue to grow
I think again of the ones we have lost
And there are times I wanted to cry
The western wind moves through once again
And ruffles off your hair
Reminds you why we all came to here
And that voice that you've come to know
Then calls your name from beyond the unknown
An open road you've not seen before
You're on your way a new path waits for you
On Friday,nothing much going on...Public holiday what...Stay at home and do what??Play Suikoden V whole day!!From 6.30 am - 1.20 am!!!Nyahahah... 0__o Eyes getting blur~
And today,woke up at 6.50,found out I was late...Go to school hastily and met up with Jannah...One by one our classmates started to arrived at our stall...Had to go to the Hall for Speech Day as audience...Hmmm...Don have much to say 'cause I was sleeping..Till Mr Singh came to scold those who were sleeping...Wani woke me up just in time...
Then we spent time walking and helping out at the stall...Nothing to do..Got to see Cikgu Norliza second children..He is SO cute!!!I just wanna pinch his face so hard and coo at him but hey,gotta act cool...Hahaha...So I merely stared at him like a hungry wolf..Uhh...That sounded TOTALLY wrong...
One thing to say about this year homecoming,it was BORING~ I was so bored,I kept yawning..Haiz..But it was kinda good to held this event 'cause I got to meet with some of my friends who had graduated...Hahaha...Miss them man...Niwae,I did not see Diyanawati...Kinda packed there so.....
Guess that's all for today's rambling...Next week is my Oral Examinations for Prelims...Wish me luck guys...Gonna need a hella lot of it...Haiz..
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Countdown for Mid-Year--->2 more weeks... >__<;
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Well...I think I am seriously slacking off..Hahaha...Three more weeks to Mid Year Examination and I still don know what the heck I am studying in school...Double shit...The past few days had been tiring with preparation for Homecoming Day and CCA...
Speaking of CCA,last Friday,we had our Uniform Group Competition...That was damn good man...Especially when SJAB came in..You can obviously see their footdrill was the BEST!!And there was a performance put up by the NCC boys from Deyi Secondary School...They were so good,better than our NCC I say..Hahah...No offense guys..
Yesterday was our Sports Day...I had public duty...It was very boring..I nearly fell asleep...The exciting part was only the Teachers VS Parents event..That really perked me up!!Mr Singh & Mr Yam~You guys ROCKZ!!! ^__^
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Homecoming Day is this Saturday....Tired.............. -__-
Di kala kau mencari cinta
Aku memberi...
tetapi tak pernah ku rasakan
Di kala aku dilamun cinta dengan dirimu
Mengapa kau jauh dariku
Tiada cinta di dalam dirimu
Biarpun kau kata kau cinta padaku
Tidak kau rasa getaran ini
Tiada cinta lain sehebat cintaku
Haruskah aku menanti cinta ini
Kerna kau masih tak mengerti hatiku
Tak perlu kuucap 'Baby I love you so'
Kerna cinta darimu tak sehebat cintaku
Haruskah aku menahan perasaan
Tak sanggup kau bermain di fikiranku
Tak perlu kuucap apa diimpikan
Jadikan pengalaman cinta kita berdua
Setelah semuanya berlalu....
hatiku sepiAkan kusimpan cintaku ini
Di kala engkau pergi dari ku
Aku tersendiri.... mengapa engkau begitu
Tiada cinta di dalam dirimu
Biarpun kau kata 'Baby I love you'
Tiada cinta getaran ini
Tiada cinta lain sehebat cintaku
Haruskah aku menanti cinta ini
Kerna kau masih tak mengerti hatiku
Tak perlu kuucap 'Baby I love you so'
Kerna cinta darimu tak sehebat cintaku
Haruskah aku menahan perasaan
Tak sanggup kau bermain di fikiranku
Lupakan semua apa diimpikan
Jadikan pengalaman cinta kita berdua
Haruskah aku menanti cinta ini
Kerna kau masih tak mengerti hatiku
Baby I love you
Haruskah aku menanti cinta ini
Kerna kau masih tak mengerti hatiku
Tak perlu kuucap 'Baby I love you so'
Kerna cinta darimu tak sehebat cintaku
Haruskah aku menahan perasaan
Tak sanggup kau bermain di fikiranku
Tak perlu kuucap 'Baby I love you so'
Kerna cinta darimu tak sehebat cintaku
Haruskah aku menanti cinta ini
Kerna kau masih tak mengerti hatiku
Tak perlu kuucap 'Baby I love you so'
Jadikan pengalaman cinta kita berdua.... ooohhh
Haruskah aku menanti cinta darimu
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Teman Tapi Mesra
Aku punya teman
Teman sepermainan
Kemana ada dia selalu ada aku
Dia amat manis
Dan juga baik hati
Dia selalu ada waktu
Untuk membantuku
Namun aku bingung
Ketika dia bilang cinta
Dan dia juga katakan
Tuk ingin jadi kekasihku
Cukuplah saja berteman denganku
Janganlah kau meminta lebih
Ku tak mungkin mencintaimu
Kita berteman saja
Teman tapi mesra
Aku memang suka pada dirimu
Namun aku ada yg punya
Lebih baik kita berteman
Kita berteman saja
Teman tapi mesra
My Fav song of the year!! ^__^
See Ya Slacker & Loserz!!!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Man I am so depress right now!!Why u ask me?'Cause I just found out that my beloved pet hamster,Jojo is missing!!! >__<
I just felt like crying when I was told that someone forgot to close the cage and the hamster had disappeared....I mean hey,I just bought the hamster and look where it is now...Some owner I am...Can't stop thinking about it in school...
You might think that I am overreacting a bit but I am absolutely NOT!!!I know that it is not a human being but I still love it just as much!!I love ALL my pets!!!I think those who are pet lovers will know how I feel right now...I did not even have it's pictures!!!
Luckily,before this freaking bad luck,he left his babies behind...Atleast I have something of him...But I still I LOVE him!!!I think what my mother said is true...I rather know that my loved ones are dead rather then missing..At least you know where they are but if they are missing,somewhere deep in your mind,you will keep on thinking about them...'M gonna go cry right now.....
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz....
Note: I've learned my lesson... Don ever name my pets Jojo ever again..Why??'Cause I once have a pet cat named Jojo...The snowy white one...It disappeared when I was in Primary School...

Monday, March 27, 2006
Hills have eyes
Watched it with Shalihin today..Actually,Maya was supposed to come too but due to her age,she was unable to enter...I mean they checked our ICs at the entrance..Even the girl at the counter advise ask to check whether our friend was really 18 years old when we asked for three tickets...Wouldn't it be a waste if she had bought the ticket but are not allowed to enter??
I think Singapore is being a tad too strict with the ratings of movies...I mean,they counted the age not by year but by months..That totally sux especially for those who was a month too slow...Like in Maya cases...Haiz...Wonder why the laws are too strict...Singaporeans nowadays are getting way too mature for their age..I mean,look at the Primary School students man...Haven even in Primary 6,they already have boyfriends/girlfriends and some have even kissed!!I think Singapore really need to lower the ratings dude...
Niwae,about the movie...It was so violent and full of gore..Just the way I love it!! ^__^ One minute into the movie and I was freaked out of my skin...Hahaha...It was full of shocking surprises..And the movie was pretty ironic too...Won't say anything 'cause I don want to spoil the suspense...Hahaha...
Well..After the movie went home..Was really sleepy and nearly fell asleep in the bus...Got home,done my homework and here I am!Hhaha...Guess that's all!!
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:I think She's the Man is a great movie man!!Can't wait for it to come out!!!
Friday, March 24, 2006
Went to the concert on Wednesday..Was very fun!Benjy was good in acting...I missed my friends soooO much!!!Aini and Zahirah too had came...Lucky gals..They received free tickets..Hahaha...Good for them...
Yesterday after school,Wani asked me whether I wanted to join her and Jannah go to CP...Well...Let's just say they wanted me to help them out with something but well,I was lazy at that time so...Hahaha...Sorry guys...Need some sleep....Zzzz...Hope you guys had 'fun' with HER...
Today I followed Zahirah to CP...Thought of going to the library but Vanessa called and asked Zahirah to design the Class T-shirt again..Poor gal...Zahirah was quite pissed..Hahaha...In the end,we had to go back @ 2.30 pm..Grr...Stupid shirt...Haiz..
Oh!We planned to have a day where we make cookies at someone's house..That will be soo cool...Hmmm..Have ta ask Wani and the rest...BTW,me,Jannah and Wani have a new nick for the three of us!!WaHuJan!!!Wah~Hujan!!!Hahah...Not funny I know but at that time,it was!
I guess that's all..Don know what else to say..Hahah...Tomolo going to school for Shotput though 'm just a reserve..Luckily,Zahirah is coming too!Then we planned on revising our maths...Man...I am realy clueless about Probability dude....Though Vectors is a FUN subject..Very confusing..Hahah..Shit..Really need to buck up on my Malay..Also my Chemistry and Physics...Double shit...Haiz...
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:To all ex-students of Xinmin,if you wanna buy the Homecoming tickets,PLEASE buy from me!! ^_^ Just msg me and I will set a date for us to meet...Please come and support us!!
Saturday, March 18, 2006
We are all a bunch of backstabbers...I'm not just talking about myself but from the way I observed the people around me..Hell,no one is perfect I tell you but I,for certain,will only backstab those who are freaking rude to my family or friends....Though backstabbing sounds a little too lenient..Frontstab the person is more likely...Hahah...
Second,we are all hypocrites...Yeap..Always says this but meant another...Sometimes can be a little irritating...Who cares about hypocrites?What I damn hate are people who loves to twist other people's words..Trying to raise a conflict between friends...I experienced it once but I merely went straight to my friend ,Jannah and she told me to ignore it 'cause it's not true..BTW,that kind of act was really low man...Even lower than that of a cockroach I tell you...Even they have a sense of dignity..Hahaha... ^_^
Another thing is people love to delude themselves eh?It may be for me once but I learned that you can never be too careful with the people around you...God!Some people just don wan get it do they?'M getting bored with the same old scene every single day...
You may be wondering why the heck am I writing these but I was in a pretty distrustful mode for the past few days...If you guys don understand what the hell I am blabbering about,it's okay...These are just what my thoughts are about life...We are all cursed...Yeap...That's life...Which includes these three factors:
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:'M just pointing out some of my general knowledge..Doesn't hav anything to do with anyone but if you agree with my point of view,join the PsYcHo Club!! ^_^
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Well...Just got back from SJAB..Man..Think I gonna fail my First Aid Promotion Test..What else is new huh?After that we had our so-called intensive Footdrill...More like endurance training to me..Gotta run here run there run EVERYWHERE!!So tiring...Got home and here I am!!
For the past few days,nothing much happened as usual except that our class had welcomed another member who joined us on last Monday....Gonna do our best this year!!Me and Jannah had made a pact that next year,we had to get on stage...Not to be scolded or anything but 'course we are TOP in O'Levels!!!I know,I know...Seems impossible but hey,if you wanna go far,you gotta dream big eh??
March is coming and so is our Malay O'Levels...Haiz...Gotta take for the 3rd time..That SUX big time but hey,who ever said that getting A1 is easy?'M gonna kill that dude,man...Oh yeah!Forgot about the group study thingy I am gonna have with my friends after all our CCas have stepped down...Guess I better start planning now or else it will be too late...
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:22nd March is the only last time I am gonna enjoy myself and of course,meet up with my beloved friends again...Can't wait!! ^_^ Btw,we did make a bloggy just for our friendship...Drop by if you have the time! --->
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Let's cut the chase will we?It was during recess if I am not wrong..Went to the toilet with Wani and Zahirah when I saw Jannah with Aqmal outside the classroom...Dude am I confused when I saw her threatening him...Adding with the fact that Aqmal shouted for me to help him..I was clueless..Hahaha...Turned out that the Malay boys locked him out and left him with a deranged gal...
Then when I came in,the boys was like saying "Big boss come!!Reinforcements!!"Or whatever shit...I just ignored them and asked the other what the heck just happened..My Gawd!When Fauzan and the rest said someting about Jannah watching porno I burst outloud!It was soooo funny...Though I know it was not true I could not help myself...Some friend huh?Hhaha...
Then the boys was like "I will support you" and laughed along..It was hilarious dude!Jannah was screaming in frustration...Then I remembered something...Back at the toilet,Wani told me that one of the boys hid my bag inside the closet and she took it back for me...I went up to the boys and said.
"Tadi ade satu burung bilang aku..Sape taruk beg aku dalam closet??!"
(Just now,there's one bird that told me...Who placed my bag in the closet??!)
All the boys pointed at Fauzan who tried his uhh best to point at the others but well I knew...I even asked Madi 'cause he was the only guy who was in class with Fauzan..And he took his english worksheet and shoved it into my face saying that he was doing his homework...Semangat...Panik nampak bang?Nyahahah...
I beat Fauzan and left 'em...For the whole day,Jannah was teased by them...Poor gal...Hhahaah...Not to mention today..There was rows of chair that someone kinda took and placed in behind our class...Some boys including Madi and Aqmal went to sit there...From my point of view,it looked like they were
waiting for something...Like in the polyclinic or something...
Then I think Nasri said that they are waiting for Jannah...I do not even want to finish that sentence...Man..Nasri was crude..Jannah chased him around the class shouting that she will kill him..Madi even took something and make it as though he was whipping something...Kinky fella...Ceh...
Overall it was damn funny when they started teasing Jannah though sometimes it was pretty annoying...Especially to Jannah...Nyahahah...Oh!!I also teased her with Aqmal..Why?'Cause I had nothing better to do..It was about the Hari Raya piccy where we were all sitting on the floor but only him and her was sitting behind...When I said this during Maths lesson,Aqmal who was sitting beside Madi behind me,shot back indignantly that there was no place else to sit..Man..Thay guy was funny when he did that expression...Desperation..
They made a good couple if you asked me..Nyahaha!!!Fine..fine...Before they kill me I'd better stop sprouting rubbish..Well..Guess that's all then...It's been quite a fun roller-coaster ride this past two day!
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:'M definetely going for the band and choir performance on 22 March!!Wheee~!
Monday, February 20, 2006
Hmmm...What did I do today?Well,we had PE lesson..That was boring...I mean we just sat there and do worksheets...So when I was done,I walked around,seeing that my friends were busy talking about Taufik Batisah...Then Aiwen,Sin Li and Vivian called me to talk about stuffs...Surprise surprise!!Seems like they have the same opinions with me...
Niwae,I cut my fringe and hell...Everyone seemed to notice..I was like huh?They were all like saying you look cute and whatever shit but it looks the same to me...Jannah even said that it made me look more womenly and not fierce!!Oh man..That really hurts me!Hahaha...
Then we got English lesson and Maths...Very boring...Nothing much going now...But the best part of the day was during our DISC...It was sOo funny dude!That guy was like teasing Ronghui alotz...Then he kept looking at my Maths teacher,Ms Kuck...Gonna tease her 2molo... ^_^
However this week gonna be the best week ever!Why??I need not go to the meeting for one week!!Yeah!!Nasri oh so kind-heartedly made a deal with me that if I help him burn a game,he will go to the meetings...No way am I gonna pass this chance up man!Whee~!So damn happy!
I also realised something..I had known some of my friends for 6 years and I did not even realise it!!My god..How much time flew...Me and Aiwen was like chatting and then she said "Hey!We were in the same class since sec 1!!"I was like bullshit man..Hahaha...So funny...Hmmm...Forgot to asked her blogspot webby...And she have Joshua Ang's piccies!!!Aaargghh!!Hmm..Then me and Zahirah accompanied Jannah who wanna cut her fringe...After that,had our so-called lunch and Zahirah went to my house to watch scary movie while Jannah went home...
Well,I guess that's all...Told ya nothing much is going on in my miserable life..Wonder what my graduated friends are doing right now...Speaking of which,I heard that one of the gals in Sec5 is gonna join my class...TOMORROW!!Heard that she failed horibbly...I mean I know her feelings...To see your friends go while you are stuck in this manhole... >_<
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Really need to buck up on my Chemistry and Englsih man....
Friday, February 17, 2006
lov3 ya
Somewhere in the world
Somewhere in the dark
I can hear the voice that calls my name
Might be a memory
Might be my future
Might be a love waiting for me
Rock me gently
Hug me tenderly
'Til the morning breaks, night fades away
I've spent my time in vain
Trapped inside pain
Don't let me down
Help me see the light
* Feeling bitter and twisted all along
Wading through an empty life too long
I close my eyes
Listen to the wind
Longing to belong to a higher place
Let me hear your voice
Let me be with you
When the shadow falls down upon me
Like a bird singing
Like a breeze blowing
It's calling me
Somewhere in the world
Dedicated to Nuryani and Amirah...Thanks for the words of encouragement guys...You are soOoo sweet!! ^_^ 'M okay now...Part of growing up...I am not gonna fall into depression over little things like this so stop worrying kay?
We really behave like the 'Bujang Lapok' eh?Only we are gals..Hmm..Think gonna find that song!!
Love you guys till the END!!And yesh I know...We will STICK together FOREVER!!Hahaha...
Even if we were to part one day,our memories will remain till we meet again...In another place.. ^_^
Nothing much today....Go to school and Puan Ida kinda asked me about something...Which I replied back in a matter-of-fact tone...About what??Guess...Niwae,accompany Jannah to the brief meeting with Mr Joseph Lim...Bwahahaha...Kinda funny actually...I mean,Jannah here thought that maybe she was exempted for the External Vigilator thingy but it turned out to be the opposite...She is to go for another interview next Monday!!
God her reaction was hilarious...Her eyes were like bulging out and she screeched..Mr Lim just smiled...Then it was like all blah blah blah then we went to class...Hmmm...Funny thing was,I thought that Aqmal was in a bad mood for some reason 'cause what the hell,he was not his usual crazy self for the past two days... [eg:insulting me... >:( ] I don't think it's about that thing I asked him about 'cause he was like don worry about it...But during Maths lessson,he sat next to me and acted normal so I did not ask any question...Man...There are weird people with mood swings besides me in this world...
After Maths went to TAF and got cramp...Shit...Managed to 'tahan' and endured through the interview...It's was fun!Although Nasri was nearly shitting himself in his pants when I told him that maybe it was one-on-two...Turned out that it was in a group and that pain went away or so he told me..Seems that whenever he is nervous he will have a bad stomachache..Like that time during our N'Levels results and when he was tseted by our Malay teacher for Oral..So funny... ^_^
Niwae,the Vigilator was nice and friendly...Talked about how the habits of mind were applied in our life and the teachers..I said that the teachers pushes us towards our goals even though we were slackers and they LAUGHED!I was not completely bemused but what did I say??It was the truth...Hahaha...But 'cause of the cramp,I told Ms Ng that I would not be coming for SJAB and she said okay...Got home and found that the clinic was closed...Damn...Decided to wait till it reopens again...
Overall,like I said nothing interesting is going on in my life...School getting more boring 'cause the Sec5s 2005 no longer there...Haiz...Cannot 'kacau' them...Still haven asked the guys whether they wanna perform the Dikir Barat combine with the girls this year...Haiz...Lot of work in my hands...
By the way,I had already decided my goal...For what??My personal as well as my academic goals...Hmmm...There are only a few things for my personal goals but one of them is to get a good job to support my family...Academicall, I wanna get at least 15 ponts maximun for my L1 R4!!All the best to me dude!!!
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Watch out 2005 Sec5s..'M gonna attack you when I am stuck so prepare yourself!!Bwahahahah!!!!
Monday, February 13, 2006
However,for now,I am seriously thinking about my friendships that I have with the others...Sometimes I could not help but wonder...Are they really my friends or do I dare trust them?Or am I being too soft by giving them face?I need to find the answers....
You would say without thinking that friendship means a lot but have you ever wonder,what is friendship really about?Does it even exists in this world?I know that some of us would immediately say that he or she is my best friend but is that for sure?
These questions kept swirling in my mind when I looked at all of my friends..Be it in school or outside...Yeah..We love to hang around and joke with them during or after school but when it all comes down,will they be the ones who will be standing by your side and holding your hand for support?I don care if you say I am choosy or what but hell it's my life I am talking about here...And I am not trying to be a backstabber or whatever shit you call it...Hell..To me,they are the worse and they should just stab each other in the back..More fun to look at...
In the end,I guess I should start from scratch again..I think I will observe those who are around me and find more about their personalities before admitting that they are truly my friends and not acquaintances..But hey,that does not mean that I am not their friend..I will still be there if they need my help but for now let me think about all these....
Signing out Slacker & Loserz....
PS:Distancing myself from my friends for a while may sounds like a good decision but there is no way am I gonna hurt them like that...So all I can do is go home and think....
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Glad u see it
If you think that this time I read your blog sorry,wasn't me...Jus one gal who informed me bout it but well who cares anyway?I was sleeping at that time...Hahaha...Although I don see the need to write about you in my blog,I will talk about you with our friends...That would be more fun as there are more things to discuss..No fun talking to myself...
Well...Went to the movie yesterday with Zahirah...We talked about stuffs and all that...So boring dude that show...Thought that 'Fun With Dick and Jane'gonna be funny like Wani said but it was okay..No climax at all...But I still had fun with her...She was so funny man...
After that,we went to Kovan and took piccies..Saw one jacket that we are both eyeing on...Then went home..Nothing much really..Just that in the bus,Zahirah started talking about ghosts...Hilarious I tell you...She was the one who started it but in the end,she was the one who was scared shitless...
We planned on going to Geylang and Clementi together one day..Also planning to play badminton...Better asked our friends along...Gonna be FUN!!!That's all guys!!
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Congrats to all my friends!!You've done exceedingly well in your Os!!! ^_^
Friday, February 10, 2006
Please lah...I am just here to make things clear..I don have the time to entertain you okay?You can do what you want and I can do mine...And you say people don noticed my hypocrite ways 'cause I always act cute??Then you are not paying close attention to the people around you..I can safely say that not everyone likes me and I am bloody fine with that...I mean I not all perfect...Btw, they are not my close friends so why the hell should I even bother about them?
One more thing,if you are thinking I am flirting with Aqmal,please get ur freaking head examine...Yes,I fully write his name..Why??'Cause I wanna make things damn clear to everyone that I am bloody not interested in him...You got ur own BF so why looked at other guys?I really hope that HE will notice my friend and not you!So just because you say I am a flirt you think that gonna stopped me from talking to the guys??Hell..It's my voice,my choice and my
bloody life whom I talk to okay??!!Btw,you are not even his GF for what you care who flirts with him??
And you say you are smart??Just shut up and prove it to me when the O levels results are out next year kay?I don even giv a shit about who cleverer or who's more stupid....As long as they are doing their best,that's all what matters...
Lastly,you said that I've bumped into you??Well,I opologised for that but hey,you did say that I was FAT with DROOPING boobs so forgive my clumsiness...
So from now on whatever shit you wanna write about me,go ahead..I don giv a damn...You can tell the whole world who I am really am in your point of view but who cares??All I know is that I hate you to the core so the feelings is mutual eh??So MY advice to you,Jangan nk act minah r dekat sikit eh...
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:I don care if you read this or not...All I care is that you know what I think of you and vice versa...If you got some problems settled it with me face-to-face!!!!
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Tiada sehari yang berlalu
Tanpa ku mengingati Mu
Rindu pada Mu
Sentiasa mendambakan
Kasih dan sayang Mu
Semalam aku bermimpi
Dalam hujan ku berlari
Berlari mencari
Memangil-manggil nama Mu
Nama Mu yang sempurna
Kuharap dan kuberdoa
Semoga dapat bersua denganmu
Tiada kata yang dapat ku gambarkan
Perasaan yang ku alami
Cinta ku ini tiada berbelah bagi
Cinta yang suci dan abadi
Apakah aku diterima
Atau kau kan membiarkan saja
Kerana ku berdosa
Jangan biarkan ku terhina
Ku merayu pada mu
( ulang KORUS 2X )
Yeap..Change the song again...For those non-malays sorry but I could not help uploading this song..Soo nice man...Hahaha....Niwae,Valentine's Day is coming so 'm kinda mushy right now... ^_^
Hmmm..What to say about me??Well...Nothing much just wanna say a big 'THANK YOU' to Yani and Mira for giving me those wonderful presents that they had given me @ 8.45 pm!!!...Hahaha...I know I was slow in my reaction..I mean...After you guys boarded the bus,I messenged u guys telling you how lovely the presents were...Slow loading!!Don't hit me!!
What kind of presents u ask?Well..A Naruto action figures,piccies,a Sasuke keychain (GASP!) and a BIG HARRY POTTER WALLPAPER!!!Oh My Gawd!!!Last but not least a piccy of Mr Jachie Chan himself with their self-proclaimed of his signature behind..That was funny!!!
Hmmm...I guess that's all for this entry then...Nothing much going on in my life except for the random jokes in school from Nasri and his stupid gang...Haha...Baka...
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Please pray for me that I will pass my Malay O'Level this Friday!!And to those who are taking their results,all the best and I will see you in school!!If you are in the same school with me that is... >_<
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Joshua & Shawn~!!
Today,I went to watch the movie with Maya...Man...It was full house at Junction 8 so we went to Yishun to watch it...The only tickets we finally got was at 6.10 pm and that time was only 2+!!!So we spent the time walkin around and lookin at stuffs...So boring man...Even went to arcade and played there...Hmmm...But the waiting was worth it!!
Can't believe that they had grown so much...Especially Shawn who was a skinny kid when he was young...I really love Joshua man...Can't stop thinking about those two...Haiz...Niwae,the movie was very emotional and inspiring...It really showed how the teenagers became wild because of the little attention they were given by their parents..I mean,when was the last time your parents had praised you???I know mine haven in a long time...Haiz....But I still love them though there are times when I don even wanna look at their faces...
But lookin at the movie,I realised that I am really fortunate to have parents who cares about me...The show was so damn sad...Seeing teenagers became bad just because their parents no longer cares about what they really want....Not listening to what the teenagers want to say...When I think about it,am I really going to be a good parent to my son or daughter?GODD!!So scared....
I know I am over-reacting but you gotta think ahead right???I don want my children to become wild because I never paid atention to them...OK...Let's stop talkin about the future and back to the movie alright?Hahah...Can't wait for the cd to come out...Am gonna be the first one to buy it!!!
Well...This movie also potrayed friendship..Like I told Maya,I like the friendship between the boys...Why??Because to some of them,friendship meant more than anythin...I really admire those with that kind of attitude...Haiz...What about the girls u ask??Well..That's different...I felt that beween the girls,their friendship is more to the OK level...But the guys...Man..When it's about their friends,they really means business dude!!For some of them aniwae...
Nevermind if you don understand me...Just blabbering here...Hahah...Well...I guess that's all for today...Wanna get ready for school and think about them!!! ^_^ Tata!!!<3
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Can't find Joshua Ang's piccies!!! >_<
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Ku juga mencintaimu
Sukarnya untuk ku melupakan
Sinar matamu yang menawan
Terbayang-bayang tiap masa
Senyumanmu menggoda
Kehangatan terasa dijiwa
Tika kau lafaz kata cinta
Nafas terhenti seketika
Seakan sukar kupercaya
Ku juga mencintai dirimu
Mengapa sukar kuluahkan
Bukan sengaja ku menahan
Bibir membeku lidah terkelu
Ku juga mencintai dirimu
Kau amat sempurna buatku
Bukan saja aku biarkan
Kan ku ucap jua padamu
Sukarnya untuk kuucapkan
Kutakut akan kehilanganmu
Akan kubuat segalanya
Untukmu kekasihku
Cuma satu yang belum terbuat
Kalimah cinta kau nantikan
Bila masa dan ketika
Tidak dapat kumenjawabnya
Semalaman ku menunggu panggilanmu
Pabila terdengar suaramu
Ku terlupa segalanya
Oh My GAWD!!I am SooO in love with this song man!!Soo touching...For those who did not understand what the heck it's saying,sorry!! ^_^ It a malay song sang by Saiful...Well..That's all!!!
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
Friday, January 27, 2006
Mad Dude...
The reason from her was she was tired!I was so angry that when I reached home,I did not even look at her...Hmmm...Guess she too was mad 'cause she bang the kitchen cupboard..Ceh...Angry people on the loose...Get outta the way everyone..I could really kill someone now...Literally....
Well..Let's not talk bout that anymore or else I will rant all the way..Niwae,there's only one word to describe today's celebration and that is it SUX!!!SooOO boring...Man...Are they not creative anymore??But luckily there was some entertainment when Fauzan went on stage...
See..The thing was my class,502 was one of the 5 top to be selected for the creativity of the Chinese New Year card...Hahaha...I drew the piccies then my classmates coloured it...Needless to say,we nailed it...Niwae,Nasri asked me to present it and I refused..I hate being on stage!!!In the end we asked Fauzan to go and boy did that guy do a good job...
He was so relaxed and funny with his monotone voice...He explain the piccies I drew with a bored stance and pointed out a few details which ended with"I also don know"...Hahaha...Then came the last part where he showed us the angpow with our piccies pasted on it...He said that the design were the same because we did not want to waste paper and we wanted to save the trees!!I was like laughing my ass off man!!!How the heck does Geography got into the descriptions....
Hmmm...I guess that's all...Nothing fun..Got home,slept then woke up and played com...Haiz...At 6 pm my father will call me to get ready...Why??I asked him to sent me to Hougang Green to change the game I had bought...Stupid seller...Game spoiled also don know...Cehh...OK...Till then...
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Maybe 'm going to Melacca this sunday...Juz can't seem to get xcited now...Haiz....
Saturday, January 21, 2006
When we reached there,we were like standing around not knowing what to do when a girl named Shi Min( I hope I spelled correctly ) approached us and asked whether we are interested in Marinetime course...I think that's what it's called...It's a new course from what I heard...Anyway,the name gave the idea of a marine ship and it was...In a way...
She gave us a tour around the building and I was immediately interested in that course...It looked like fun but to get the course seemed pretty hard...We went to what may looked like the engine of a ship...Even given the chance to experience what it feels like to steer a ship!!!
After that I went to the Design course with Zahira while Jannah and Aini looked around at the Business section...I LOVED the Design course man!!Really caught my attention...Especially the game development and the creative media design...Then we went to have free ice-creams and drinks before heading to the Business centre...
There,we were given a brief introduction on the C&M..Which I think my friend was interested in...Hmmm..The cut-off point is 12 points but if you are more by 3 points,they might called you for an interview...Atleast that's what the guide said...I was not really interested so I kept quiet..
We headed to Temasek Poly after having our lunch at MacDonald in Tampiness Mall...Sad to say,I was not impressed by the Design course in Temasek...It was totally different from what I see in Nanyang and Singapore Poly...But I guess different people have different point of views..AND I saw Khairiyah there!!Hahaha...She told me she was gonna take the Nursing course and I was like "FuYoOo!!"
In the bus when I was heading home with Zahira,I met Rabiah...Shocked me..It's been so long since I have seen her..We talked until she reached her stop and then mine...Hahah...We did not exactly go home straight away...Sat at the bus stop and listened to Japanese song..I think Zahira is getting addicted to the J-Pop songs...Nyahaha!!All because of my influences!!!
Well,I guess that's all...Hmmm..For now,I think I will make my first choice to be a Design course at Singapore Poly then at Nanyang Poly..Third choice could be the Marinetime...This way,I can set my target in O'Levels!! ^_^
See Ya Slackerz Loserz!!!
PS: Next week I am going to Ngee Ann maybe!!!
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Happee birthdae to me...
Well...On the dot of my birthday,my friends,Nuryani,Amirah and Siti Rabiah messaged me wishing me a happy birthday...Though I am surprised that Rabiah remembered my birthday..I mean..I have not talk to her in like a year or so...Needless to say,I am very touched!Nyahahah....
Then the next day,I don know why but I was really damn sleepy..Juz could not open my eyes...I messaged Nasri saying that I would be late and he must go to the meeting...He replied saying that because it is my birthday,he will go...Cheeky guy...
Came to school,Zahira,Jannah and Aini wished me happy birthday...Hahah...I'm so thankful for Zahira and Aini for giving me a birthday present..It is soo pretty...They gave me a necklace with the pendant in the shape of a key..Nice..Zahira too made me a hand-made card..Kinda like a photo frame...Though she said it was pathetic,to me it IS beautiful!!I really loved the way she draw!!She also gave me two pictures that we took during our Hari Raya....I will post it up when I have enough yeah?
Then lesson started as usual...So fun!!Fauzan and Marzuki decided to play magic with me and hid my bloody pencil box and comb..How on earth they took my comb from my POCKET was beyond me...During CME,Mrs Ng asked us to write a note to those who had changed our life...Though she said wrote to only one person,I gave to Jannah and Wani...I mean hey,because of them,I have changed into a more lady-like person..( Jangan kembang sua.. ^_^)
I was kinda surprised when Jacintha gave me the note...I mean I did not really think that I was that good a person till someone regards me as their role model...I am a slacker MAN!!!Hahaha!!Niwae,I was touched so thank you Jacin!!! ^^
The funny thing was Aqmal messaged me and wished me a happy birthday right after school..I was like "HUH??Now you then you wish me??" He said that he called me just now but I did not hear...So sorry man...Quite deaf nowadays...Nyahah!!!
Then we had our English Test...GOD That was HARD!!I lost 7 marks just because I thought that the lesson ends at 10.30 but in fact it was suppossed to end at 10.15!!!Idiot!!!Aaaarghhh!!!Bloody elephant...Hahahah...Uhhh...Nothing much to say about the rest of the lessons but there was one episode that was so damn funny...Can't tell you though...I laughed my head off man...Nyahahah...
After school I got SJAB activity...Jacintha decided to drag her friends and sang me a birthday song...Complete set!!!Meaning in english Chinese and Malay!!Luckily they did not sing the Indian version..I will DIE!!! Hmmm...I thought it would be just another damn tiring training but no...Sec 5s job was to invigilate the juniors...They were taking the Crime Prevention Test...It was so easy..I mean most of the question I read seemed to be better fit for the Primary school students...Then we had our sing-along session before going home...Haiz...
Well...That's all I guess...Just wanna say thanks to these people for remembering my birthday and I hope that our friendship last forever!!!
Nuryani Yahya
Amirah Ismail
Sumaiyah Ismail
Nur Syazwani Razak
Nurul Jannah Janis
Nurul Aini
Nur Zahirah
Jacintha Poh
and the REST.. ( Too many man!!! ) WhoOoHOoo!!! ^o^ Tata!!!
See ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS: I left my present under the table!!!Dammit!!!