Just read some magazine my friend bought and I found out that Lance has come out of the closet!!My one of the old favourite member from N'Snyc is GAY!!
Gaargghh!!The shock..Though it was not really shocking news to me..I had always suspected it..I mean he always look kinda femine and he never really have a girlfriend at that time saying that he was busy with work and all that but hello,what about the other members?Especially that Justin Timberlake...
Well,I was not really pissed off..Hell,it is his life and I got nothing to say..What I was really surprised was he is datind Reichen Lehmkuhl!!You know,the guy from Amazing Race 4??This means that he and Chip has separated..What a drag...
Anyway,even if Lance is gay,I will still love him..Hahah..I mean he was the first celebrity I like..Well,I guess that;s all I havta say..
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Btw,how's the new layout??Pretty cool huh?? ^__^