Woow!!I mean woww!Today we went to Tree-Top Excursion and boy was that an eventful moment...So eventful that I think I'm gonna be feeling the aches on my body for a month!!!
We went for the more than 10 km walk @ 2....Walk up the hill,down the slope,up the stairs and across the hanging bridge...That part was funny...Farhan kept talking non-stop of how scared he was of height...Hahah..Jannah on the other hand,kept quiet 'cause she was too scared to even speak!
I was damn tired man...Phew...Ismadi became my human walking stick..I held onto him as we walk the pretty damn long distance...There was one episode I will never forget...At that time,I was with Madi,Jannah,Nasri,Hafiz and Farhan...A good thing the rest was either far ahead or took another route...If not I will be the laughing stock of the class that day...
The ground was slippery and my shoes that was slippery too was not helping..I slipped and fell right into a murky puddle..Woow!So refreshing..Ceh...The first thing I did when I stood up was:
"Jannah!!Mp3 aku!!Selamatkan Mp3 aku!!" (Jannah!!My Mp3!!Save my Mp3!!)
Hahaha...The rest was like sweatdropping..I mean,here was Jannah asking whether I was alright and I was bitching about my Mp3...Luckily I only landed on my left side and not both..God..If that was to happen,I have to save not only my Mp3 but my handphone too!!The horror!! O__o
Finally we reached our destination..I was suffering dude..So tired but I guess it was worth it..Been a long time since I exercise anyway...Hahaha...Well,one thing I found out about myself was that I am becoming more like a arrogant person..I mean I no longer can stand most of the jokes the Malay boys threw at me...
Well,I can't help it if they now hate my guts...'Cause I am just showing them how I feel honestly...I am not gonna be accused of backstabbing people if I am acting nice in front of them..It's better to show than to hide eh?Niwae,I am not gonna see them anymore after my life in Xinmin is over and boy I can't wait for it to be over..
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:There's a limit to where I can hold my patient and man,the border have already been crossed so far ahead...