Life of a Gal

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Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Finally 'M freaking BACK!!Just fixed my com today...All my days of boredom is officially over!!

First thing I did was to install msn again..First person to chat with me was the ever cool Lihin..Never stand to be second eh?Next up was Maya...Guess I might as well spent the night chatting...Hahaha..

Niwae,after my O's,my life sorta drifted passed...Friends also seemed to drift away..I mean I am seeing lesser of them as days passed by...Wonder if we still will keep contact with each other as we grew old?

Staying at home had got me thinking...I realised that life is no longer black and white for me...It's pretty true what they had said...As we grow old,our perspective changes and we will see everything in a new light...I realised I am no longer cheerful as before..

I guess I may joke and act real childish sometimes but I feel like there is an aura of gloomyness( Is that even a word? ) around me..Not sure why but everywhere I will go,my mind keep thinking about stuffs..Even when 'M actually having fun,my mind will squeezed in a bit of seriousness in me..Is that part of growing up??

Another thing is sometimes I can't stand unreasonable actions..Not sure what the heck am I talking about but I think I am referring to my beliefs in justice or respect..Like I downright loathe those guys who thinks it's damn cool to slap their gal..I mean come on!!Guys are supposed to protect the galz right?

Last thing,I think to some I may be getting a little egoistic...I begged to differ..I am not getting a little egoistic,I am turning it up tp the notch man!I realised that I can't always be friendly and go in everyone's strides...There are times when I myself needs to speak up regardless of what they will think of me later...Who cares about their opinions anyway?It's not their lifes they're leading but mine alone...Anyway,it's better to let out than keep it insides eh?Much healthier...

Wow..I am getting pretty angst eh?Hahaha..That's what I thought so far about life and my changing personalities..Frankly speaking,I kinda like my new self now though it may be like asking someone to give me a punch in the face but hey,what floats your boat doesn't mean will float in mine right?

Like I've said before,every single one of us is hypocrite and a backstabber...That is what I am trying to avoid by saying what I meant and feel but not trying to be hurtful..Am I getting it right?Well..I still got a lot to learn and observe so I may be rocky now...Let's see what is in store for me in the coming years eh guys?

See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!

PS:BTW,still waiting for my own Mr Loveless... ^__^