Ow and double ow...Really regretted not listening to Doc's advice man...Now I could barely walk...Why??Went out with Wani and Zahira to Sim Lim Square yesterday..She asked to accompany her there...At first I hesitated then I agreed...Thought that my feet had healed...
Guess my assumptions was wrong...At first it didn't hurt but when I reached home,I cannot even stand up!!It hurt so much!!!I was like suffering man...Could not even sleep properly 'cause of the freaking pain..Felt like crying...Owww....Today,wasn't any better...Still cannot walk..Haiz...My life sux...
Well,enough of that...I CAN'T wait for school to be over..I noticed that recently,I dreaded going to school...Don know why..Maybe 'cause of some of my classmates...Really annoy the hell outta me...
BTW,this year's MID Year is the worst MID Year I ever seen...Out of all 44 only 1 or 2 passed their combined science..The rest either got E8 or F9...FuYOoo!!But I am proud of my Social Studies..Why?'Cause I got the highest though I didn't study that much...Hahaha..31/50...Only my geograhy kinda pulled down the marks...23/50...
Principle of Accounts was the worst..OMG...Can you imagine from A1,I got F9 for that subject?!!!Woow!!!I really am slacking in my studies man!That realy woke me up..
Another thing I am proud of,is my Maths...I got 22/80 in paper 1 and 21/100 for paper 2...Yeah yeah..I know it sux like hell but atleast I failed with pride...I mean,I was kinda expecting to get a single digit for the two papers..Dude,I did not even study for that subject!!Anyway,Ms Kuck mentioned that in our class,only two people passed Maths and that was because it was a damn difficult paper..Well..Guess I gotta buck-up then..
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Can't wait for my English results..Let's see how I fare in the O'Level standard eh... >__<