OK..Gonna summarise what I did yesterday and today....
Ehhh..Watch Beowulf after Animation class yesterday with Cher,Meme,and Lee at AMK Hub...Was damn good movie!!XDThough not gory enough for me..LOL..Then I walked Meme to the Taxi stand where her father was fetching her..
I was worried to let her walk alone cos she got a high fever..Then after that,cross the road and waited for my bus...
Today,went to Plaza Singapura with my Mama to take my SUJU 2nd Album Repackage and All About TBXQ2...Met Cher for awhile to pass her cd and then went to Ramen Ten..Had a craving for Jap food..LOL...
After walked at AMK Hub to look for a Microwave Ove cos our old one was toast...Decided to go Hg mall instead...There,I met Ira and passed the AATVXQ2 dvd and went to shop for more microwave oven..Bought one..And I also bought SUJU mag!! XDXD
I'm seriously wasting my money here.. >.>
Niwae,in a rush right now cos I'm watching MKMF live from TvAnts..XDXD SUJU won 3 awards already!!But no DBSK!!!Big Bang won 2 awards so far >__<>.>
Oh yeah..And Gackt came to perform..hahaha...
OK..Done watching...Hmmm...So far,SUJU won the Netizens Choice,Mobile Choice and the most crucial of all,DAESANG AWARD aka Artist of the Year!!!( No wonder Teukie was nearly crying )OMGOMG!!!TVXQ had been holding onto that title 3 years running till now...Since SM decided to send them to Japan..Stupid Sm.. >.>
FT Island won 2-3 awards I think...The Male Group Newface award and M.Net.com ..Big Bang won Song of the Year and Best male Group..
Haiz..Still could not believe that SUJU won the award..I'm freaking excited for them but..TVXQ..They had been winning that since they debuted..Felt sad for them..Haiz..Atleast I'm pretty sure they are happy for their hoobaes la..XD
Niwae,can't wait for next year..Hope to see TVXQ and SUJU reunites to fight for the Daesang Award again..Among other artists..LOL..To Summarise:
AWARDS: ( Groups I LOVE )
Best New Male Group - FT.Island
M.Net.Com Award - FT.Island
Auction Netizen Popularity Award - Super Junior
Mobile Popularity Award - Super Junior (Don't Don!)
Best Male Group - Big Bang ( [Lies])
Artist of the Year - Super Junior (Don't Don!)
Song of the Year - Big Bang ( [Lies])
Mobile Popularity Award - Super Junior (Don't Don!)
Best Male Group - Big Bang ( [Lies])
Artist of the Year - Super Junior (Don't Don!)
Song of the Year - Big Bang ( [Lies])
Congratz GUYS!! XDXD