Niwae,yesterday,we stayed late again as usual to finish up our animation...I was done by 9 pm and I slacked around till 10..Hahah..OMG..The time we spent was hilarious..It was damn fun to stay late in the night even though Cheryl was freaking out cos her mother had called and and screaming at her to come home..
On the other hand,I was too busy playing this Titanic game on Leelin's laptop..It's a game where u have to find hidden things..And there was an accident which just prove that I am rebellious..LOL..
There was this time,Leelin told me not to click on the object but me being the rebellious me...When she said no,I straight away click and I told them I'm the kind of person who would do what you warn me not to do just cos I hate being told what to do..HAHAHHA!!And they went into a laughing fits after that..
We sure are high at night.. XD And also these 2 guys from other group asked us if we know how to speak Korean or Japanese..Must be cos we're like saying the Korean/japanese words when talking to each other..Haha..
After that went home..Meme's father sent Cher home while me and Lee took the bus since we lived in the opposite direction of where they were going..I took the 159 bus first and reached home around 10.20 pm..Just in time to see Kiss the Radio aka Sukira..LOL..Teukie!! XD XD
I'm hit with KangTeuk love again!! XD XD Btw,glad I bought the album 'cos this is the poster we are receiving...And some of the piccies inside..
I seriously want TVXQ to go back to Korea!!
FTI is already holding their first concert this coming december and they just debuted..So fast!! O.o;

I want it NOW~!!!
PS:Next week will be a killer for me..AGAIN -.-