Forgive my excitement as its like still too early in the morning so...Only Leeteuk,Heechul,Shindong and Kangin was there at the talkshow...Saw alot of KangTeuk moments..XDXD
You should watch it if you are bored..And Explore Human Body too!!That show is educational + hilarious...Love especially EP1 where you got to see the members' reactions..LOL..Can't wait for EP3 which is tomorrow! XD And you can see Kangin's hair!! <33
SUJU & TVXQ are selling 2008 calenders.. -.- I WANT!!!!Etoo..Went to Junction 8 with Meme & Cher yesterday..Alot of things happened that I am too lazy to write down..Just that you gain some and you lose some..LOL!!!And I'm dying for an Ipod right now...Haiz...
Oooh..And Meme is on the way to KL now for TVXQ Concert..So jealous..But hope she can take good pics of them.. ^^
Niwae,gonna write down the KT and other moments 'caused it's super funny:
Host:Leeteuk sshi,you got alot of dog oil.. ( Facial oil )
Leeteuk:I really have a lot of oil.
Kangin:What kind of idols wipe their oil on air??? ( And wipes Teukie's face. XDXD )
Kangin:We live in a world full of man so we need order.Whether we use informal speech or not,if the order starts to crumble,there will no control.That's why we have a leader.
Leeteuk:But it already crumbled a lot... ( LOL!!!Teukie!!You are the leader!! )
Leeteuk:In my case,I've know Kangin for 7 years..I even seen things that I shouldn't have seen. ( O.o;!!! )
Leeteuk:Like acting out drunk--
Kangin:Stop connecting me with alcohol!!Really!Stop talking about alcohol!There's always only talks about alcohol and women with me.. ( LOL!True true )
Shin:Since you've known each other for 7 years,you must have know each other's old girlfriends too?
Leeteuk:I even dated someone Kangin introduced me to..
Kangin:I didn't actually introduced them... ( HAHAH!!Then you see Teukie slapping Kangin's back hard..And Kangin's turn to take revenge on mini homepages sort of like a blogspot. )
Kangin:A noona I knew was on My Friends' list..You know those people who go through other people's friends' list?He's like that.The meddlesome style.He clicks on all the links.
Kangin:One day the noona called me and asked "Do you know Park Jungsoo.. ( Teukie's real name ) He sent me a message."
Kangin:Apparently,he used me to go out for a dinner with her.
Hosts:Incredible talent.I like him.This personality will help him last a long time in the entertainment world.He'll put his team in a difficult time.He's our style.
Kangin:I though Leeteuk hyung's so manly.For a girl he likes,he even sell out his dongsaeng.. ( O.O!!!!! )
*Hyung:Younger male calling an older male
Dongsaeng:Older male calling a younger male
Noona:Younger male calling an older woman
I just remembered how strict korea is with their age hierarchy... >.> I wished Singapore would have one too..It will be fun!! XD Atleast the younger generation would learn some respect.. -.-
Haiz..I should also list down the things I have to do this week as a reminder...
Storyboard:3 little pigs character designs and 15 panels
Drawing:More detail studies of hands and feet ( Atleast 5 pages )
DigiImaging:Edit the PSD and print
Typography:E-Learning and assignment 01