Cute rite?From their movie Yellow Tears - Kiiroi Namida in 2007...
Jun is ssooooooo cute XD
Finished emo-ing..sorta...im so gonna die for CA man... bahhhhhh..
Yesterday we were told to choose our modules for Yr 3..2 PE and 1 CE..Of cos there's no more thinking..Im already set to choose Jap language 2 to begin with...Its the PEs tat im worrying abt..Don know if i wan to put digital matte painting first or Image synthesis..
Hmmm...Guess NANA won b together for next sem..Since we sort of choose different modules..Lol
I sooo hope I won b in P1 or P2..Cos if i get for either of these,i will either strt my attachmen or FYP 2 days after my sp4 is done..tat will kill me seriously... @___@
I hate it when i hav to choose... >.>