1. what are three ways to win your heart? err...be nice to me?
2. do you like lightning? hmmm...if im being emo..if not no?
3. have you ever cut someone else’s hair? nope
4. last person you said ‘i hate you’ to? no one ...lol
5. rain or sunshine? both?
6. last stupid thing you said to anyone? disgusting vibes..lol aka meme
7. biggest turn off? backstabber
8. fave movie? .......idk....
9. would you date someone who smokes? i sure as hell hope not...
10. would you date someone who was addicted to drugs? hell no!
11. what’s your biggest turn on, physically? omg.,where shuld i strt?? i guess its most likely the hands or eyes or smile.. XD
12. would you have sex w. someone you weren’t dating? iszat a stooopid qns?
13. have you ever missed someone and regretted breaking up with them? i haven even been on a date.. T___T
14. have you ever dated someone more than once? Read previous ans and idiot.. *emooooo*
15. if you could go on ONE DATE with any celebrity, who would it be? AHHHH!!!SO hard to choose from 30+ ppl!!But currently,im dying to date Oono XDXD.. WE CAN DRAW CARICATURE TOGETHER!!! :DD
16. what’s your relationship status? did u even read ans 13 and 14??trying to make me more emo rite ... -.-
17. do you like cuddling? Hell yes..XDXD especially when i just woke up..
18. do you hold grudges? hmm...sometimes?but i do forgive easily too..
19. do you regret dating anyone? READ MY ANS FREAKO!!!!!
20. hugger or kisser? huggy huggy and more huggy~~ XD
21. missing someone? OH NO!!!! I miss Oono!! T___T
22. most important lesson you’ve learned from your exes? ...........................................
23. are you happier single or in a relationship? i own know unless i strted dating.......
24. how important are looks? hmmm...i guess first impression u will vote looks but on the long run,personality is the most importrant to me ^^
25. would you rather date someone who was SUPER-HOT or someone who was nice? NICE OF COS!!!Why so stupid >.>
26. do you stay friends w/ the people you’ve dated? im not even gonna ans this...
27. would you fight over someone you wanted to be with? .....depends?
28. do you kiss on the 1st date? NEXT!!!
29. if someone cheated on you, would you take them back if you really loved them? errr....havta c the situation...but i guess not?
30. some random girl comes up to you and says “who the hell are you”? What do you say back?
that's MY line!!!!
31. are you spoiled? VERY
32. name three things you would not tolerate in a relationship? cheated on?liars?errr....disrespectful?
33. which one of your friends do you think would make a good prostitute? I bet they say i wouldn't even get pick -.-
34. did you miss anyone today? OOoooooNoooooo!!!!!!!
35. last person to see you cry? nada..
36. Who/what made you cry? O.O..lotsa things?
37. are you a forgiving person? maaaayb...depends on wat the person did..
38. would you ever share a girl/boyfriend with your best friend? Siao..there r other fishes in the sea...
39. i’ve come to realize the last person who gave me a hug… my cat..sad life rite?
40. are most of your friends guys or girls? now gals i guess...
41. how long does it take you to get ready to go out? 10-15 min?
42. how many people do you know of named Adam? nada..
43. are any of your friends cheerleaders? O.O...do i even care?
44. what was the last thing you burnt? im not tat emo yet...
45. what is your full name? Nurulhuda Bte Samad...
46 what color is the bra you have on now? O.o..........huh?
47. do you straighten your hair every day? i don think u nd to straigten straw
48. do you worry about the size of your boobs? i guess its too big sometimes?
49. are you the typical girl who’s addicted to gossip? Even guys does la hello?
50. what are your favorite girly magazines? girly cooties? -.-
51. did you ever spend all day/night getting pretty for a guy? i don wear makeup...unless on special ocassion..
52. did you ever cry during a romantic movie? i don even watch those 'things'..
53. would you leave the house without makeup on? is tat a crime?
54. what’s the biggest turn on about guys? lotsa things!! XDXD but their personalities tops i guess..
55. are you a girly-girl, tomboy, or in the middle? hmmm...VERY hard qns..i guess middle? or tomboy?
56. is pink truly the best color in the entire universe? wait..im digging my grave rite now..
57. what’s the most expensive piece of clothing you own? errr..im a cheapskate person..Lol..i guess its the sleeveless jacket?or baju kurung...
58. what color do you absolutely despise? hmm..none i guess...
59. have you ever stolen? every does...
60. have you set your hair on fire? i take great with my straw ard fire... ^^
61. do you wear sweat pants? sometimes?
62. do you know anyone who has lost their virginity? duh..
63. have you ever ran into a door because you didn’t see it? nope~
64. doesn’t 50 Cent suck? but 50 cents can buy alot of things!Lol..nah...i don listen to eng songs XD
65. do you like hugs and kisses(xoxo:))? Huggy rules!!!kisses....c first
66. do you act gangster? when im no mood to talk..
67. ever made a prank phone call? hmm...not sure..
68. last kiss? mummy kissed me on the cheek everyday XDXD
69. what bill do you hate paying most? not using my own money atm but when i do i guess it shuld b electrical bills?
70. where was the last place you had a romantic dinner? wat romantic dinner?if u count sitting in front of the com watching arashi den i had one 5 hours ago.. >.>
71. what did you want to be when you were growing up? i still don know...
72. favorite NON sexual thing to do at night with a guy? O.o..hug?gossip?talk nonsense? LOl
73. when did you first start feeling older? -.-...when im being bullied...
74. favorite guilty pleasure? rite now? arashi ^^
75. what famous person(s) would you like to have dinner with? Shit..i won hav enough time to spend with all of them...
76. what famous person would you like to sleep with? how abt marry?
78. what do you hate about your school? hmmm...waking up early and assignmens..
79. last person whose bed you laid in besides your own? my parents'...
80. have you lost a friend recently? hm...i wonder abt my social life rite now..
81. ever have a sleepover with the opposite sex? siao...
82. do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot? lol..its been rubbing on me since yr 1.
83. is it easier to forgive, or to forget? O.o...i guess both r hard...
84. do you give out second chances too easily? most of the times..
85. is your best friend pretty? compared to me hell yeah.
86. is it awkward when you run into your exes? wat exes.. >.>
87. have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? im not a voyeur...
88. can you make yourself cry? i guess so..
89. is your life simple or complicated? simple yet complicated?
90. are you easily confused? hmm...mostly no but i make ppl confuse.. ^^
91. are you taller than 5′4″? nearly... -.-
92. have you ever liked someone who treated you like crap? when i was primary sch..
93. is your current hair color mostly your natural hair color? nope~
94. does everything really happen for a reason? i believe so..
i must b bored to do this ionstead of sleeping -.-
Just watched Uta no Oniisan epiosde 3 with subs..XDDX..
Omg..Now i can't wait for epi 4!!!
hopefully oono's ex in the drama die or something..i hate that women.. >.>
don know wat she's thinking when she dump him and gave stupid excuse for it..
don know wat she's thinking when she dump him and gave stupid excuse for it..
and now she cried when she saw him on tv??wth...
i hate gals who says they dump a guy but in the end ended up crying over him..shitty person..