Toma was super HOT in tat series!!!I always like him when i saw him in Hana Kimi but his character in Maou wins my heart~
So angst and everything.. XD U know how i felt abt emo guys..Lol
And the other main character,Ohno Satoshi was freaking devil!XDXD
He is like 28 and Toma is 23 but yet,the former looked so young...Must b cos he's like only 166cm and Toma i think should b 170-180 cm..
Bahh..I took like only one day to watch the whole 11 episodes,an hour each..Its kinda like Kurosagi,suspense etc...

But u hav to admit,this last scene is sooo shounen ai la..LOL..
But i was like WTF at the ending la..i mean i thought both will live and be best frens etc but they both died!!!! >______________<
The whole drama consists of Toma being filled with really BAD luck..i mean his 4 frens from junior sch dies,his brother committing suicide and father having heart attack..
I tell,i never seen anyone so suay b4..It's to the point of hilarity..i mean everytime Toma found somethin or someone that knows the truth,something somehow will turn wrong...>.>
But overall the show really gives me some thinking on family and frens...Like his father..AT first he appeared so stern and seemed like he don care abt his sons at all except his business but towards the end,we really see his true side..
And Toma's fren,Yousuke who was a deal collecter...I mean i was like aww that chubby guy was so cute when he asking for Toma to help him pay one of the person who loan money from him just so the case will b close and he will quit being a dealer...But what happened?He died..I was like O.O NOOOO!!!So poor thing.. @___@
OF COURSE there was a bit of romance.. >.>
Between Ohno and a gal from the library who can read afterimage...
I tell you all the people that were involved hav something to do with the incidents 11 years ago..
Wanna know?Watch then~ XDXD
This drama was a remake from Korean called 'The Devil"~
O.O...Didn't know that Toma blong to Johnny and also best fren of Yampi since trainee days...And that Ohno is a singer from Arashi...The theme song of that drama was sang by them.. Love it..
School strted today..Walked to sch and reached ard 8.45 am...RENTX was kinda fun i guess...we studied on how to do lighting in 3D...Jacques F was surprisingly better this sem..He taught us slowly and made sure we understand wat the hell was gg on..
I must say takin a walk in the morning really freshen my mind.. XD Though i think its like useless cos the amount of food i hate for lunch..I think it sums up to 700 calories.. @___@
2Molo is drawing fantastic figures..aka anatomy...I would hav love it if i got a diff teacher..hope i can do well in this module..haiz...
I read the ref of some of the modules and also the year 3 ones..OMG!!Im damn excited abt drawing in yr 3..We get to draw all the cool fantasy creatures and also manga like realistic kind!!!i love tat style man... XDXD
Looking forward to Jap class on wed~ <3
*Still waiting for FTI 2nd MV Full which will b aired today.. ^__________^