Hmmm...Had a hell of a fun time tat day...
I met SK,Cher and Meme first on the bus 43...Reach there,we took almost like 2 hours just to search for the MacDonalds..Lol..Waited there for Leelin...
After our breakfast,we went to rent..Me and Meme rentd 2 pairs of roller skate first...I made a scene rite in front of the shop...Even b4 i stepped onto the pavement,i fell onto my butt in front of the shop..LOl..It was hilarious..
Then Meme and me skated towards the training ground for skates..Both of us trying to get used to skating..I haven skated in like a year and Meme never at all...She was actually good..Caught on pretty quick..
The skates we rented it for 4 hours so SK,Cher and Lin wait for one hour b4 they rent their bikes..Rental for bikes only last for 3 hours..
I can go on and on about that day cos so many things happened at once...You cannot even count how many times I fell onto my side,front and back..Hahaha..I laughed out whenever i fell cos it was damn hilarious...
And yah,i hurt myself like in a few places..Especially at my left knee b4 i wore the kneeguards...Hmm..And the NANA initials of my bracelet poked me rite through my skin of my palm..
The best moment was at the foot of a slope and in front of the rental shop when we were gg back to return the skates..HAHHAA..Me and Meme spent almost like 15 min just gg up and another 1/2 gg down..The 3 cyclists hav like gone to F section and back while we were just reaching the bottom of the slope..
When i saw them,i was like we were just back from hell!
Going back trip,i held onto Lin bicycle while Meme hold onto Cher's...SK?Uhh...Let's just say i tried holding onto his first but ended up[ ramming his back cos he can't even strt cycling...@___@ You nd to practise more SK..LOL...
Hmm...Between the distance to the rental shop,Meme abd me fell two times..The 2nd time,i sort of molested Meme's butt.. -.-;
That was like the highlight of that day man..HHAHAHA...
Then it drizzled so me and Meme decided to stop while the other 3 continued to cycle..SK entrusted me with his shirt cos he didn't wan it to get wet..And while 2 gals and one half-naked guy were cycling,me and Meme went to bath...Too many incidents in the shower for me to described..Hahah..
After we went to eat at F section and went home..Lin took 196 while the rest of us took 43 back...Needless to say,it was my most overtiring day for this year...
Lin asked whether we wanna do this in like once a week..I was like u pay for me can lor..Hahaha...If we really do tat once a week,I will turn dark... @____@
And im still aching like hell now... x___x