Life of a Gal
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Light up like a candlelight....? O.o
he said heyy hello LOL!!!!
yesterday cher was like asking me for my admin no. while i was emo-ing one corner with hui sian...i just gav her without thinking much until she said like OMG huda u r also in it!!
i was like wat the hello am i in? O.o
and guess wat?i'm in the top 20 of last sem results..
lol..i was in daze for a second and den jumping XDXD heyyyy i was shocked myself...
tho i think the results deprove?don me it seems tat way...ANYWAY,i told my mom and she was like oh let me giv u a kiss and i went no im sweating((i walk alot before gg home ) ..hahah
next week,me,cher,renee and kun yu hav to go for a presentation of the cert or something...wonder who else r in the top 20s..i bet u i can name a few.. >.>
NIWAE,on a more depressing note,my cousin passed away today...he was only 16 or 'sayang'...apparently it seemed he drowned at the pool in pasir ris chalet or so my mom was i keep imaging his face i y young and handsome..such a waste..
actually rite now im in a dilemma...i hav to liek finish my rendering and character animation by friday and guess wat?there's no sch on thurs obviously but the sch labs r closed 2molo by 1..i was like wtf..tot i could spent my whole wed doing rendering...die more worried abt my CA now rather than rendering.. >.> shit...
guess my life is like the sea waves.. -.-
i wanna buy arashi dvd concert.. @____@
Sunday, December 28, 2008
わたしの パッコン。。。。 @____@
Totally sux la...i nd to deactivate the cs3 in the old com so i could install into my new one...since so many ppl r using my serial numbers.. >.>
finally managed to connect the router to my new com..with the help of my bro who woke me up at like 8+..i slept for 3 hours only.. (since i slept like at 6.30am this morning..)
now im sitting in the middole of tyhe living room with my com and desk etc trying to figure out how to connect the router to my old com...keep having stupid probs.. -.-
たすけて ください!!!!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
嵐をすき araso? XDXD
at first i like ohno cos of Maou den after watchin their variety shows..I decided tat i love all~ Lol
all of them hav such funny personalities,i love them for tat more than their songs actually..Im surprised ohno can sing so well tho.. O.o
リーダ!かっこい!!! <333
now tat i know the members,i realised tat i actually know them since long time ago...even hav drama of wonder they all look so familiar.. XDXD i know how to use the language bar in this com..not sure abt the new com tho..@___@
don know y i can't use the wacom in my new com.. やばい。。。。
bahh...i'll think of something somehow...still haven strt on my rendering..haiz..

雅紀 相葉(Masaki Aiba)

Yeah yeah yeah…
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah…
夢中で生きてたら 何気ない事ことで
愛が傷ついて ためらいながら何度も立ち上がるよ
思い出の後先を 考えたら寂しすぎるね
走り出せ 走り出せ 明日を迎えに行こう
止めないで 止めないで 今を動かす気持ち
涙の気持ちさえ 言葉に出来ない
幸せの虹は 何色なんて気にしなくていいから
遠くまで 遠くまで どこまでも続く道
止めないで 止めないで ずっと信じる気持ち
走り出せ 走り出せ 明日を迎えに行こう
止めないで 止めないで 今を動かす気持ち
Yeah yeah yeah…
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah…
Sunday, December 21, 2008
aside from eating,sleeping and playing my com/ps2..haiz...
went out with my mom 2dae to orchard and bought the jap-eng and vice versa dictionary...superbly ex..103 bucks...@___@
Hmmm...and tvxq! likes naruto and bleach?Gee i wonder why XDXD
can't wait for their next jap single tat song ^______________^
Happy christmas 2 everyone celebrating it!!!!! XDXD
ok better sleep now..ira coming later in the afternoon...~
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Had our presentation yesterday and basically,we hav to recraft our story...
Hmmm..Kaiting and SK kept saying I look like an office lady in my formal attire..Iszat a good thing or a bad thing? O.o
hmm...went to watch Bolt at Cathay after tat...
With only Cher and Shu Kang around 7+ pm...
After that Cher went home cos she don wan 2 b killed by her mom Lol..
Me and SK went to Ben&Jerry to eat the ice-cream~ XDXD
Been so long since Ive ate tat..So nice~
Left the place at 10 pm and reached home at 11pm..
Currently doodling..Should be doing my Drawing work though... >.>
Hmmm...Few more days till my break and looking forward to it..Why?
cos i wanna drag my mom to exercise.. LOL
Haiz..I'm so sian rite now..
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Someone told me at DA something tat makes my day liven up~
wanna know what???
'Cause SUJU Leader,Leeteuk just posted an entry in his CYworld and with wat?
OMG!!!He saw my art!! LOL~
If only i written my name on the art den he would atleast knows there's a person called Huda in this sorry world... -.-
But i did put my DAlink on it..who knows mayb he chck out my DA..
lol XDXD
If only DBSK saw it also or FTI... @___@
mayb i should draw them..Hahha
Sunday, November 30, 2008
the last dance
Hopefully the F won do much damage to my marks...But i doubt it...
Stupid maya...
Ohh..and im addicted to this song again.. XD
Ive listened to Michael Buble's version and i 100% prefered the original one,sung by Drifters...
This week:
Japanese Oral Test
Rendering( no hope )
Drawing ( trying to hav hope in it )
CODPIT( I hate this module to tha core )
MG( bearable for this week )
Character Animation( another new assignmen >__> )
i hav such a shitty life rite now.. ^^
But i guess things should b looking up next yr..Since i might b getting a new com of my own.. XDXD

You can dance
ev'ry dance with the guy who gives you the eye,
let him hold you tight
You can smile
ev'ry smile for the man who held your hand 'neath the pale moonlight
But don't forget who's taking you home
and in whose arms you're gonna be
So darlin', save the last dance for me
Oh, I know
that the music's fine like sparkling wine go and have your fun
Laugh and sing
but while we're apart don't give your heart to anyone
But don't forget who's taking you home
and in whose arms you're gonna be
So darlin', save the last dance for me
Baby don't you know I love you so
Can't you feel it when we touch
I will never never let you go
I love you oh so much
You can dance
go and carry on till the night is gone and it's time to go
If he asks
if you're all alone can he take you home you must tell him no
'Cause don't forget who's taking you home
and in whose arm's you're gonna be
So darlin save the last dance for me
'Cause don't forget who's taking you home
and in whose arm's your gonna be
So darlin save the last dance for me
Save the last dance for me
Save the last dance for me
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
life currently sux
My cat destroyed my tablet which costs me about 400-500 bucks..And now i nd to get a new one if not im not gonna survive sch..
nd to strt working in wk 9 or something.. >.>
niwae,managed to meetup with my first batch last was ok i guess...since i remained almost quiet for the whole while...don get wat they r saying abt 60% of the time and i was tired anyway...
I can't wait too Kari~!!! XDXDXD booked for 15 house training for 2009.. @____@
this week tasks..
jap language test
motion graphics...
Oh...And im still crazy about Noah and Luke.. <33
They're like the only things im looking forward to now actually... >.>

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
I would so look down on humans more if the singapore zoo decided to put the animals to sleep...I mean come one..tat guy himself jumped into the den so why must the animals suffer?it's his own fault and i think they really should not blame the tigers for jumping on a free meat.. >.>
Bahh..Stupid humans...
and kudos for the discovery of an ancient pyramid XDXD
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Don cry my Lover~
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Hongki's Crossdressing + Nobody Dance~
Errr...I still think he's cute even tho he did tat..especially when he sang his song in his manly voice looking like tat XDXD
Tho the guy who danced to Nobody was super pretty la..You should watch the second one..OMG..Everyone was shock to c his face..SOO PRETTY!!!Big eyes etc..XDXD
Hmmm...Finally 'mastered' Hiragana...In a way...Dying on Katakana now..Haiz...I wanna buy the jap-eng dictionary >.>
Overall this week is a killer.. @___@
Saturday, October 25, 2008
bah ~
i guess they r ok...tho i still hate love like oxygen..but i really love love should go on..and i warned cherl if she wan 2 like shinee,don fall in love with key and minho..
not as if im crazy about them but i wanna 'chop' them first..XD
Meme already warned me not to like Ohnew/jinki..
hmm..but of course my ft island are still in my heart and i hav a feelin it will stay there tvxq! XDXD
Oh...Ft island replaced Suju for the idol show as the main hosts..Ive watched epi 1 & 2..
need i say tat i love all the members of FTI?
Epi 1 u c minhwan fighting with wonbin over younha...minhwan acted so manly in that... XDXD
hongki was somewhere else attending cos of his schedules..
Epi2,hongki was in it...c them ans questions and eat a sadist cos i think hongki looks hot while he was in pain from the spiciness of the pepper.. XDXD
btw,i realise tat im not tat crazy abt suju anymore..maybe tat times were just fangal moment.. >.>
Finished studying all the characters for Jap...It was a torture at the beginning but in the end,it was fun..i mean i finally write something else besides alphabets... XDXD
Can't wait for the next class...
Hmmm...i guess modules for this year r pretty interesting..atleast for drawing the fantastic figure and jap module.. ^^
i still wanna buy tat litmus sweater but..its like 100 bucks.. @____@
Sunday, October 19, 2008
ya..even tho the song is called Heaven,Im feelin like hell rite now...
flu + cough is not how i wan my week to end..haiz..and im already feeling stress to the point i wanna cry...not cos only of sch but other meaningless things like life and frens... >.>
Bahh...watever...just go with the flow..
hmmm...ft island concert dvd pre-order..mayb i should hav bought tat instead of suju dvd... x___x
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
FT Island Album MV Part 1 & 2 - Heaven + I Love You
Need i say that im totally loving the songs?
OMG!!Im so in love with Heaven man..the lyrics are so heart-wrenching T___T
can't wait for their 2nd album part 2 to be release!!! XDXwhich will b in 20 oct.....
2nd part is about Jaejin...It's so damn sad la... >____<
dunno why the woman is so useless...>.>
Can't wait to take my stuffs on sat!!! XDXD
Monday, October 13, 2008
Toma was super HOT in tat series!!!I always like him when i saw him in Hana Kimi but his character in Maou wins my heart~
So angst and everything.. XD U know how i felt abt emo guys..Lol
And the other main character,Ohno Satoshi was freaking devil!XDXD
He is like 28 and Toma is 23 but yet,the former looked so young...Must b cos he's like only 166cm and Toma i think should b 170-180 cm..
Bahh..I took like only one day to watch the whole 11 episodes,an hour each..Its kinda like Kurosagi,suspense etc...

But u hav to admit,this last scene is sooo shounen ai la..LOL..
But i was like WTF at the ending la..i mean i thought both will live and be best frens etc but they both died!!!! >______________<
The whole drama consists of Toma being filled with really BAD luck..i mean his 4 frens from junior sch dies,his brother committing suicide and father having heart attack..
I tell,i never seen anyone so suay b4..It's to the point of hilarity..i mean everytime Toma found somethin or someone that knows the truth,something somehow will turn wrong...>.>
But overall the show really gives me some thinking on family and frens...Like his father..AT first he appeared so stern and seemed like he don care abt his sons at all except his business but towards the end,we really see his true side..
And Toma's fren,Yousuke who was a deal collecter...I mean i was like aww that chubby guy was so cute when he asking for Toma to help him pay one of the person who loan money from him just so the case will b close and he will quit being a dealer...But what happened?He died..I was like O.O NOOOO!!!So poor thing.. @___@
OF COURSE there was a bit of romance.. >.>
Between Ohno and a gal from the library who can read afterimage...
I tell you all the people that were involved hav something to do with the incidents 11 years ago..
Wanna know?Watch then~ XDXD
This drama was a remake from Korean called 'The Devil"~
O.O...Didn't know that Toma blong to Johnny and also best fren of Yampi since trainee days...And that Ohno is a singer from Arashi...The theme song of that drama was sang by them.. Love it..
School strted today..Walked to sch and reached ard 8.45 am...RENTX was kinda fun i guess...we studied on how to do lighting in 3D...Jacques F was surprisingly better this sem..He taught us slowly and made sure we understand wat the hell was gg on..
I must say takin a walk in the morning really freshen my mind.. XD Though i think its like useless cos the amount of food i hate for lunch..I think it sums up to 700 calories.. @___@
2Molo is drawing fantastic figures..aka anatomy...I would hav love it if i got a diff teacher..hope i can do well in this module..haiz...
I read the ref of some of the modules and also the year 3 ones..OMG!!Im damn excited abt drawing in yr 3..We get to draw all the cool fantasy creatures and also manga like realistic kind!!!i love tat style man... XDXD
Looking forward to Jap class on wed~ <3
*Still waiting for FTI 2nd MV Full which will b aired today.. ^__________^
Friday, October 10, 2008
East Coast
I met SK,Cher and Meme first on the bus 43...Reach there,we took almost like 2 hours just to search for the MacDonalds..Lol..Waited there for Leelin...
After our breakfast,we went to rent..Me and Meme rentd 2 pairs of roller skate first...I made a scene rite in front of the shop...Even b4 i stepped onto the pavement,i fell onto my butt in front of the shop..LOl..It was hilarious..
Then Meme and me skated towards the training ground for skates..Both of us trying to get used to skating..I haven skated in like a year and Meme never at all...She was actually good..Caught on pretty quick..
The skates we rented it for 4 hours so SK,Cher and Lin wait for one hour b4 they rent their bikes..Rental for bikes only last for 3 hours..
I can go on and on about that day cos so many things happened at once...You cannot even count how many times I fell onto my side,front and back..Hahaha..I laughed out whenever i fell cos it was damn hilarious...
And yah,i hurt myself like in a few places..Especially at my left knee b4 i wore the kneeguards...Hmm..And the NANA initials of my bracelet poked me rite through my skin of my palm..
The best moment was at the foot of a slope and in front of the rental shop when we were gg back to return the skates..HAHHAA..Me and Meme spent almost like 15 min just gg up and another 1/2 gg down..The 3 cyclists hav like gone to F section and back while we were just reaching the bottom of the slope..
When i saw them,i was like we were just back from hell!
Going back trip,i held onto Lin bicycle while Meme hold onto Cher's...SK?Uhh...Let's just say i tried holding onto his first but ended up[ ramming his back cos he can't even strt cycling...@___@ You nd to practise more SK..LOL...
Hmm...Between the distance to the rental shop,Meme abd me fell two times..The 2nd time,i sort of molested Meme's butt.. -.-;
That was like the highlight of that day man..HHAHAHA...
Then it drizzled so me and Meme decided to stop while the other 3 continued to cycle..SK entrusted me with his shirt cos he didn't wan it to get wet..And while 2 gals and one half-naked guy were cycling,me and Meme went to bath...Too many incidents in the shower for me to described..Hahah..
After we went to eat at F section and went home..Lin took 196 while the rest of us took 43 back...Needless to say,it was my most overtiring day for this year...
Lin asked whether we wanna do this in like once a week..I was like u pay for me can lor..Hahaha...If we really do tat once a week,I will turn dark... @____@
And im still aching like hell now... x___x
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Helo~Remember the rant i did from long time ago?About hoping that they will enter this show?
It will b HUGE change to their career if the news are really true..If u don know why theck Im so excited abt them go here
Bahh..TVXQ! is getting better and better... XDXD
Hmm...Went out with Ira today to HG mall den to Compass Point..Ate western food and Ira 'blanja' me starbucks...Chocolate Cream Chip anmd Orea cheescake.. ( Bad Huda very BAD~ O.O ) Thanx Ira !!! <33
And what did i do as a punishment?
Walk all the way from Compass Point to my home..Lol..Actually,the distance doesn't even cover much..I think from my home to NYP poly is further?>.>
Niwae,my childhood fren who is also my very long distant cousin saw me on frendster and sent me a msg..I haven seen her in like years...Lol..We chat up on msn and she told me about some of our primary sch frens.. ^^
Tomolo gg out to East Coast/Pasir Ris with NANA and SK...I wanna cycle and rollerskate!! XDXD
Donno know if i should hang out with them whole day or go out with my sec sch frens in the afternoon..Most likely im doing the former though.. XDXD Exercise is much MORE important..
And SK said he misses me?Im gonna c tat u suffer tomolo my slave~
Too much sweet..@___@
Too hyper..~
Monday, October 06, 2008
FTI New Mv,Gundam 00 SUbs & TVXQ in F.O Preview
Hongki ah!!!!!Can't wait for the full MV man..They looked so HOT with their bad boy attitude.. ^^
OHHH!!!And subs for Gundam 00!!!!OMG!!Today is my happiest day!!!So excited..After so many months of waiting..Finally!!!
Hmmm...And the preview for Family OUting ft Yunho and Junsu from TVXQ!Hope the show will b as funny as the previous ones.. XD
Missing Hongki on the show T___T
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Friday, October 03, 2008
it was weird..i dreamt tat a guy who i don even know who,asked for my number and while talking to him,i saw him...den he saw us and his xpression sort of change..den after tat,i talked to HIM and said i like him etc...he kept quiet and with a sad xpression said i already got someone...
I still rmbr how one part i ran up to him and hug him (OMFREAKINGG$^%$&^*!!) and said i love him..and he was like we can't b 2gether etc...i was like fine and walked away and i swear the scene was like from some melodrama with the sunset at the background and sad song playing...And....
I woke up.. X___X
Im telling u the feelings were so surreal..i think i was halfway crying?cos i cried like hell in the dream...Soooo emo.. -.-
i was like why issit a dream?Even tho i know we can't b together but atleast i know his feelings and mayb there's a chance in the future.. T___T
Haiz...Life sux..mayb i still really like him? >.>
Ahhh...who knows..lets just let fate play the game...
hmmm...and news about Kangin and Shindong having tattoos?I don know but im kinda disappointed in them..Yeah its their life and all but i was hoping they won b like those west people.. -.-
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Timetable~Hari Raya
seems like NANA will b together again..for one class tat is..the class is the Japanese Language.. XDXD
OMG..Finally get to learn Jap!!So fun...
Got a feeling this sem will b a terrible one..cos i got the teachers tat i do not really like/understand well enough to teach me?I wan Steve!!!
Oh!Tomolo is Hari Raya..Wanna take this opportunity to ask for forgiveness to whomever i've caused heartache to aka everyone?Lol..wish u all the best and hope u celebrate hari raya with fun and laughter!!
~K aka Huda
Thursday, September 25, 2008
walked to sch and met them at blk M... they seemed to like my new haircolor..O.O
saw him...LOL!!!!i was joking with meme tat he seemed to b more attractive over one month and she rolled her eyes..
he said hello to us and wat did i do?well.i always appear nervous in front of him so i bumped into someone and dropped my jacket..yeap..and he was like i quickly walked away.. @___@
the talk was interesting tho i didn't understand wat the heck the guy was talking abt..haha...den after the talk,went to amk hub cos Cher wanna buy some food from subway..den went home~
i made up my mind..instead of dieting like crazy and lose more than 5 kg in one month,i decided to take it slow...meaning i will take my own time to lose my if this works better than the crazy diet thingy...
one thing for sure,i wanna hit 65 kg by the time i graduate.. ^^
Friday, September 19, 2008
Ft Island lost to Shinee on Mnet Countdown...
BUt i think they desrve the award..haven really lsiten to their songs so i can't judge..
but imo from wat i c,sometimes fti wasn't really given the credits for working hard...
i know tat fans will vote like crazy just cos they wan their grp to not making any assumptions but well,ive seen it...oh well,both deserves the award not just one.. ^^
don cry Jonghun~
Listening to Mirotic now and the song bangs.. XD Abit of rockish a bit of Pop etc..
Ahh..I hav a feelin Korea will b in a huge chaos once they r't wait for the end of year award..Hope they snatch all the awards again...especially the daesang award...
OMG..SS501 will hav a hard time since they r making their comeback in oct.. @___@
Just ordered TVXQ! 4th Album and realised that Super Junior - Super Show DVD concert also just came out for pre-order.Bahhh...guess i just order later..@____@
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Year 2 Sem 1 exam results
Drawing 3 - B
Web Design 1 - A
2D Animation - A
3D Animation - C+
Story - B
Studio Project 3 - Dist
GPA: 3.308
Phew...Glad i passed everything...was actually surprised that i got a c+ for 3D animation since i didn't even finished the only assignment tat the module has...i was expecting atleast a D if not F.. -.-
and B for 3Dmodel?I hav a feeling they were moderating like
surprised that i got a B for story too since the assignment i did it like 2 days before the date due..
i hav to thank SK for helping me alot in web design till i received an A..i thought i could atleast get a B.. XD
was pretty heartbroken that i got a B for drawing 3 but oh well..means i havta buck more~
im loving the result for my SP3 XDXD
distinction babe~!! so freaking happy and shocked too...tot my gpa will go down the drain since i expected that i will hav like alot of modules that i have not done well..
better pull up my socks till my neck or my knees according to wat meme said for me.. lol
wanna passed my condolescenes to Yani for her Grandfather's passing..hope u r ok now
and also thanks to my frens for their supports... ^^
hmm..went to apply for driving license last Mon with Ira and her sisters...going for the first lesson tomolo morning..So looking forward to it..been a while since i've used my brains.. XDXD
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Im going to miss you...
She went off first and said that i will go with my dad later..But at 12 pm,she called and told me to get ready..My brother will come back from work and we will go together with my dad...she was in critical condition...
by the time i reached,i only see my mom and my aunt and they were crying..
doc said we had no choice cos she was too the only way was to keep injecting some medicine to keep her alive till all my relatives came..until then we had to just wait......
i held onto her hand and kissed her cheek while my bro kissed her forehead at the other side of the bed...i hate crying...
finally all my grandmother's children except for one arrived..just when the last one arrived,15 minutes after seeing her son,my grandmother passed away at 3+pm...
her body was taken to the mortuary..we collected it and our families spent the night at my aunt's house...
the next morning,she was buried at Chua Chu Kang cemetery..the place was beautiful..
atleast she managed to see all her children and grandchildren before leaving...
Im going to miss her smile..
Im going to miss her angry face..
Im going to miss her talking about ghost stories on my bed while we were going to sleep..
Im going to miss her nagging at me to be more womanly and help out at the kitchen..
Im going to miss her offering of food to me whnenever i was with her..
Im especially going to miss her warmth as she held onto my arm whenever i hav to escort her to somewhere...
i still cried at night when i thought about the days while she stayed at my house..she looked so cute sitting at the side of the bed while trying to read the medicine prescriptions...
or when she slowly walked back and fro in my house...
im still crying when i typed this out but after this,the tears will go away and only the memories will remain..
I love you granny even though i never say or act like it.....
Saturday, September 06, 2008
hong hong~ <33
When he stared at the camera while singin,my heart went *thump* *thump*
Haiz...And I still haven strted exercising..Wanted to strt today but went to visit my grandmother who nearly suffered a heart attack..Currently recovering in SGH..It was sad to see her in pain.. T___T
Hope she gets better soon....
Thursday, September 04, 2008

Saturday, August 30, 2008
teachers' day,wall-e and bugis
Met them outside school..Ouyang and Hongzhi was also there..Hongzhi hensem lor..LOL..
Anyway,we cannot go in cos of the stupid rule that said slippers are not allowed... >.>
I was so close to cursing which I haven done since i left secondary sch life.. @___@
In the end we managed to get inside but Hongzhi failed cos he's still weaing slippers..Ain managed to borrow one sandals from the security guard aunty..The freaking weird thing was that we r not allowed to watch the performance lor..
Idiot OM..He only like join this year and want to act as though he has been working in tat school for years..Juat die la..We can't even walk anywhere beside the canteen..When he asked where we are gg,i just replied what cannot walk here issit?
LOL..The old Huda was getting back...
In the end Mrs Lim Hui Hui went down and saw the whole bunch of ex-students inbthe canteen,she was surprised and then just ask us to go up and watch the performance..Bastard OM la..
After the performance,we went to see the teachers..LOL..We went to see Ms Ng and Cikgu Norliza and Puan Ida..We also met the cleaner aunty!!!! XDXD
So hilarious!!
I was pretty happy on that day cos alot compliemented me on my lost weight..Even though I hav like gain a lot.. -.-
Can't wait for the next gathering..Suddenly missed my classmates...Haiz...
Hmm..Im strting to like him..XDXD
After 2 times seeing him again..
Hmm..Aftr that went to sch and met Shu Kang..
Did my feedback and we went to watch movie..Meeting Cher,Meme,Lin and Rainee at Cathay..But well,you know me right..We were supposed to drop at Somerset but we dropped at Orchard instead..
LOL..>It's ok SK,We nd to exercise anyway.. XD
So we walked to Somerset..
Watched movie at 4.45pm..So many hilarious and almost embarrassing moment for me.. @____@
After the movie,I went to meet my mom at CP and eat dinner..I ate Western food which is BADDDDD....Well,last time to enjoy food before the training days come.. XD
Then we went home..Ahhh~
So tired...Going out again today to Geylang to watch the concert...Nothing to do at home anyway.. XD
Meme asked me the reason I wan to lose weight and I replied,I wan a boyfren...
I am 20 years old so its normal.. XD
When I told my mom tat,she was like,Huda u getting 'gatal' hor..
Thursday, August 28, 2008
My days of suffering is OFFICIALLY OVER!!!!!
My project assessment was today at 5.15 pm.
Went to Cheryl's house in the morning to use Flash..Finish the job at 3 pm and rushed home...Tot i was gonna b late but Im not..
When I arrived there,the first person I saw was Shu Kang. XD
Everyone was quiet..Finally it was my turn and I went in..Needless to say the assessment went great..They complimented on my work saying that I did good,very good for my animation..
It was Bhakta leh who said tta,the animation teacher of course I was freaking happy!! XD
Shu Kang was waiting for me of course and we went to Ramen Ten to eta..Take it as a celebration occassion..After that went home and here I am..
Tomolo gg to Xinmin in the morning than gg to watch movie with NYP frenz and den mayb meeting my mom in Orchard...
I really can't believe that the days of not sleeping enough,being short-tempered and stoning in the bus are over..Atleast for now.. XD
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Love is a Lie...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

A quiz me and my frens took.. Seems like Im the seme out of the four of them aka cheryl,shu kang,huiying and jia wei.. LOL!
You are a Don't Fuck With Me Seme!
Serious and to the point, and sometimes bordering on the sadistic, it takes a special breed of uke to satisfy your needs. You tend to be anti-social with little patience for most people. You need someone to challenge you and push you to your limits, and then be able to take your intense reactions, which possibly involves rope and sensual torture. This is what makes the Badass Uke the yin for your yang, as you're the only one able to put them in line and satisfy each other.
Most compatible with: Badass Uke
Least compatible with: Dramatic Uke, Innocent Uke, Clueless Uke
What seme or uke are you? Take the experience at, or find merchandise here.
And here's the vid for the song that is playing.. FTI came out with their new album.. XDXD
The strting kinda reminds me of Sarangalee...
Loving Hong Gi's new hairstyle now...And the others too though I still prefer Jonghun's hair to be short.. >.>
Friday, August 15, 2008
alot of irritating things
Yah,my mom's fren whom i also know since very young was sweet and all but i hated the fact tat she sort of hinting abt comparing me and her daughter...
like her daughter knows how to cook and clean house etc,(just like my cousin who also said that her daughter is very hardworking in cleaning house)...I was rolling my eyes and not looking at her when she said tat..Not trying to b a bitch and rude abt it but i freaking hate it when ppl compared with other ppl..
hey,if u wan so much for a person to follow another,might as well don hav any indviduals in this world right? I'm perfectly fine with the way i am even if it meant i do not behave like a gal,not know how to cook or lazy in cleaning house,i like the way i am..(except for my body tat is...-.-)
Atleast im no bitch prowling on the streets in miniskirts and tube,smoking or flirting with some assholes...And atleast im schooling.. >.>
Oh..And i saw this vid where a malay gal was caught on hp cam...Screaming like a crazy woman on the hp in the mrt just cos i think her bf cheated on her..who the fuck care la..there's no nd for her to tell the whole eorld abt her probs.. -.-
all she did was not embarassing her bf but more of herself..I mean if i were her fren bside her,i would ask her to shut the fuck up...even if she was crying her ass off...
Oh yeah..There's also some stupid discussion going on in TVXQ! and Super Junior soompi forums..
the fans in tvxq! tread was discussing abt BigEast VS Cassiopeias which i think was pretty freaking ridiculous...Abt why the cassiopeias hav to wait for so long to hav the band release a single/album while japan can hav singles like every 2/3 months..I was like WTF..
be grateful la..atleast u can see them when they r in Korea...
And super junior,rumours hav been going on abt Kibum gg to quit suju...they r being in denial abt it of cos since there's no official news..but still,as much as i love tat guy,i hav to admit that he don really hav much part being in suju..most of the time he was away on acting..
why must we tie him down in suju if he want to pursue his acting career since he love acting?
i would be happy for him actually even though it mean no more only13...which i don know is a bad or a good thing.. -.-
I know i will get bash for this but who cares..IMO,suju is more known as entertainers and not singers...Compared to TVXQ! who only focuses on singing i think suju will do well in the entertainment business rather than music industry...
And im not saying that cos i love TVXQ!..i love them both and also other artists and well.. XD ( Orange Range,NewS etc... )
Im just stating the facts whether u like it or not...
So buzz off if u wanna bash me eh? ^^
OOOHH..i feel so much better.. XDXD
Been like forever since i cursed and the stress kinda overdid my limitations.. Lol..
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I guess its for the best since i don even know what the hell i'm doing..
Atleast if i retake it will shed some light in my brains..Lol...
Anyway,was watching Rurouni Kenshin again and I remembered how much i love this song..Ever since in primary school or issit sec 1? >.>
And the ending for RK sux to the max.. =___=
Saturday, August 09, 2008
sooo damn stress...
was rushing my assignments yesterday..Only managed to hand in so dead..yupp..
and i think i will hav to retake one module which is 3danimation..
whoever said rigging is easy,i should shoot them >.>
Hmm..watched Journey to the center of the Earth with Shu Kang yesterday at Eng Wah..After i finished my assignmets which was like at 8+ so watched the show at 9.15...
i was freakingly happy to know that two of my actors whom i love is in there.. Boy did Josh Hutcherson grew up to b a fine man.. XDXD
next week chiong-ing for more work and of course the ever beloved studio project...
oh..i forgot to mention that now i hav my own webbie..will changed the layout after my teacher marked it for the assignment.. ^__^
i wanna buy TVXQ! T DVD Concert.. -.-
and im stress-ing on my weight now..haiz..trying to lose 20kg in by end of year.. @___@
( forced too by cheryl so she can ask me to join cosplay.. -.- )
Friday, July 18, 2008
New mp3
I send it to the HQ and the guy called me the next day to say that my model is out of stock aka no hope of having it anymore.
So he decided to replace it with another model,called Creative Zen..He also said that he gave me thie highest size the model is capable which is 32gb only..haiz..This is how it looks like..
I lik bulky things!!! I have a feeling I will like break this in few days lor.. >.>
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Cosplay 5-6 July
OMG...Finally after 2 days,the CosFest is finally over!!! XDXD
It was damn fun I tell you..Lol..Hmm..Let me recount what happened...
1st Day*
We came like at 11+ cos the layout of the booths had changed and we had to meet the organisers first..After that,we set up our stall and waited..The sales are quite slow on the first day..But damn,most of the artists there are DAMN talented la!!OMG...!!
The cosplayers are also very cute..All of the people there are very friendly..^__^
What was I'm surprised about was that alot of ppl seemed to love the Naruto Ending bookmarks..And I printed like 5 sets only..So,we decided to print again on the 2nd day...
2nd Day*
On the 2nd day we went to print..I printed another 10 sets of Naruto ending bookmarks and managed to sell all of it..It's surprising really..Seemed like everyone saved the money to buy on the 2nd day..XD..
Ira's cousin came to pick her Suju up and also Yana and Lihin came to see me.. LOL..Thanx guys~
I hav like 80 badges and managed to sell about 60+..^__^
Hope atleast it covers up the cost I spent to make these..X__X
But like I say,its a fun experience!I hope we can do it again at the end of the year..^__^
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
compared to last time...
Lol..Niwae,here the edited pic of my pinbadges and a bookmark i made..I think i know wat theme for my 2nd set of bookmark..
The below is the edited version...

Ignore the words at the bottom 'cause im still unsure of wat to put there...Mayb design or something.. x__x
Naruto Animal-chibi style~ XDXD