Was surfing the old pics and I found this...Makes me remembered how pretty Teukie can be when he crossdresses... -.- So jealous.. >__<
BTW,before you homophobes go around screaming 'OMG he's GAY!!EWW!!' and makes me wanna smack you,Teukie is NOT gay..This is just a program show where some male artists dressed as woman..Pretty hilarious I tell you..Especially Shindong..
And I swear some of them can make u girls went green with envy..They r damn beautiful la.. >__<
Here are some piccies..'Cause I'm bored okay..If you don like it when I talked about these guys all the time,no one forcing you to read my blog right? -.-
Teukie so pwetty.. -.-

Although Merissa kept telling me to be loyal and stick to one but... XD