Link to 'Last Angel' MV Koda Kumi feat. with TVXQ
Yesterday went out with Farhan,Wani and Nas...I met An under his block and we waited for Nas who came with his sch bag..He thought of studying but I think that was impossible..Niwae,met with Wani in the bus and head to Causeway point...
When we reached,we bought the movie tickets to resident Eveil:Extinction first before eating..Seriously when you went out with those two,you can never be a good girl 'cause you'll be hitting them all the way..Atleast that's wat I did... XD
Resident Evil was as always,damn good!My all-time favourite movie ever...Hahahah..But omg!!The guy in the Part 2 died in here!!!Was so damn sad la...So charismatic and handsome..Haiz...farhan was screaming like a girl in the cinema.. -.- Can't believe I went out with 3 people who were scared of watching that movie...
After that we went to Swensons..You should see the chaos that followed..OMG..Can't stop laughing!!! XDXD It was okay for a first time eating at Swensons I guess..HAHAHAH!!Surrounded by a bunch of people who were excited after seeing the ice-cream...
Then walked around the mall before going to Library..

Hahhaha..Nas was trying to get away before he was caught red-handed but I was too fast..And he said that's why he hated fast camera..Hahhaha...
After that we all sat under the tree.. >.>
Left the place around 8+ pm...Nas was having stomachache or so,so he can't send me home..Reached home at 9+ and lazed around before falling asleep at 11 pm..Woke up at 5.00 am and here I am..Going to school at 11.15 am later..Haiz...
That's all..It was fun conseidering I never went out with An in the group before..
PS:Havta chck my weight 'cause I eat a damn lot yesterday.. -.-;