Niwae,I watched Rush Hour 3 last Wed and man I LOVE that show!!Hahhaha...So far,I have been loving all Rush Hour Movie..Chris Tucker was damn funny and Jackie Chan is so cute with his accent...
Me,Cheryl and Leelin was laughing nonstop throughout the movie..So sad when it ended...Haiz...
Went to Marina Bay yesterday with my family and my aunt and uncle to watch fireworks but all I could see was the people's heads...It was so packed that some indian guys decided to take advantage of the situation..I think he molested one of the girls 'coz her dad was like shouting at him saying he wan to send him to the police..
I didn't really care abt that 'coz its not my body to begin with so might as well mind my own business...In the end,I only get to watch the helicopter carrying the flag in..AISHH!!Wish I could see the performance!!! >__<
After that,we went to HMV 'coz I wanna buy TVXQ Summer Dream single..Turned out Singapore is a slow country...Haven even imported it yet..Haiz..On the other hand, I saw Super Junior T DVD!!!But it was too expensive so I decided to abort the idea..Can't wait for September to come!! ^__^
Tohoshinki Five in the Black DVD Concert!!!WHoOp!!!
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!