Hahahha..Most of you will know about these but for those who don,feel free to browse through..Niwae, in 21 Aug Mnet held '2007 MNet Summer Break 20’s Choice' and many artists were invited..I was kinda surprised that TVXQ was there when they are busy preparing for their concert in other countries..
F.T Island and SUJU were also invited..What makes me pissed/sad was the way some of the people acted..F.T Island was performing and all the damn antis were screaming 'You Sux' etc...You could see the members' faces man!!They were demoralised...Wonbin looked kinda pissed..This even comes out in the news...
I mean come on!Even if you hate that group,can't you hold back your immaturity and act as though they are not there?They just debuted in July and they are young adults for godsakes'!Ranging from 15-18 years old and these people who were screaming crap about them are like older..
I think it may be because of the rumour that Hong Gi,the lead vocalist of F.T Island,talked trash about SUJU and TVXQ...It was stated that the Antis maybe the fans of the group but I cannot be sure..But if it is,you know how some FANS of that groups usually overreacted?
I seriously think that it's just a rumour 'cause firstly,it would be a suicide to your career if you say things like that when you've just debuted and to makes things worse,towards a group that is popular almost worldwide...Even those who have been so long in the industry have been respectful towards each other...
I'm not defending them 'cause I love them but 'cause Antis are really making me sick..Safe to say,I hate Antis to the core..I mean its okay to not like a certain artists but they should atleast be mature about it..Who is perfect in this stupid world?
Furthermore,I mean absolutely NO offense but I think that F.T Island has better vocals than SUJU...Though I really beginning to love Super Junior T where the group sings Trot version of songs..
Overall,I just wanted to say Antis are the ones who needs to get a life 'cause for sure they don have one..They should also attend anger management and learn something about respect!And damn that bitch who were screaming like a deranged banshee..My ears hurts 'cause of her out-of-the-world high vomitting pitch!! BTW,I'm referring to ALL Antis in the world and not just my fav artists... XD
Oh..Before I forget,I also hate those who are close-minded..Guys holding each other hands or girls hugging each other does not classified them as gays or lesbians okay?It's just a way of showing that they trust each other and are comfortable to have close proximity...So you will know if I'm comfortable being very close to you or not and I'm not saying that just 'cause I'm having skinship obssession.. -.-
One thing for sure,I don go around touching or hugging just anyone k?
Niwae,on lighter note,TVXQ were SUPER HOT!!!Hahhaah..Though they didn't win anything...Guess its due to the fact that they are overseas most of the time?And Heechul and KangIn won 'Pretty Boy' and 'Bad Boy'( I guess thats what they are trying to say?More like naughty boy ) awards respectively!! WOot~!!! KangInYunHo LOVE!!hahhaa... Soem pics of the ceremony...

Super Junior

Now about me...Currently in progress of my portfolio and studio project...Haiz...Wanna go jogging with Ira at 5 am tomolo..Hope I can be discipline enough to jog atleast thrice a week if not everyday... >.>
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Wanna buy Super Junior T DVD now!!! >__<