All I have to say is that even though term break is coming,I feel like I will be confined in my house 'cause of the assignments piling up at my doorsteps... -.-
There's COLOR,DEFSD,VASTR and CODID assignments I have to hand in on week 7 & 8...Not to mentioned the most crucial portfolio that I have to hand up in Aug...BAHH!!!Did I mention how much I hate CODID?
Me and my fren was like 'Stay with me tonight' on Wed night..I slept at 6 am to finish up the work and woke up at 7.30 am..What did I get and I quote:'Your ideas are not unique enough'...All I can say was'Oh..Okay.' I think that sentence has become my most favourites...Hahaha..
One thing for sure,kinda glad that I got an A and B for my COLOR exercises and B for one of my DEFSD exercises..Was actually thinking that I got a D for that..About Drawing module...I think I am getting the hand of drawing perspective..I am no longer the last one to finish whereas my other classmate who was actually kinda okay at the beginning became frustrated..
He didn't even try the drawing of bottles for shading this week and I was like WTF besides him?Hahha...No matter how pissed off I get from drawing and erasing,atleast I tried and finished it though it did not look good...
Anyway here's some pics I took with my galfrens...This song playing reminds me of the time when me and my friends were still in Secondary school...Hahah..The moments when we loved to fool around among ourselves...I really miss that...