Haiz...Supposed to b doing my Drawings now but well,wanna update my blog first...
Firstly,to all those spammers out there,aka Cheryl and Ningsi,my tagboard is not a chat place!!!Hahaha...Damn funny..During VASTR,they are like sitting next to each other,Ningsi bsides me and Cheryl hers..But they still tag my board as though we are living in different countries...
Hmmm...I think this week and next,I will super suffer alot..Coz have to hand in our DEFSD and CODID assignments...Think I won't getting enough sleep for this two weeks...Furthermore,even though we got 2 weeks break,they packed us with so much assignments that I felt as though the break is for us to finish those assignments...haiz...
During Comms Skills,I think I spoke out too much...'Cause Wallace was like asking the teacher too much questions in a way she said sounded like confrontational...Then most of the time I was asking him to shut up or told the teacher to just move on with the lesson..Hahha...
Saw Kelvin and Lihin at school...Also met with Ain just now..Said she saw me at the bus stop in 159 bus..Then told her to meet me at Hougang Point to catch up..While we were sitting at the bus stop chatting,heard someone calling my name..Turns out to be Xiang Kuan..He was with Pauline & another gal from 501 whom I can't remember her name...Hahha..
Super missed him man..While talking to him,remember the time when we were in class...haiz...The joy of slacking and having someone to guide us the way..Niwae,guess that's all for today..
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!