But I guess no one really cares ( except for Huisian who's bugging me to update it XD )
And guess what? My long awaited post will not be abt Arashi!! ( or maybe jus a little abt them haha )
Anyway, I'm sooogonna get bricked but after all those things I've said abt never watching Kdrama, I went and watched one.
Life is Beautiful is the title~
Basically it's about a family living in Jeju Island. In my opinion, it's like a 'As the World Turns' minus all those angsty moments. This one is mainly a comedy drama I guess with a bit of angst here and there. I will intro the family members with a bit of my opinion about them. Of course I will start with the main reason I knew this drama in the first place LOL
I will describe them according to Tae Sub's relations and not in general.
Yang Tae Sub
The eldest son of the family who is a closet gay. He is an introvert. A sensitive and calm, polite doctor in his thirties. The kind that everyone wants as a son.
When I first saw him, I already fallen in love with the character and the actor.. LOL.. I guess I just like older guys now and he reminds me of Jackie Chan HAHAH!
Well, I like his character in the drama. Hard to describe but he's very well- mannered man though he showed his coldness towards his step mom. Still, his step mom treasures him the most among all her children. It's so damn obvious.
He can also be a bit prissy with Kyung Soo, his boyfriend. Sometimes his reaction makes me go WTH??!
Kyung Soo
Kyung Soo's personality is opposite of Tae Sub. He's more outgoing and straightforward. He already came out to his family and was treated like a black sheep of the family. He was divorced and has a daughter. He's a lecturer and photographer.
I have to say, I want a boyfriend like him *o*
He's sooo nice towards Tae Sub and so patient and understanding~
By the way, Tae Sub and him are at the same age.
Chae Young

Tae Sub's ex-girlfriend. A cheerful woman who kept clingin to Tae Sub even though she broke up with him.
She appeared in Arashi's show before XDXD
At first, I didn't really like this girl. Especially when she barged into Tae Sub's house and met his parents when he already told her he's not interested in getting back with her. She's liek so deaperate.
At first, I didn't really like this girl. Especially when she barged into Tae Sub's house and met his parents when he already told her he's not interested in getting back with her. She's liek so deaperate.
But apart from that, I guess she's okay~
The Mom, Kim Min Jae
She's a cool mom in my opinion. Yeah the typical mom who nag and cares for her children. But seriously, she needs to set aside some of the biasness towards Tae Sub ( and they're not eve blood-related )
Anyway, the way she handled the situation when her son told her about him being gay is A+... Of course she went all angry and sad but she gave him 100% support.. It's very sweet.
The Dad, Yang Byung Tae
Tae Sub's dad. And I love him!!! He's nice and gentle and cares alot about his children. It's like as long as you are happy, he's happy. He cried when he knew about Tae Sub, worrying about how his son was going to survive in the world ( since Korea is very against gays. ) rather than about his son being gay, and that's sayinga lot about his personality.
Both of the parents are soo cute together~ Always rooting for their children and each other. Love all the moments both of them shares. It's sweet to look at XD
Yang Ho Sub
Tae Sub's younger bro.
He's cute and funny and I love how protective he is of his older bro. He was all 'If Kyung Soo upsets you, I'll beat him up.'
He was pretty accepting when he knew about his bro, always siding with him. Though I think at the beginning he kind of don't understand his bro much since the latter is always by himself and does not talk much.
The Grandparents
The grandma hates the grandpa. It's kinda complicated. Something about her husband leaving them behind and not caring about her at all when they were younger. And now, he had returned to the household after being kicked out of his own house.
It's damn funny at the beginning of the series when they tried their best to hide him from the grandma.
Kyung soo's Mom
Tae Sub was afraid of her when she came to him and threaten him that she will spill it to his parents. Yeah I know, Tae Sub is a coward but I <3 him anyway Lol
Yang Ji Hye
Tae Sub's step sis. A short-tempered woman and abit too controlling of her husband.
At first I didn't really like her 'cause she's the typical modern kind of woman. She was abit miffed about the fact that her mom cares more about her step sis than her own daughter.
But after a few episodes, I grew to like her alot. She's pretty strong-headed at times and I love her for siding with her bro when he came out.
Yang Cho Rong
Tae Sub's younger sister. A bright girl. She was the first to found out about Tae Sub.
I like her at first but especially during Tae Sub's coming out. She was supportive of him, even though she cried her heart out cos she had a major crush on Kyung Soo lol.
But when Ho Sub was getting married, she had this bitchy, irritating side of her which I guess people called it brother complex. And she was awfully mean to her friend who was sorta her boyfriend?
Yang Byung Joon
Tae Sub's oldest uncle. A serious man.
I have to say I really love this guy alot! He's like the most supporting man I have ever seen XD
I thought he would be the one to give Tae Sub the cold shoulder or be disgusted by him due to his no-nonsense nature but I was wrong. He was the most understanding one out of all, handling the situation with so much calmness.
Yang Byung Keol
Tae Sub's yougest uncle. A man who only knows how to shoot his mouth without thinking.
Seriously, as much as I love him for his comedic actions, I really despise him most of the times. He really didn't know how to read the atmosphere, always saying things he shouldn't be saying.
He was the most disgusted with Tae Sub, cursing him and regarded the man as a dirty bastard.
Boo Yeon Joo
Ho Sub's love interest.
Nothing much to say except she's a diligent woman. I wasn't into her at first especially when she showed some arrogant attitude towards Ho Sub.
Jo Ah Ra
Byung Joon's love interest and Chang Young's auntie/cousin?
Aside from her weird accent when she spoke japanese, I kinda like her. though her flirty attitude kinda irked me at the beginning but her relationship with Byung Joon is interesting to watch :D
I guess that's all~
There are other characters but I don't really care much about them lol..
Of course the drama doesn't ficus on KyungTae ( Kyung Soo and Tae Sub ) all the time since the drama is not about them. I think this is a drama I recommend some of those to watch :)
Maybe it will have give awareness to some about gays.
PS: I am SOOO gonna have a KyungTae picspams in the next entry XDXD