Screencapped from their old show, D no Arashi, which was aired from 2003 to 2005...Oh-chan drew these for O no Arashi ( his corner ) where he will pick 2 pics ouot of 100 and combined them into one art...LOL
I only took 2 screencap since I'm lazy to search for his corner in 116 episodes @____@
For the first art he picked a lion,a rubic and a ferris wheel.I love this one the best cos I love how he drew the lion XD
The second art, he picked ninomiya and a dog..Lol
hilarious how he dragged nino to sit with him so he can drew him.
I wish I can draw animals so realistically.. >____________<
Oh btw,i also screencapped oono and sho's matching game..LOL..
sho's horrible drawing is kinda cute i guess.. XD
G no Arashi episode 021
G no Arashi episode 046
Click for larger view!