LOL...Yah..I turned 20 yesterday..>.>
Niwae,these two days was super fun..Suddenly there are like so many people who missed me and asking me out..O.o
In the end I went out with Cheryl and Lin today and with Ira 2molo...Well,yesterday went to animation class late..The walking cycle was a torture...So hard just want to animate the freaking thing...Haiz..Then went to Kovan with Cher and Meme...
Lol...They were acting weird..Cos my sole purpose gg to Kovan was to accompany meme to buy her contact lens...Then they keep asking me if I wan to go Comic Connections...I was wondering why must I be there..Hahha...Actually they wanted to buy for me something..
No wonder they keep looking at the posters and then when I asked I like puzzles,they immediately said "You like puzzles??"
LOL..Then they told me that they asked me to come cos they wanted to buy me something..Then they asked me to pick something I like...And I saw TVXQ! book... <33
And they bought it for me!!!Was so happy la..But I was in a hurry cos I'm gg out with my parents for dinner and it was already 7.30 pm so I had to rush home...So sad that I can't stay with them... >__<
Then me and my family met with my cousin's family and ate at Newton..There was a small drama there..Too lazy to write down but I'll just say that guys who try to act as if they are cool are just bastards in my point of view.. >.>
And today went out with Cher and Lin to Far East...They wanted to buy some clothes for their Chinese New Year..LOL..In the end, they didn't...Then me and Cher went to OG to pick my SUJU Photo Diary while Lin went to Paya Lebar with her sis..After that we went to AMK to eat Ramen Ten and then went home... ^^
Tomolo gg out with Ira..-.- Am soo tired...Hahha...It also means I'm gg to miss EHB!!!! T___T
I want that TVXQ! 3rd jap Album "T"...The songs are freakingly damn nice.. >__<
PS:Thanx to those who paid for my present.. ^^
( Lin,Meme,Cher,Nigel,ShuKang, )