Yep...Finally bought my Creaztive Zen Vision M last Wednesday at Sim Lim...The price was ok I guess..I bought it for 400 bucks plus another 50 for the adapter...It can hold 60GB..Better than the previous 30 GB one which Syafiq said cost about 480 bucks..
Guess I got my birthday present earlier..LOL...Though I have to pay a bit but who cares...hahhaa..Now I won't need the MP3 in my handphone which always stop playing halfway... -.-
And yesterday was Hari Raya Haji...As usual went to my grandfather's then my grandmother's houses...And as usual I slept at my granny's house..Hahaha..Told ya I'm not the type to mingle around with my relatives...
Btw,OMG!!!There's so many things to look forward to for this week and next!!! XDXD
Kyuhyun will finally join the rest of the Super Junior members this week on Explore Human Body!Kyuhyunnie! LOL
And the best part is.....KangTeuk aka Kangin & Leeteuk will be on YSMM next week...OMG!!KangTeuk leh!!!You might be wondering what's the big fuss but hell,I love both of them so no wonder I'm like spazzing right now...All those juicy stuffs and quarrels that will be reveal..Can't wait for it! XDXD
Of course we can't forget on January 6 when TVXQ! are coming to the Explore Human Body show with Super Junior..19 men on the set including the host I love..LOL...
OK..Better stop now..Here's my pics when I'm camwhoring..LOL *As you can see,my pimples are getting worse.. -.- And my mom's nagging at me abt it...Haiz*
