( Me..DUH!! )
Yahh..Today went out with my friends for our 2nd and last outing at East Coast...Went out at 10+ am and I was very late... ( As usual )
They were waiting at the bus stop near Wani's house and I was at the wrong bus stop so had to walk all the way towards them..Kinda stupid actually..I could've just taken the 43 and met them in the bus but well...
( Ira's hiding her stress look... )
Met up with Ira,Junkai,Heng Li,Samuel,Zhi Hao and Ann Nee..Talked along the way and ate when we reached there...After that,Ira went to rent a bike first 'cause we were gonna teach her how to ride...As usual,all beginners will struggle on their first try and Ira was no exception...
You should see the things we did to motivate and help her..Hahaha..It was funny..She finally got it a bit in the end though not much..It's ok Ira!!Don't give up!!!Ann Nee went off earlier so we didn't take piccies together with her...
( Look at us!!! )
Then we went to rent some roller blades...At first I was kinda struggling with it 'cause I have not played the roller blades for so many years but in the end,I managed to do it...It was very fun!!Poor Ira...It seemed like a bad day for her...
( Zhi Hau looked like he was bullied.. )
First she had to suffer learning how to ride a bike and now learning how to skate..Skating was super harder for her..Hahah..The man at the roller blade rental shop was sweatdropping when he helped her and she fell down so many times...Poor Ira...Hahha...S'ok..Try better next time ya?( Me and Samuel with 'kepoh' hands...)
After that took more piccies and finally went home...Ira was freaking out 'cause she was way too late and we sent her home..I was scared that her father will scold us but it was alright so I was saved!!!Hahaha...OK OK..Less talk more pics so here it is!!!
( Oh Yeah!! )
( We rockz!!! )
( Ehh?? )
( Intimate Moment??NOT!!Hahaha )
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Goodbye to Heng Li and I hope you will have fun in Australia!! ^__^ Gonna miss ya!