Life of a Gal
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
One word..TOUGH!!!
Hahaha...I mean for a slacker like me...Every freaking module there's assignments!!!Aaargh!!What makes matter worse was we need to use the computers almost everyday and I am sharing with my bro so...
I was thinking that if this continues on,I should just wake up early in the damn morning to use the com to do research..And here my mom was saying it's ok,just share the com 'cause you are in the First year..Not much to do..Yeah right!
Haven even been in the 3rd week and I already dislike this lecturer whose name I don even wan to remember...She's so slow and disorganised!!I mean she gave us the list of materials to buy for her class which some will have the next day..In addition to that,she gave us assignments which was supposed to be done in the materials she told us to buy...
Besides nearly killing myself with stress and confusion,I guess school's pretty much fun..My classmates are great as we help each other a lot..But I really suffered at drawing classes...Hahaha...I was like the last one to finished yesterday and everyone was crowding around me at one time..The pressure was killing me.... >__<
Slackerz & Loserz!!!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Dong Bang Shin Ki(DBSK/DBSG/TVXQ)

Monday, April 16, 2007
Just being ME
Your Birthdate: January 18 |
- able to bring many people together for a common cause.You tend to excel in work situations, but you also facilitate a lot of social gatherings too. Beyond being a good leader, you are good at inspiring others.You also keep your powerful emotions in check - you know when to emote and when to repress. Your strength: Emotional maturity beyond your years Your weakness: Wearing yourself down with too many responsibilities Your power color: Crimson red Your power symbol: Snowflake Your power month: September |
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Met up with Aini and Jannah before going in the school..Nostalgic hits me when I steeped in..Haha...It was kinda refreshing actually to finally wear my home clothes during Homecoming...Niwae,I went straight to my stall to meet the rest...Missed them man..
One thing I found out was lots of my classmates are going NYP..So there's a high chances that I will run into them...Also saw Syafiq..Member da kurus beb!!Haha...
Helped out at the stall a bit while Jannah and the rest disappeared to God knows where..Hang around with Nasri and Bryan...Then Hidayah and Massanisah came and I walked around with them though Mas had to leave early..Mr Pah also took a pic of us and 'blanje' us hotdogs!!!Hahah..
Sat at the tables where I usually sat during our morning assesmbly,with Nasri,Farhan and Hidayah...Later was joined by Aini,Jannah and Masita..Then the malay boys came and we chat...Hidayah and me waited for Maya and Lihin brfore making our way to Tampiness Mall...
There,we ate at the Century Square..Lihin was bad man!!One point during our feast,he placed something that looked like a chicken on my plate...The key word here is LOOKED...He thought that I was smart enough to tell the difference between a chicken and GINGER..But well,me being me,I bit the thingy!!Bahh!!!The excruciating taste!!
Haha..After that episode,Lihin had to leave first and we walked aro9und some more before going home..The End!!
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:2 more assignmen to go!!
Friday, April 06, 2007
2nd Outing
( Me..DUH!! )
Yahh..Today went out with my friends for our 2nd and last outing at East Coast...Went out at 10+ am and I was very late... ( As usual )
They were waiting at the bus stop near Wani's house and I was at the wrong bus stop so had to walk all the way towards them..Kinda stupid actually..I could've just taken the 43 and met them in the bus but well...
( Ira's hiding her stress look... )
Met up with Ira,Junkai,Heng Li,Samuel,Zhi Hao and Ann Nee..Talked along the way and ate when we reached there...After that,Ira went to rent a bike first 'cause we were gonna teach her how to ride...As usual,all beginners will struggle on their first try and Ira was no exception...
You should see the things we did to motivate and help her..Hahaha..It was funny..She finally got it a bit in the end though not much..It's ok Ira!!Don't give up!!!Ann Nee went off earlier so we didn't take piccies together with her...
( Look at us!!! )
Then we went to rent some roller blades...At first I was kinda struggling with it 'cause I have not played the roller blades for so many years but in the end,I managed to do it...It was very fun!!Poor Ira...It seemed like a bad day for her...
( Zhi Hau looked like he was bullied.. )
First she had to suffer learning how to ride a bike and now learning how to skate..Skating was super harder for her..Hahah..The man at the roller blade rental shop was sweatdropping when he helped her and she fell down so many times...Poor Ira...Hahha...S'ok..Try better next time ya?( Me and Samuel with 'kepoh' hands...)
After that took more piccies and finally went home...Ira was freaking out 'cause she was way too late and we sent her home..I was scared that her father will scold us but it was alright so I was saved!!!Hahaha...OK OK..Less talk more pics so here it is!!!
( Oh Yeah!! )
( We rockz!!! )
( Ehh?? )
( Intimate Moment??NOT!!Hahaha )
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Goodbye to Heng Li and I hope you will have fun in Australia!! ^__^ Gonna miss ya!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
DMD 3 Days Orientation!!!
I speak like a chinese by the end of the day..Read my blog and u get what i mean...
Since there are 3 days,I will just briefly describe to u what I did...
Day 1
Yahh!!First day as usual,I was nervous..So nervous that I felt kinda numb...Woke up @ 7 am and went out @ 7.45..We have to reached there by 8.30 for registration...When I reached there I was like ' SHIT!!I'm damn lost!! '
Then had to called Lihin to asked where is the TFA( Thetre of Arts )..When I finally got there,everyone I saw was alone..Man...Hate it when I have to make new friends..When I went to the reg desk,I didn't know what to do so I asked one of the guys whether I need to reg now..
Then he looked at me with a funny smile and said that they haven't start registering yet so he asked me to relax..I was so damn paiseh lor!!Haha... At 8.30 the registration began and I was allocated at Group 4...
I went into the room and sat down..I was soo quiet..As well as everyone else..No one is talking to each other..Then came one guy who sat behind me..His name is Christian,which I found out later, and he asked me whether I am from Group 4..I said Yes then we went silent again..
Then came our OGL ( Orientation Group Leader ) who introduced themselves as Jac and Trudy...They are soo nice!! Hahha..While waiting for everyone to settle down,I saw Ray coming in!!!I was like ' RAYY!!!! ' in my mind...Finally someone I know..
But too bad he's not in the same course as mine..While I'm in DMD,he's in DET ( Digital Entertainment Technology ) In total,there are 18 students in my class,including me...
Then we were being led to outside where we were supposed to bond...There I made my first friend and so on...AT first the boys was kinda quiet then slowly with the OGLs' enthusiaism,we showed our true colours..All are soo fun to talk to!I found out that me and Nigel was the only oldest ones in the group!!
Sad to say,the most dreading thing I prayed not to happen was that there are no malays in that group!!So I am surrounded by the chinese..Hahha..Not that I mind of course..They are nice and we slowly started to bond when the day ends..We also selected our IC and AIC...
Nothing much for the first day except more briefing about our courses...After the orientation,met with Amirah at 6+ to go eat at Hougang Mall then went home and straight away sleep..
Day 2
Have to be there by 8.15 am..The 2nd day was more exciting 'cause we were playing games and everyone started bond..The games was damn funny!!You get to see how we work as a team and their reactions at each stations of the games..Especially the game called 'Charade' where we had
showed our teammates the title of a movie without telling our mouths...
It was lucky that Boon Chong was clever and knew how to act 'cause we messed along the way..
I even joined the games with such enthusiasms that I surprised myself..Hahha..It's hard not to join when all of your members are having fun...
We then had to come up with a skit for our theme which was 'Hercules'...We split into two groups where one had to think of the skit while the others left to do the board from our group names..
I went home about 9.30 pm doing the board with Shukang,Merissa,Lilin and Jac...It was soo fun!!I finally met my 'species' there!Hahah...Almost all of them are anime freak!!! ^__^
Day 3
Came at 8.30 am to finished up the board and practised our skit..I got the part ' Megara ',the Hercules' galfren..But the skit was supposed to be done in such a way that it was twisted..So instead of Megara,my name was Bananaa and Hercules' Mercury...
And instead of me falling in love with Hercules,I was slapped by Nigel,who played Hecules and him falling in love with the trainer who was played by Aaron..It was the most funniest thing in my life..I was laughing all throughout the show...It was soo damn rare that I participated in this kind of event but I did it...
Once I get my hands on the clip that our nice OGL Jac helped to record,I'll upload it to Youtube!!Hahaha...Then I had to go off early so I missed the rest of the events after th skit..
Overall,I'm glad I am in this group 'cause everyone are friendly even if we do not know each other very well..Hope we are going to be bonded much more closer in the upcoming days!!!
DMD Group 04 -- ANY-THINK ROX!!!!YEAHH!!! ^__^
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Good luck to those who are having their orientations in the later weeks!!
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Well,I went out with Lihin to help Maya with her volunteer work at National Library before meeting with Dayah...It was okay at first but when I met those people there,I kinda hate the atmosphere..Don know why but to me,they are so fake...
I mean what so great about volunteering when outside people have to do their jobs?Lihin and I are not involve in these things but we are the ones who were helping arranging chairs...It's not as if I'm saying that it was such a chore but well,those people aren't doing their jobs and most were just chatting...
Maya asked me to join her next year..At first I was okay with it but now after seeing that,I am having second thoughts..To say frankly,I will never be able to carry out the duty efficiently...I am not patient nor am I compassionate..I have a rebellious streak and hate to be ordered by those who thinks they know it all..
Let's face the fact..Like it or not,I am egoistic..Some might say I have TOO much ego but hell everyone are egoistic..It's just a matter of how you show it..Another thing is,they don know me..Hell,I don even know myself..But then,I don always go against everyone's opinions everytime nor do I value mine more than the rest but sometimes,you just have to stand up for yourself..
I mean it's kinda stupid if you let others push you and step all over your head..You need to rebut and say what you think or feel.. And if they won't accept it and look down on you coz of that,then to hell with them..They may be your friends guys,but they don run your life...
One thing for sure,even though I still dislike that gal from Secondary School to a certain degree,nothing could ever compared to what I felt to those people who backstab others and pretend to know how you feel when in fact they don...Like I've said before,you must experience that pain yourself before you say the famous phrase which is,' I know how you feel..'
To Maya: Relax and don stress out too much beb...Like I said before,only value opinions of those who matters to you and trashed the others..Especially that guy with no *ehem*...Hahaha.. You may think it's difficult now but hey,I've been through all the backstabbing etc so I know how you feel (Get my drift? ) but if I can make my life right again,you can too ya... Call me if you need anything or someone to talk to... All I can say is,this experience will make you more mature and give you a new perspective of life and the types of people you can or should not trust..Believe me I know...Hahha...
Well,that's all I have to say about what I feel about today...
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!