Hahah..Went out with Nasri,Jannah and Farhan today to Ang Mo Kio Library @ 11 am to help them with their maths..Talk for awhile after that and went to Banquet to eat..Farhan 'blanja' us!!Thanx man!!

Then went window shopping for awhile and went home by 4pm...We're kinda dropped at the wrong bus stop courtsey of me and walked to Hougang Point..It's like only one bus stop away..Along the way,we talked about ghosts and stuffs...
Before that,Yani did messaged me saying that we should cancel our plan of going to Peninsular and I was like okay..I thought that she meant we are not going out but dear lord was I wrong!!Hahaha...I mean here I was hanging out with my 3 friends at Hougang Point and Yani was there cursing for my tardiness at the bus stop...Miscommunication here!!!
She finally met up with me at Hougang Point and we went to Hougang Mall..Bought some things there and make our way to Bishan..With my hard-practised of making 'puppy' faces,she wilted and we watched 300!!!!I LOVED THAT SHOW!!!
The story is very interesting..The graphics are different and you see the strength of a King to protect his people..Very good..I mean if you love that type of show,of course you will agree with me..Hahah..Yani who was not interested became excited about the show..The starting was kinda slow but then BOOM!!!I felt as though I wanna join the war man!!Hahah..
It's also kinda sad at the end but 'M not gonna spoil the movie by telling you what happened so... ^__^ All I can say is,that enemy is a freaking perfectionist son-of-a-B****!!!I hate that guy man!!!Niwae,here's some piccies of that movie...

After that went to eat and go home...Reached home,found out that the Poly Package had arrived BUT!!!There is a missing form!!They did not include the Mendaki Application..Cis..Have to go to Nanyang Poly and take that form..
Hmm...My Orientation is on 3-5 April while Zahirah's on 13 Apr..Haiz...Going solo it seems..School starts on 16 April and I can't wait!!
Btw,I wanna watch Mr Bean's Holiday and the Hills have Eyes 2 upcoming 22 mach!!!
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:I am so gonna buy 300 soundtrack man!!The BGM are COOL!!!
PPS:Kari,blom g...Nanti aku letak bnyk2 eh gmbr anime..Nyahaha...