Gotta lot to say in this journal so sit back relax and strain your eyes ya?
1st DayWell,on last Sunday,me,my family and my aunt and her son went to Bedok Jetty for fishing..Bro and Dad went on Dad's bike and the rest of us were cramped in the taxi...Reached there about 11+ am..Hahah..It was darn HOT!!!Dad reminded me to wear long sleeves so my skin will not have double colours..
When we had selected a spot,Dad went on to set-up his equipmen..Learned quite a bit about how to do so...Then came my turn..I was clueless man..Never in my life have I even touched a fishing pole,how the heck was I supposed to throw it in???
I was scared shitless further more,when I asked Dad what happened if let's say,I was being the silly ol' me and dropped the kinda expensive fishing pole into the deep greenish water below joined by the nice fishies that we were about to catch?Of course not that long-winded but you catch my drift...
AND U KNOW WHAT HE SAID???!!He said in a deadpanned voice that I have to jump into the water and retrieve it..HE SAID JUMPED INTO THE WATER!!!AND I CAN'T EVEN SWIM!!!He loves his fishing pole more than his own daughter..The sadness is eating me alive..Hahahaa..
Anyway,after that short horror,I went on to throw,with the rest of my family watching me in anticipation, and ended up smacking myself with the floating grey thing..I just can't seemed to remember the name for it..It was used to make the lines more heavier so that the bait will sink..
Niwae,I kinda forgot to open the reel so the lines were stuck..Hahaha..That was my first accident..After my aunt showed me the right way to throw,I tried again but this time,my lines were all tangled together!!!
When my father was untangling it,he was tsk-ing at me!!!Hahha..He said that never in his life have he seen one who is beginner messed up like me..Short-form,I'm the worse beginner ever..Geee..Thanx for the vote of confidence...
After that second accident,I became more what you would say,'pro' in throwing the bait..Hahhaa..But it just had to happen to ME!!!
I thought that I had caught a fish when I reeled in and felt that it was heavy but it was only some fishing lines all bundled up that some freaking people threw!!My luck was not clearly on my side on that day...Haiz...
After the third accident,I gave up and walked around for more than 2 hours...Hahaha..But when I came back,my luck was by my side even for a little while..Managed to catch a fish and me still being me,just stood there and gaped at the fish caught..My mama was like shouting at me to bring it over so that it will not escaped..Hahha..
After that not much accident occurred except that we were so thirsty we could drink the whole sea!My face was getting hot and sweaty..A feeling that I absolutely hate...My Dad FINALLY decided to go home at 7+ pm...I think he was unsatisfied with the lack of fishes caught and does not want to give up..
Ate at a restaurant which I now called the Sure-to-Gain-2-KG restaurant 'cause I was stuffing my face all the way..And did I mentioned that my mom brought food enough to run away from home that morning?
We reached home about 10+ pm and I hit the sack at about 12 am...My Dad and Mama had long gone to La-La Land...Hahaha..
2nd DayNext day,my mama went to visit one of the relatives who had just passed away the day before..It is said that it's a bad omen when you dreamed of receiving money..It always meant death in the family..My mama dreamed that my brother had gave her lots of money and the next day,my uncle's daughter who was only nine ( I think ) passed away last year...Then I dreamed that I received money from my aunt and one from my mama's side passed away..The one she was going to visit..
Anyway,after that I was to meet my mama at the MRT..We're going to the ICA Building to change my passport photo..When I was on the way to the MRT station,I was so engrossed with watching the people on the pathwalk that I just had to forgot to drop off...I was like ' Mcm aku pernah nmpk station tu' Hahha..
Boy how I scrambled when I realised my mistake..It's a good thing I realised where I was before it was too late...My mama met me in the MRT after that at Toa Payoh and the my aunt and her son who was waiting for a long at that place...
When I took my picture I was like "What the hell?" 'cause my face was white aside from my neck which was red!!!Bahh!!The effect of staying under the sun too long was excruciating!!!
After that dramatic scene,we went to Kampong Jawa of wateva rings with name and ate..Then went to Bugis Junction and I bought a novel which I paid using NETS for the first time!!Hahah..It was fun..
Then went to Bugis Street and I bought a new duffel bag..Can't find any clothes I like as it was almost all selling girls' clothes..Bahh..After that,we went on our separate ways and went home...
At night,my primary school fren,Hairi,called out of a sudden and we chat on the the phone...Seems like he's already in NS and is having his camp when he called..A police just like my bro..Hahha..After that I went to sleep at 12 am after SMS-ing Zahirah..
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!