Well...It was fun today..Had our Teachers' Day celebration and it was freaking funny!!Hahaha...Mr Chia was sOoo CUTEZ!!
Niwae,was supposed to go to my primary school back but I was feeling kinda lazy..Further more,Amirah too was feeling the same way..So in the end I have to tell poor Yani that we cancelled our plan..Sorry YANI!!!
After that,was kinda bored so decided to chat with Hafiz,Shalihin and Liyana..'Lepak' under my block for about 2 hours before going to see Liyana's boyboy...Haha..Then me,Hafiz and Shalihin saw Safie and Syafiq manaf at Banquet @ Compass Point after that..FuYyoooO...Aiwen,Vivian and the rest are also there..Whatta day..
Then we go to Ang Mo Kio to watch Monster House..It was an okay story but Yana,I think I still prefer 'Finding Nemo'...Hehehe...It was damn cold in the cinema so Apiz was kind to lent me his shirt..He WAS wearing another shirt under there by the way!
After that,we go home and here I am...Typing this entry while watching Singapore Idol..Hope Hady is not voted out...Guess that's all..
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:It was fun guys...Missed ya alotz! ^__^
Life of a Gal
Please do NOT Take anything from this site and use for your own purposes
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Jap GUYS!!
Wahh~!!!Our school is having Japanese students from Takada High and their teachers for a week!!!THIS WEEK!!
Ooo!!On monday I just saw some of them and I was like oHhh!!I love their school uniforms!!Reminds me about anime!Duh...Hahaha..Some of them are HOT!!You know me..I have a fetish for Jap guys dude..Hahah..My eyes were like scanning the place for them the whole day...
Just now I walked past some Jap boys and I heard them speaking in japanese..Garghhh!!My heart melts and I am thrown in the world of Naruto..I simply *LOVE* their accent.. ^__^
Well,let's stop talking about them eh?Just had my O'Level Examinations today..Quite well done I would say..For conversation and picture discussion anyway..I think I screwed up woth my reading passage but well,overall I guess I had done okay...I mean there was no prompts for picture and conversations!How cool was that?I was like shooting all the way..
Though I think I heard the last question wrongly but even if I did,the examiner should guide me to the right track right?However she did not so I think I did sort of answer the question indirectly...I was so excited that I finished my Oral that I left my IC on the examiners' desk!!It's a good thing the invilator remember me and looked for me..He was like...
"Where is your IC?"
I heard wrongly and I thought that he asked for my IC number so I replied..Then he was like "EH?" and repeated the question again...I was confused but I freaked 0ut when I can't find my IC..I shouted where is my IC and do the hands thing you know I always do when I am excited or nervous..Hahah..Silly me..
The teacher gave me a 'Ish Ish' look and hand over the IC..Woow!Scared the hell outta me man..Just imagine the look on my mother's face when I said that I lost my IC..I think she would personally send me to God herself man...Literally...>__<
Anyway,I guess I am sad that my reading suckx but what the hell..No use crying over spilt milk so I will 'cheong' for my paper one and two man!!GANBATTE!!! ^o^
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Miss Dada but he will be back on Saturday afternoon!!!Can't wait!Yeah!!!
Ooo!!On monday I just saw some of them and I was like oHhh!!I love their school uniforms!!Reminds me about anime!Duh...Hahaha..Some of them are HOT!!You know me..I have a fetish for Jap guys dude..Hahah..My eyes were like scanning the place for them the whole day...
Just now I walked past some Jap boys and I heard them speaking in japanese..Garghhh!!My heart melts and I am thrown in the world of Naruto..I simply *LOVE* their accent.. ^__^
Well,let's stop talking about them eh?Just had my O'Level Examinations today..Quite well done I would say..For conversation and picture discussion anyway..I think I screwed up woth my reading passage but well,overall I guess I had done okay...I mean there was no prompts for picture and conversations!How cool was that?I was like shooting all the way..
Though I think I heard the last question wrongly but even if I did,the examiner should guide me to the right track right?However she did not so I think I did sort of answer the question indirectly...I was so excited that I finished my Oral that I left my IC on the examiners' desk!!It's a good thing the invilator remember me and looked for me..He was like...
"Where is your IC?"
I heard wrongly and I thought that he asked for my IC number so I replied..Then he was like "EH?" and repeated the question again...I was confused but I freaked 0ut when I can't find my IC..I shouted where is my IC and do the hands thing you know I always do when I am excited or nervous..Hahah..Silly me..
The teacher gave me a 'Ish Ish' look and hand over the IC..Woow!Scared the hell outta me man..Just imagine the look on my mother's face when I said that I lost my IC..I think she would personally send me to God herself man...Literally...>__<
Anyway,I guess I am sad that my reading suckx but what the hell..No use crying over spilt milk so I will 'cheong' for my paper one and two man!!GANBATTE!!! ^o^
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Miss Dada but he will be back on Saturday afternoon!!!Can't wait!Yeah!!!
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Gaaarghhh!!I can't believe this!!Though it was a little too late,let me rant for awhile about Singapore Idol results here...
I CANNOT believe that Mathilda was out!!She was the one of the best singers there!!What the freaking hell were Singaporeans thinking??Can't they listen to the idols' voices or are their blind love has deafen them??!!My god..If this continues on,Singapore Idol is gonna be a joke...
Mathilda was good man..I love her aggressive voice..Furthermore,she was the bottom 3 with Hady and Jonathan!!I would understand if she have litte supporters but Hady and Jonathan??Come on man!!These people are the best out of all of them...Hady was good and I think he surpasses Bon Jovi' voice with that song!I am terribly ashamed of Singapore's way of thinking that looks matters the most...
If Joa Kim is still in the competition and if I were the judges,I will take drastic measure man...Not that I have something against him or anything but let's face it,there is nothing unique about his voice and he hasn't been improving like the rest of them...I was shocked when Gurmit said that some people critisized Ken,saying that he should just accept what people can offers and not to ask for more from them..If some truly thinks that way,I think there's no use for Singapore Idol eh?That way, everyone can become a singer...
I think Singapore Idol is really about people improving and becoming better than they already are..It is about outshining others in the music industry..If we just stay the way we are,how are we gonna compete with the rest of the world out there who are way much better that us?Though I am not that devoted fan of Singapore Idol,this really pissed me off and I am terribly fretting about Singapore's music industry in the future...At least we have Taufik batisah to be proud of...
Well..I guess that's all for my rant today...Let's just watch next week and see if Singapore really knows how to listen?Got only one message to those fans out there..Take my advice and go dig your ears..Literally...I am saying this with a caring manner you can see on my face! ^__^
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:BTW,wish me luck for my O'Level Oral on Tuesday and my Prelims on Thursday.. >__<
I CANNOT believe that Mathilda was out!!She was the one of the best singers there!!What the freaking hell were Singaporeans thinking??Can't they listen to the idols' voices or are their blind love has deafen them??!!My god..If this continues on,Singapore Idol is gonna be a joke...
Mathilda was good man..I love her aggressive voice..Furthermore,she was the bottom 3 with Hady and Jonathan!!I would understand if she have litte supporters but Hady and Jonathan??Come on man!!These people are the best out of all of them...Hady was good and I think he surpasses Bon Jovi' voice with that song!I am terribly ashamed of Singapore's way of thinking that looks matters the most...
If Joa Kim is still in the competition and if I were the judges,I will take drastic measure man...Not that I have something against him or anything but let's face it,there is nothing unique about his voice and he hasn't been improving like the rest of them...I was shocked when Gurmit said that some people critisized Ken,saying that he should just accept what people can offers and not to ask for more from them..If some truly thinks that way,I think there's no use for Singapore Idol eh?That way, everyone can become a singer...
I think Singapore Idol is really about people improving and becoming better than they already are..It is about outshining others in the music industry..If we just stay the way we are,how are we gonna compete with the rest of the world out there who are way much better that us?Though I am not that devoted fan of Singapore Idol,this really pissed me off and I am terribly fretting about Singapore's music industry in the future...At least we have Taufik batisah to be proud of...
Well..I guess that's all for my rant today...Let's just watch next week and see if Singapore really knows how to listen?Got only one message to those fans out there..Take my advice and go dig your ears..Literally...I am saying this with a caring manner you can see on my face! ^__^
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:BTW,wish me luck for my O'Level Oral on Tuesday and my Prelims on Thursday.. >__<
Monday, August 14, 2006
Lance's GAY??

Just read some magazine my friend bought and I found out that Lance has come out of the closet!!My one of the old favourite member from N'Snyc is GAY!!
Gaargghh!!The shock..Though it was not really shocking news to me..I had always suspected it..I mean he always look kinda femine and he never really have a girlfriend at that time saying that he was busy with work and all that but hello,what about the other members?Especially that Justin Timberlake...
Well,I was not really pissed off..Hell,it is his life and I got nothing to say..What I was really surprised was he is datind Reichen Lehmkuhl!!You know,the guy from Amazing Race 4??This means that he and Chip has separated..What a drag...
Anyway,even if Lance is gay,I will still love him..Hahah..I mean he was the first celebrity I like..Well,I guess that;s all I havta say..
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:Btw,how's the new layout??Pretty cool huh?? ^__^
Friday, August 11, 2006
blah blah
Memang lah da tak update lagi Maya...takde mood dok...Hahaha...Ni aku update r ni...
Went out with Wani at the last minute today..I kinda forced her to accompany me to Hereen..Wanna buy the Tackey & Tsubasa cd!!!BUT HMV sux!!!One thing there was none and the other was even there was one,I could not afford it cause it was $70+!!Wat the HECK?!!I know it was imported but still...
I think Singapore needs to think about the price of the CDs...I think Singaporeans have not enough exposure to other musics besides of course the english ones..I think that was overexposed..Anyway,Singapore should atleast try to make it cheaper man...
Let's stop talking about that shall we?Today got our Mother Tongue results and I think you know the answer to that eh?I have the potential of getting B3s all over my faces..Hahah..Wasn't really disappointed 'cause I kinda expected it but I was shocked that Nasri and Wani got B3..I mean of all the students there,they were the ones I expected to get A1...Never mind that..Do your best for the end of year guys!!Ganbatte!! ^__^
OH!!And I am especially proud of Marzuki..He got an A1!!Woow!!I think he has the chances of becoming a top student...Speaking of me,I decided not to retake again..I mean hey I have taken for like three times and the result was still the same..So,I decided to stop wasting my time and concentrates on other subjects..
Another issue is,Rahimah was outz!!!What ta hell??I know that I'm not really the die-hard fan off SG Idol but I still like some of the contestants there...To me,Hady,Mathilda and Rahimah have potentials of becoming a singer...Haiz...But Singapore voted right so what can I say?But if I were them,Joa Kim would be out...
Last thing is Mrs Irene Tan is BACK!!!OMG!!!I finally see a hope shining...I have a hope to pass my POA!!!GOD!!Can't believe this but I missed her...Hahaha...I think lots of students will agree with me...They were like asking so many questions...Now if I could just get Mrs Annie Ng,then everything will be purrrfect... =' '=
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:If you hate someone,would you still talk to them as though you are best friends?I can't fathom how someone can be such a jerk to do so..
Went out with Wani at the last minute today..I kinda forced her to accompany me to Hereen..Wanna buy the Tackey & Tsubasa cd!!!BUT HMV sux!!!One thing there was none and the other was even there was one,I could not afford it cause it was $70+!!Wat the HECK?!!I know it was imported but still...
I think Singapore needs to think about the price of the CDs...I think Singaporeans have not enough exposure to other musics besides of course the english ones..I think that was overexposed..Anyway,Singapore should atleast try to make it cheaper man...
Let's stop talking about that shall we?Today got our Mother Tongue results and I think you know the answer to that eh?I have the potential of getting B3s all over my faces..Hahah..Wasn't really disappointed 'cause I kinda expected it but I was shocked that Nasri and Wani got B3..I mean of all the students there,they were the ones I expected to get A1...Never mind that..Do your best for the end of year guys!!Ganbatte!! ^__^
OH!!And I am especially proud of Marzuki..He got an A1!!Woow!!I think he has the chances of becoming a top student...Speaking of me,I decided not to retake again..I mean hey I have taken for like three times and the result was still the same..So,I decided to stop wasting my time and concentrates on other subjects..
Another issue is,Rahimah was outz!!!What ta hell??I know that I'm not really the die-hard fan off SG Idol but I still like some of the contestants there...To me,Hady,Mathilda and Rahimah have potentials of becoming a singer...Haiz...But Singapore voted right so what can I say?But if I were them,Joa Kim would be out...
Last thing is Mrs Irene Tan is BACK!!!OMG!!!I finally see a hope shining...I have a hope to pass my POA!!!GOD!!Can't believe this but I missed her...Hahaha...I think lots of students will agree with me...They were like asking so many questions...Now if I could just get Mrs Annie Ng,then everything will be purrrfect... =' '=
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:If you hate someone,would you still talk to them as though you are best friends?I can't fathom how someone can be such a jerk to do so..
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