Phew...Really love it when I get it out of my aching system... ^^ Hope my mother take me to the movie on Wed 14th ...Wanna watch my member acts..THE KING KONG!!!( Sorry Lihin!! ^o^ )
Niwae...Since I have nothing to say..Let talk about wat I have been doing since last night and this morning...See THAT??That's wat....

Niwae...wat's to say??I used pencils to sketch it then use markers to outline it...Make thick and thin lines and just kinda coloured the background as I go along 'cause it's too plain... ^^ After which I put on my final touches with my beloved HP:Image Zone!!! <3>_< .....
Well tat's all of my rambling for today..See??This wat happens when u r bored out of ur useless mind.....
See Ya Slackerz & Loserz!!!
PS:For those who still kinda slow,S & L is Slackerz & Loserz my theme for this blog...Hmmm...Should change the name to S.L.S ... SlackerzLoserzSlowz~~~!!!Bwahahaha!!!