YEAHHHH!!!After knowing them and loving them since their debut,I finally saw them live!XDXD
I met with meme and cher at serangoon mrt at 10 and make our way to vivocity.Reach there and bought some snacks and went on to the venue..
OMG..If i know there was gonna b a queue number,I would have come like at 8 or something.. >.>
So in the end we get like 400+ number...bah..
while waiting we also bought ft island jump up mini album..LOL..actually i don wan to buy but they signed it leh...of cos i wan XDXD
den wait and wait..while waiting i heard a scream and guess what..honggi was on the 2nd level looking at the fans la...dammit..i saw like only a glimpse of him before he turned ard and went it...he was in his singlet..
if only the fan didn't scream,he would b still standing there!!! >___<
but meme got a clear view of him tho..LOL
I havta say the organisation isn't really tat good but atleast they try their best. we came inside the place at 3.15 like that..
i was standing not so far from the stage and i can c clearly,aside from Minhwan who was drumming at the back T___T
The fans was screaming was kinda irritating actually especially the ones beside me.Cher was like saying ahh i wan to c jonghun and guess what?the gal next to me look at us and strted shouting i love jonghun..
Me and cher was like uh.....and i told cher she just trying to spite u so ignore her.. anyway,it was kinda irritating cos they keep shouting i love etc and keep bumping into me when im taking vids so yeah.. when fti came out i was star-struck...AGAIN~
I mean imagine liking a band for 2 years and finally they r standing in front of u..LOL..of cos i go crazy XDXD
at first honggi was singing normally..mayb cos they don know how to act ard singapore fans but after that he totally when crazy and keep goofing ard and jumping here and usual
I really envied those in front cos he totally interacted with them la.. like holding their hands and gg near them and looking at their cam..also he took the penstick or wateva u call and also a fanmade singnboard of his name...AHHHH..he's good at fanserving man XD
Oh and during their MC it was hilarious.. All the broken sentences of english etc..AHHAHHAHA I was laughing my ass off...
what i was sad abt was that they didn't sing saranghoae.... T___T
one of my most fav song...and i was so sure they would sing tat..haiz..
honggi sang out of tune most of the songs and minhwan make mistakes with his drums alot..they need to rehearse more.. -.- jonghun was as usual emo-ing one corner with his guitar but he went nearer to honggi at later part so i managed to get him in the vids.. XDXD
I am sooo proud of he is a new member,of cos i don know much abt him but i havta say he's nice to the i said,i think seunghyun,jaejin and minhwan r the nicest towards fans..Honggi always has an attitude..i hav to admit tat even tho he's fav XD
and seunghyun keep smiling its so sweet..i love his smile ^^ totally ranting...Me and cher made a pact not to show anyone the vids...HAHHAHA...its a precious memories for us...but im pretty sure those ppl will upload on utube..especially those nearer to the stage..
I hope they come again soon but i doubt so since they r preparing for their 3rd album...well,guess that's the end of my rants~
another pathetic pics of them b4 i gave up and took vids instead >.>

and they r otw home now...bye ft island~thank you for coming ^^
PS:Honggi is getting chubbier again XDXD