Currently,I've been eating like hell but that's no new discoveries.. -.-
Hmmm,yesterday ShuKang,Merissa and Leelin as well as Cheryl came to my house..The original plan was only Meme 'cause we wanna do our STORY but well,here and there happened and three other stooges came.. ^_____^
And they r coming again today.. >.>
Issit weird to say that I love my Drawing and 3DAnimation+3DModelling lecturer?
'Cause Meme and Cheryl was laugjing their asses off when I said that..
Of course there are something along the line that one of the lecturer was getting handsome everyday..And I mean it in a plain way not that disgusting girlish fangirl way.. X___X
BTW,we already booked the hotel for Genting..Sad to say that our hotel has no bath tubs.. T___T
Soo damn sad la..Haiz...Niwae,bunkmates are:
Cheryl+Lee Lin
Nigel+Shu Kang
Next is the formation of a group called 'One-Quartz'...
A group that is selling our own fanarts prints and merchandises..More information will be given once the webbie is up! ^__^
( Consists of me,Shu Kang,Lee Lin & Cheryl )
I'm beginning to think that helping ur frens won't do any good..
'Cause ur kindness will just come and bite u where the place don't shine...
(From what I've seen in secondary school days )
OHHH!!!!!I LOVE that phrase...LOL...Coming from the owner of the Steve FanClub! XDXD